Any advice for a lost soul?

A hobby is not really going to help me find purpose. A hobby is just an easy release of dopamine. I told you, I workout very hard, I grow, I jog, I read books and info online. Those are all hobbies. Dopamine. I need to find out why I was brought on this earth.
You’re just here to experience the present moment, there is no other moment other than the present. Feel it. You’re just an animal. Stop looking for an ultimate answer. Everything is true and everything is untrue. Practice action in inaction.
Hey. I medidate 1 hour per day. 15mins focused(or mindfulness) medidation + 15mins chakra(transcendance) medidation, every morning and every night. It really helps me calm down and observe my thoughts. I will never stop medidating but sometimes I even question medidation. I will tell you my number one problem.

I feel like I've wasted my whole life so far. I failed doing something that I loved and invested so much time on that, losing friends, oppurtunities and others. If I failed despite giving my 100%, it means that it was not my purpose. That's fate, I understand that. After that failure, I got even more depressed and couldn't even get out of bed. I was waking up around 16:00pm and just waiting for night time to sleep again. This lasted for some years. I started working for the summer season and met many new people from all over the world and I felt a little better. Once the season ends, I find myself trapped. I really want to stop procrastinating and ONLY do things that help me. However, I DON'T HAVE AN ULTIMATE GOAL, A PURPOSE. I cannot find something that I like or that I'm even good at. Maybe I should look more.
you say you exercise and eat healthy, you could become a personal trainer. Also you’re still young, but dude the more time you sit around talking about the time you wasted, the more time you waste... ppl do this for years and years... don’t be 40 saying aww I wasted my time I wish this I wish that ... stop wishing and fucking sit down and come up with a plan. You say you need a goal, come up with one.... read a book you’ll get an idea... read self help books. “Think and grow rich “
You’re just here to experience the present moment, there is no other moment other than the present. Feel it. You’re just an animal. Stop looking for an ultimate answer. Everything is true and everything is untrue. Practice action in inaction.
Hello. Very true words my friend. I always had that problem of worrying much about the future or feeling guilt about the past but wasn't focused in the present. It's the exact reason I started practicing meditation. It's been easy to forget the past because it also makes sense for me. Why think of the past? It's gone. And me usually used to think of only the bad things that happened, so I really try to stop thinking about "bad" past decisions. However, I have trouble not thinking about the future because it scares me and because is is inevitable.
you say you exercise and eat healthy, you could become a personal trainer. Also you’re still young, but dude the more time you sit around talking about the time you wasted, the more time you waste... ppl do this for years and years... don’t be 40 saying aww I wasted my time I wish this I wish that ... stop wishing and fucking sit down and come up with a plan. You say you need a goal, come up with one.... read a book you’ll get an idea... read self help books. “Think and grow rich “
I've read that book by Napoleon Hill and it was amazing! You're right. I DO NOT WANT REGRETS! I NEED TO WAKE UP!
Hello. Very true words my friend. I always had that problem of worrying much about the future or feeling guilt about the past but wasn't focused in the present. It's the exact reason I started practicing meditation. It's been easy to forget the past because it also makes sense for me. Why think of the past? It's gone. And me usually used to think of only the bad things that happened, so I really try to stop thinking about "bad" past decisions. However, I have trouble not thinking about the future because it scares me and because is is inevitable.
I’ve been following your thread.
It seems like you worry a lot. Worrying is paying for something that may not even happen.
Please try not to compare yourself to others either dude. What you see on someone’s Facebook or whatever is their best. You’re not seeing all of the bad shit they’re going through.
Confucius and my dad said that if you have a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Search and explore your world. Find something that inspires you, something you love, and find a career in it.
Most people don’t find themselves until we’re older. You gotta stop putting pressure on yourself man. Only you walks your path. Take time to stop and smell the weed along the way.
I’ve been following your thread.
It seems like you worry a lot. Worrying is paying for something that may not even happen.
Please try not to compare yourself to others either dude. What you see on someone’s Facebook or whatever is their best. You’re not seeing all of the bad shit they’re going through.
Confucius and my dad said that if you have a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Search and explore your world. Find something that inspires you, something you love, and find a career in it.
Most people don’t find themselves until we’re older. You gotta stop putting pressure on yourself man. Only you walks your path. Take time to stop and smell the weed along the way.
Thank you so much my friend and you're absolutely right. Worrying will not do me any good. I'll honestly try not compare myself to others, try to control my thoughts and my life instead of my thoughts controlling me, stop procrastinating, and just go with the flow. Cheers! By the way, it's awesome that you got to meet Confucius.

jk :D
Hello good people. I've been feeling lost during the last 4-5 years with no purpose. How can I find my purpose? I'm currently 23 and work 6-7 months for summer season. I meet a lot of new people from all over the world but every winter it is just me and my thoughts. I have SO MUCH TIME but I waste it doing nothing. I need to do something. I don't have much time. I don't know, there's something weird with me. It's like I'm North pole and South Pole, fire and water, negative and positive. 6 months I can have fun and speak with 50new people per day, other 6 months I only talk to myself. I workout very hard and eat healthy but sometimes something happens to me and devour anything on sight and stop working out. I love growing weed but when I smoke weed, I turn even more lazy and useless so I don't like smoking weed. A girl once told me that Geminis tend to be like that. It's like I have 2 personalities. Have you ever felt lost? Any advice would be great and thank you for your time. I'm really grateful for that.
I'm Gemini also, and bro, I guarantee I'm much lazier than you. My ex left me 2 years ago and I was in a really bad place. I'm alone most the time, with my thoughts, which is not a good thing for me. My mind tends to drift towards negative thoughts, so I've turned to my old hobbies. Playing guitar, growing weed. I even took up a lil gaming again to pass the time and I'm an old ass man. Get hobbies that you enjoy and you can lose yourself in. Id say to get you a girlfriend, but I've learned that women are detrimental to a man's sanity. Lol... hang in there, if you feel you are at your lowest, then up is the only way you can go!
I'm Gemini also, and bro, I guarantee I'm much lazier than you. My ex left me 2 years ago and I was in a really bad place. I'm alone most the time, with my thoughts, which is not a good thing for me. My mind tends to drift towards negative thoughts, so I've turned to my old hobbies. Playing guitar, growing weed. I even took up a lil gaming again to pass the time and I'm an old ass man. Get hobbies that you enjoy and you can lose yourself in. Id say to get you a girlfriend, but I've learned that women are detrimental to a man's sanity. Lol... hang in there, if you feel you are at your lowest, then up is the only way you can go!
Hello and thank you for your comment! Growing is also something that I really enjoy. I feel better and I will get even better. Cheers!
Hello. Very true words my friend. I always had that problem of worrying much about the future or feeling guilt about the past but wasn't focused in the present. It's the exact reason I started practicing meditation. It's been easy to forget the past because it also makes sense for me. Why think of the past? It's gone. And me usually used to think of only the bad things that happened, so I really try to stop thinking about "bad" past decisions. However, I have trouble not thinking about the future because it scares me and because is is inevitable.
I think it’s balance man , balance with everything, that’s what I’m starting to see. I’m 29 . Just remember to pay attention to your thoughts and don’t get caught up again.. each time a bullshit thought arises say “ fuck you! You can’t fool me! “ lol... you are not the thoughts in your head , you’re the one who can hear them . Don’t buy the bullshit. Also I spend atleast a little time each day listening to “ekhart tolle “or “thich nhat Hahn “ Next time you feel distracted put them on, and let them think for you. So , they’ll teach that out of suffering comes enlightenment. If you were not suffering you wouldn’t have come searching for help, you see?
Also! Go watch David Goggins man, wim hof, Jocko willink... if you’re really suffering go get this knowledge man I’m telling you.