Failure is just a lesson. Go outside breathe the air smell the flowers and stop beating yourself up. Find things that are real, Jesus isn’t real.I'm always honest with myself and I have mood swings and minor depression. My brother claims to have depression and he takes Zoloft and my grandma is schizophrenic. I DO NOT BLAME depression or anything. I blame ME. All this started because I gave my 100% to something that I loved and I failed. I sacrificed a lot of things and I lost so many friends and opportunities and I believed that I could do it but I FAILED. Since then, I believe that there must be something else to give my 100% and succeed.
Nobody knows if anything is real.Failure is just a lesson. Go outside breathe the air smell the flowers and stop beating yourself up. Find things that are real, Jesus isn’t real.
Wow, truly beautiful. Thank you and God Bless.Footprints In The Sand
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
Sounds familiar. I’m in bed right now, too depressed to get up. What if you got a dog? Then you will have a friend. And responsibility’s. But don’t get one and then neglect it. Play with it everyday.I feel like I've wasted my whole life so far. I failed doing something that I loved and invested so much time on that, losing friends, oppurtunities and others. If I failed despite giving my 100%, it means that it was not my purpose. That's fate, I understand that. After that failure, I got even more depressed and couldn't even get out of bed. I was waking up around 16:00pm and just waiting for night time to sleep again. This lasted for some years.
Hello. A lot of people say I'm too young to worry but I cannot say that to myself because time flies. Also, keep in mind that I've been feeling like this since 19-20yrs old. It'a been 4 years since then. Another 4 years and I'm 27. Another 4 and I'm in my 30s. I cannot allow that. I CAN'T. Others are millionaires at 23. Others have devoloped insane skills. I just need to keep trying things until I find something that I love doing or even something that I'm very good at and not even love it. Peace.If you are only 23, you have a lot more life to waste. Don’t live with regrets because they will haunt you forever.
Sounds familiar. I’m in bed right now, too depressed to get up. What if you got a dog? Then you will have a friend. And responsibility’s. But don’t get one and then neglect it. Play with it everyday.
Where are the friends you had? Meet up with them.
Believe it or not, regardless of some of the 'insane skills' that a lot of people might have out there, there aren't a lot of people that truly know themselves and that's a path (or 'insane skill') that you've been pursuing. Yes, it can be insane sometimes but you can't truly find yourself until you realize that you're lost ..which is a good chunk of the 'battle' right there . Keep walking the path that you're on. I think you're doing great... Others have devoloped insane skills. I just need to keep trying things until I find something that I love doing or even something that I'm very good at and not even love it. Peace.
Keep trying and give 100% to everyone and everything.I'm always honest with myself and I have mood swings and minor depression. My brother claims to have depression and he takes Zoloft and my grandma is schizophrenic. I DO NOT BLAME depression or anything. I blame ME. All this started because I gave my 100% to something that I loved and I failed. I sacrificed a lot of things and I lost so many friends and opportunities and I believed that I could do it but I FAILED. Since then, I believe that there must be something else to give my 100% and succeed.
Hello my friend. Thank you for the kind words. I've been reading the cat story everydayBelieve it or not, regardless of some of the 'insane skills' that a lot of people might have out there, there aren't a lot of people that truly know themselves and that's a path (or 'insane skill') that you've been pursuing. Yes, it can be insane sometimes but you can't truly find yourself until you realize that you're lost ..which is a good chunk of the 'battle' right there . Keep walking the path that you're on. I think you're doing great.
Hello. I've studied Taoism and Stoicism and applying their ideas and methods to everyday life is great for inner peace. However, I cannot simply apply a lot of things. I think it's because I compare myself to others and 100% of the time the others are very successful. I need to stop comparing myself and only compare myself to yesterday self and only improve.Keep trying and give 100% to everyone and everything.
You only fail if you stop trying.
I’m 54 man, it may take you a while but you’re a young guy. Give it time and enjoy what you have instead of looking for something else to make you complete.
Mental illness IS you. It’s not blaming something else. I’m bipolar so I understand.
Big mistake. You can’t compare yourself to others. You have your own journey.Hello. I've studied Taoism and Stoicism and applying their ideas and methods to everyday life is great for inner peace. However, I cannot simply apply a lot of things. I think it's because I compare myself to others and 100% of the time the others are very successful. I need to stop comparing myself and only compare myself to yesterday self and only improve.
I listen mostly electronic music(psychedelic forest) but I've had my brother and many others tell me to listen to Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd. The thing is, I normally don't listen to this kind of music but maybe on acid or magic truffles I will enjoy it more. I just hope I can understand the lyrics because english is not my mother language.if you get confused listen to the music play - the grateful dead
that's from the song Franklin's tower , and yes they have lots of poetry, lyrics available onlineI listen mostly electronic music(psychedelic forest) but I've had my brother and many others tell me to listen to Grateful Dead or Pink Floyd. The thing is, I normally don't listen to this kind of music but maybe on acid or magic truffles I will enjoy it more. I just hope I can understand the lyrics because english is not my mother language.
I agree it's a mistake and I must stop doing it, but it's hard. At least sometimes it can have a positive impact. When I compare myself to Arnold for example, I usually want to train harder because he motivates me. However, there could be times when I would say that there's no way I can be like that or that he was double my size when he was my age (despite the steroids) and feel down.Big mistake. You can’t compare yourself to others. You have your own journey.
Life is like golf imho you always play against yourself and TRY to improve every day. Doesn’t mean you’re going to improve every day, just t try your best.
God doesn’t ask that we all be saints, just that we try.
My father grew up listening to them. He has a huge collection of vinyls of Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, The Byrds, The Doors and I can't forget the banana vinyl (Andy Warhol) lol. Maybe I can give them a try when my valhalla truffles arrivethat's from the song Franklin's tower , and yes they have lots of poetry, lyrics available online
If Arnold does the best he can, that’s your goal. You can’t change biology.I agree it's a mistake and I must stop doing it, but it's hard. At least sometimes it can have a positive impact. When I compare myself to Arnold for example, I usually want to train harder because he motivates me. However, there could be times when I would say that there's no way I can be like that or that he was double my size when he was my age (despite the steroids) and feel down.