Any "Center" people here?

I watched that and he said nothing that could remotely be characterized as a critique of the extreme left. Please share your supporting quotes.

You know, you have spent a lot of time building an image of yourself that many of us knew would eventually end up just as it has. One would think you would be better at it now that we have reached the critical phase.

I know you are trying hard, but your flop sweat is soaking through your shirt. I just hope your other accounts were more deftly handled for your sake.

Come on, @BurtMaklin, your boy needs help badly.

Sure, if you want me to agree with him, that won't be a problem. If you think that all the problems with America, and to a slightly lesser degree, Canada, can be blamed on varying shades of skin color, you're dumber than I gave you credit for. Racism barely moves the needle on the "problems with western society" o meter. Crony capitalism is the problem and racism is just a poorly manufactured symptom to disguise it. Watching the ever dwindling middle class fighting each other for scraps is the wealthy ruling class's national past time, and you fools are gobbling shit out of their pampered hands like it's candy coated crack, while you vote for the least offensive of the two retarded, old, rich white guys.

AMERICAN !!! Get rid of the D and the R or I and just run on what you stand for, Life would be much easier that way. those letters Divide People Period.

When has Trump Every Spoke the Truth ? Fuck the Drug Test, How about an IQ test ?

He has Yes Men Working for them if they don't agree with HIM they get Fired. He's treating the U.S like it's his Business and we all know what happened to all Trumps businesses. 6 times bankrupt. WTF People ? He got you all fooled, or not !

There's no comparison Left or Right, the Right wants to control all American's the left wants equal for all that apply themselves.

If you all want America to fall just say so. Quit trying to have Trump do it for ya !

Oh and this Hunter Biden shits just a distraction, Hunter Biden isn't the President or never will be, Trump is. Now he want Ivanka to be Vice President and he has Prospered from being where he is now. " BUT HILLARY" BUT HUNTER, WTF is wrong with People ?

I digress !!! Sorry.
Usually most people claim to be for peace and freedom, then they disavow that claim by continuing to believe in opposing things at once.
It's on a pandemic scale too.

I suggest a moment of silence for the death of critical thinking.
But you can't just stop at the point it is reasonable, you have to go further and troll our society with your propaganda spam. That is when you lose my agreement with you.
If not wanting to lose all my savings or income on healthcare means I'm "far left" then fuck ya.
If being against fascism is Antifa then ya, I'm fucking Antifa.
If wanting to control climate change labels me as left wing, I'm a fucking radical left SOB and I'm fucking proud of it.
Being a centrist means you agree with some of the right's platform which is "whatever orange zit wants" then I'm a radical left wing socialist that wants to bring the administration's criminals to justice.

Biden is right of center, but if voting for him helps our country get out of this nightmare, I'm all in.
But you can't just stop at the point it is reasonable, you have to go further and troll our society with your propaganda spam. That is when you lose my agreement with you.

It's not reasonable to encompass otherwise peaceful people in a political scheme though. - Me

"Nuh uh" - You
People seem to be so worried about Russia. WTF about China. Nothing said last night in the Debate about either. I found this article a breath of fresh air and I know some of you don't worry about a Candidates experiencing Dementia but I've seen what it does. We need an able Candidate yesterday!
People seem to be so worried about Russia. WTF about China. Nothing said last night in the Debate about either. I found this article a breath of fresh air and I know some of you don't worry about a Candidates experiencing Dementia but I've seen what it does. We need an able Candidate yesterday!
China is not actively engaged in warfare on our citizens to try to turn our democracy into the shit pot that is Trump. And you are still clinging to splitting the vote to improve that turds chances because you seem to want to believe the propaganda that is obvious lies about Biden.

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 9.18.27 AM.png

Just more regurgitation of Russian militarized trolling logic.
China is not actively engaged in warfare on our citizens to try to turn our democracy into the shit pot that is Trump. And you are still clinging to splitting the vote to improve that turds chances because you seem to want to believe the propaganda that is obvious lies about Biden.

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Just more regurgitation of Russian militarized trolling logic.

America right now reminds me of my aunt who can't get her life together. Other people, foreigners and a "just my luck" attitude. Why does America never blame itself when bad stuff happens? Its always someone else's fault.
America right now reminds me of my aunt who can't get her life together. Other people, foreigners and a "just my luck" attitude. Why does America never blame itself when bad stuff happens? Its always someone else's fault.
wtf are you talking about?

Are you one of those relatives that judge your aunt for everything you pretend is not a problem with you? And force her to constantly apologize for not being what your ideal of her is?

Pretty shitty family values if that is the case IMO. The whole glass houses thing.