Well-Known Member
I watched that and he said nothing that could remotely be characterized as a critique of the extreme left. Please share your supporting quotes.
You know, you have spent a lot of time building an image of yourself that many of us knew would eventually end up just as it has. One would think you would be better at it now that we have reached the critical phase.
I know you are trying hard, but your flop sweat is soaking through your shirt. I just hope your other accounts were more deftly handled for your sake.
Come on, @BurtMaklin, your boy needs help badly.
Sure, if you want me to agree with him, that won't be a problem. If you think that all the problems with America, and to a slightly lesser degree, Canada, can be blamed on varying shades of skin color, you're dumber than I gave you credit for. Racism barely moves the needle on the "problems with western society" o meter. Crony capitalism is the problem and racism is just a poorly manufactured symptom to disguise it. Watching the ever dwindling middle class fighting each other for scraps is the wealthy ruling class's national past time, and you fools are gobbling shit out of their pampered hands like it's candy coated crack, while you vote for the least offensive of the two retarded, old, rich white guys.