Any advice for a lost soul?

Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.
Sitting alone with your thoughts........can be very scary. That's why I have to be engaged with something constantly.........throttles my brain down........Luckily I have real passion for many things.......I've been this way my whole life, especially now........I have an uncurable condition, pain 24-7 , crucial to my head that I stay can make me forget about it. I even avoid my thoughts when going to sleep....headphone music and several good bong sessions. Don't even know where my thoughts come from, don't know when, how big.....they are like waves crashing on the shore ( my brain ). Other than my health, "I got the world on a string" , no problems what so ever, yet some uneasy feeling lurks in my mind , its intangible.....sorry, about rambling. If you can find a passion , all will be well. Now, that its happened to me , I say to people, if you have your health you have everything. Old Navajo saying...."Dark winds blow on everyone , you have to power through"
Sitting alone with your thoughts........can be very scary. That's why I have to be engaged with something constantly.........throttles my brain down........Luckily I have real passion for many things.......I've been this way my whole life, especially now........I have an uncurable condition, pain 24-7 , crucial to my head that I stay can make me forget about it. I even avoid my thoughts when going to sleep....headphone music and several good bong sessions. Don't even know where my thoughts come from, don't know when, how big.....they are like waves crashing on the shore ( my brain ). Other than my health, "I got the world on a string" , no problems what so ever, yet some uneasy feeling lurks in my mind , its intangible.....sorry, about rambling. If you can find a passion , all will be well. Now, that its happened to me , I say to people, if you have your health you have everything. Old Navajo saying...."Dark winds blow on everyone , you have to power through"
Thank you for your input my friend. I'm also battling with my thoughts constantly but medidation helped me. God Bless you and your family and thank for your time.
Thank you for your input my friend. I'm also battling with my thoughts constantly but medidation helped me. God Bless you and your family and thank for your time.
Your are takes one to known one...I most certainly can's a constant battle.....without willpower I don't know How I could do it.
It's pretty common for mental issues to arise at your age. Early twenties. I think you just have bad anxiety. When the endless negative thoughts arise it's important to recognize its just anxiety and nothing more. Don't convince yourself that something bad is going on its just in your head. This would be the time where I would meditate to get out of the anxious state. Exercise definitely helps as well. I had bad anxiety about the same age and am glad to tell you that I have had it under control for years. The biggest thing was realizing it was just anxiety and that nothing was physically wrong with me. Your going to be fine my friend. Hang in there. Sunny days are ahead for you.
It's pretty common for mental issues to arise at your age. Early twenties. I think you just have bad anxiety. When the endless negative thoughts arise it's important to recognize its just anxiety and nothing more. Don't convince yourself that something bad is going on its just in your head. This would be the time where I would meditate to get out of the anxious state. Exercise definitely helps as well. I had bad anxiety about the same age and am glad to tell you that I have had it under control for years. The biggest thing was realizing it was just anxiety and that nothing was physically wrong with me. Your going to be fine my friend. Hang in there. Sunny days are ahead for you.
Thank you so much South! Yeah I understand that it's random thoughts popping up in my head but like you said, meditating 1 hour per day helped me to just observe my thoughts and that will eventually pass. Also, focusing on my breathing helps me be aware of now and stop overthinking. I also workout at home very hard 4 times a week and walk an hour per day. I agree about working out as well! Thank you so much for your input and I'm glad you're not battling anxiety anymore. Much love and happy growing!
Thank you so much South! Yeah I understand that it's random thoughts popping up in my head but like you said, meditating 1 hour per day helped me to just observe my thoughts and that will eventually pass. Also, focusing on my breathing helps me be aware of now and stop overthinking. I also workout at home very hard 4 times a week and walk an hour per day. I agree about working out as well! Thank you so much for your input and I'm glad you're not battling anxiety anymore. Much love and happy growing!
Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone as well my friend. Mental issues are through the roof right now due to covid and the tense political climate. You are doing many things right and healthy to combat the blues. Your going to be fine.
Hello. A lot of people say I'm too young to worry but I cannot say that to myself because time flies. Also, keep in mind that I've been feeling like this since 19-20yrs old. It'a been 4 years since then. Another 4 years and I'm 27. Another 4 and I'm in my 30s. I cannot allow that. I CAN'T. Others are millionaires at 23. Others have devoloped insane skills. I just need to keep trying things until I find something that I love doing or even something that I'm very good at and not even love it. Peace.

You’re very good at looking at something to be good at.

And that’s the problem. Thinking. Such a simple daily occurrence but the source of all our worries, discontentment and general unhappiness. It’s pretty easy to observe the thoughts as they arise out of your subconscious are not in your control but you’re not alone. It’s not your fault directly - it is the global effort of the spirit of man enlightening a primitive instinctual intelligence of life on earth.It’s a monumental conscious effort that we are all apart of and there is no failure. For to fail one must not even attempt in the first place. Yet here we are right now, moment to moment unraveling the eternal mystery of life.

We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts think we are them. We are the space supporting the very space thoughts occupy. Because between thoughts what is there? LIFE!! The simple state of awareness where anything that is possible is made possible.


We are nothing... yet everything.

As just be said, Just be!
You’re very good at looking at something to be good at.

And that’s the problem. Thinking. Such a simple daily occurrence but the source of all our worries, discontentment and general unhappiness. It’s pretty easy to observe the thoughts as they arise out of your subconscious are not in your control but you’re not alone. It’s not your fault directly - it is the global effort of the spirit of man enlightening a primitive instinctual intelligence of life on earth.It’s a monumental conscious effort that we are all apart of and there is no failure. For to fail one must not even attempt in the first place. Yet here we are right now, moment to moment unraveling the eternal mystery of life.

We are not our thoughts. Our thoughts think we are them. We are the space supporting the very space thoughts occupy. Because between thoughts what is there? LIFE!! The simple state of awareness where anything that is possible is made possible.


We are nothing... yet everything.

As just be said, Just be!
That's deep. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing your situation. i'm struggling too. here's some idea i'll try to suggest.
Eating can fuck you up and change your mood. remember to drink plenty of water esp with a meal. check out your diet. eat healthy. walk down different aisles in the groc store and try different foods. stretch a lot. remember to breathe deep. everything takes longer than you think. look for new ways to give yourself credit for your accomplishments in a positive light. if you're like me you keep score of everything you do and wish you couldn't but you cant help it. it's a human condition to feel there is not enough time in the day to get things done. try to count little things you do or don't do all as accomplishments. however, don't go so far as to say that nothing you do is a mistake. count your realization of a mistake or lack of progress as an accomplishment. know that you have to follow through and act on your mistakes to prevent them from happening again and know that it isn't easy to do that. don't say life shouldn't feel like bullshit because maybe it is, but know that this is what you are going to do and you don't need a reason to it's just the way you're going to do it and that's that. Then go listen to some music.
Once in a while, the sentiment being lost is all-expending and you overlook that you get the chance to pick what you think and how you feel. You are given an incredible measure of energy to make the life you seek and find the solutions you are searching for. Whether you utilize attestations, mantras, reflection, yoga, journaling, or something else, it's essential to concentrate on the magnificence and delight around you. When you do that, the Universe sends you more, including the answers you are looking for.
Heyyy...dear, your situation looks quite serious. You have to consider some serious solution about this. What I can see, you are suffering from either bipolar disorder or depression. So, you have to consult a counselor in order to diagnose and treat it properly. I suggest that you should not waste any more time and get yourself a good therapist! I wish you good luck with your mental health!
Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.
What's up , I can feel you on the 2 people thing, I'm also a Gemini,June 10, smack dead center middle pure Gemini As soon as you said it's like being 2 people you struck a chord w/me. All i can say is embrace it and don't fight it, Just don't use it as an excuse to be untrustworthy w/people. You however can harness it for the versatility it can give you. Like you I have a job in which I'm Laid-off for about 41/2 months, I use this time to up my workout routine and take on some projects that I can't possibly handle while working, basically handle all business possible so you go back to work free and clear w/ a clean slate. If you don't have property to work on consider volunteering at something you're passionate about or get a part time job to meet new people(if that's what you crave)and keep you busy.Being a Gemini can be a struggle as we tend to be at extremes too much TOO NICE or TO NASTY so make a effort to moderate a little bit, which is easier when you know yourself.The traits of the Gemini sign allow for creativity and organizational skills that equip us to really amaze at times, so don't fight it .ccguns
What's up , I can feel you on the 2 people thing, I'm also a Gemini,June 10, smack dead center middle pure Gemini As soon as you said it's like being 2 people you struck a chord w/me. All i can say is embrace it and don't fight it, Just don't use it as an excuse to be untrustworthy w/people. You however can harness it for the versatility it can give you. Like you I have a job in which I'm Laid-off for about 41/2 months, I use this time to up my workout routine and take on some projects that I can't possibly handle while working, basically handle all business possible so you go back to work free and clear w/ a clean slate. If you don't have property to work on consider volunteering at something you're passionate about or get a part time job to meet new people(if that's what you crave)and keep you busy.Being a Gemini can be a struggle as we tend to be at extremes too much TOO NICE or TO NASTY so make a effort to moderate a little bit, which is easier when you know yourself.The traits of the Gemini sign allow for creativity and organizational skills that equip us to really amaze at times, so don't fight it .ccguns
Also forgot to add that being like 2 diff. people gives us 2 sets of strengths and 2 sets of weaknesses the trick is to exploit the 2 strengths while minimizing the 2 weaknesses thats what can really make a Gemini very unique and admirable to others because you can accomplish alot and have a array of interests and talents w/2 sets of strengths and this can amaze others as long as you don't let the 2 sets of weaknesses bring you down.When you see or feel the signs of being overwhelmed simply pause,collect, and reset yourself.ccguns
If God/Universe is infinite then the only thing keeping it from being truly infinite/omnipotent is the lack of knowing what it’s like to NOT be infinite/omnipotent.
That’s where we come in. We’re like pieces of the whole that do not realize we are the Whole.
It’s like the Creator made a mirror to contain and experience itself, then shattered it.
We are those pieces, reflecting on each other.
And in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities (if you believe that) then there really is no right or wrong, just experience.
But your actions and your intent decide your path of experience. Or they don’t, because that is also an option (infinite possiblities, remember?)
This concept of God/Universe/Reality can be very unnerving once you really start thinking about it. Its dichotomous- both liberating and entrapping.

I think most people go through what you are, especially around that age. I did.
There are million of things you can do to keep yourself going throughout the day.
But honestly videogames can help a lot. Not saying you should play games all day long 24/7, but they're a great source of entertainment. It's like reading a book or watching a movie, but even better in my opinion. You can find an online game to play with other people, or you can find single player games and just enjoy with yourself. I don't know what kind of games would you like, but i would suggest something like Skyrim for example.
This may sound cringy, but Minecraft can be a form of therapy because it's relaxing and let's you be creative. Especially if you find few good friends to play with, it can be a wonderful experience. I used to be very outgoing, i had hundreds of friends and girlfriends, i was one of the ''cool kids'' and i thought Minecraft is a childish game. But when i tried it at age of 20 something i just fell in love with the game and it made me feel like a child again.
Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.

Hey man, if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to PM me.
Start looking outward. Look for someone who needs help and help them. A lot of times our problems are small compared to others. Someone out there right now needs you. Find them. If one makes it his mission to help others, his own problems become very small. Try it.
Thank you for your input my friend. I'm also battling with my thoughts constantly but medidation helped me. God Bless you and your family and thank for your time.

I never saw this reply until just now............your more than welcome kindred spirit........I'm so f'ing lost I can't tell up from down.......My head will get f'ed every time if I'm not engaged throughout the day and night. At least the activity tempers the beast. I'm not recommending any f'ing thing but my 30+yr. old son was in the same boat as you......................he started taking Zoloft ( spelling ?) A while back , he's a whole new chill guy. My daughter also takes it...........its probably hereditary. .......I often feel or should I say , I'm in the " Survival Zone ". You take care.....this shit will pass. It's f'ing will power for me that gets me through that bluest of blue. Give me a shout anytime.
Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.
I m in the same situation but i feel like that from 7 years unfortunately i couldn t enjoy my adolescence as much as i wanna to, i couldn t enjoy life as much anymore some fucked up thing happened to me at 17 yo that made me loose myself. But i still try to be greatfull for what i have in a. Way or another. God bless u!!! Peace!!!