Any idea why my weed isn't strong ?

If you want to know how it does in a tiny little 4*4 tent grown by an idiot, I'll be your huckleberry:bigjoint:. Pm for address, I'd be willing to take one for the team. Just because I'm such a nice guy. Hell I'll even split the shipping costs with you, how much nicer can I be:D
Well, if you're in Oklahoma, and wanna make the drive, I'll gladly give you a cut or two.
Kind of afraid to say now. I can't be pissing people off at this point. It's just our normal language. I think the difference is, we don't get offended by being called rednecks, hillbillies, toothless dumbasses (although I have all my teeth), or retards.. .. up north, that's a different story. Everybody is so sensitive.

I've been through that part of the country and actually had a guy say that he was just a dumb redneck. It wasn't that he said it but he said it with pride. Nice guy even if he wasn't very smart. Sure seemed like a happy guy though.
Well, if you're in Oklahoma, and wanna make the drive, I'll gladly give you a cut or two.
I was last there in 2001 for a motorcycle rally when I was stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. If the stories they tell me are true I had one hell of a good time. I'm all the way out on the east coast in VA up in the mountains but I sure as hell appreciate the offer. I'd be happy as hell to grow that cut out. It wouldn't look that pretty I'm sure but genetics would shine through to give some good smoke. I don't envy you at harvest time. I envy the product but not the experience of getting there. Hope it goes smoothly.
Taking a lunch break... got the first 50 gallons fed in. Regarding harvest, the market is not great here. Everybody's had to move thier pricing for services, so Im not touching this harvest. There's trim crews around here begging for work. I told this one owner that I was going to have about 25-30 lbs market ready to trim, and they were like "OK!.. we want the job!, we'll do it (if im in the 25-30lb range), for $2000.00 ... that's like $66 a lb hand trimmed!, and I've seen thier work. They have a crew of 15 that come in and get to work. They estimate the job will take 2 days.
I've always wanted to give my buddy a cut of my Dosi, and see how it does in another environment.... But sadly, he's selling out his grow, Dispo, Processing lab, etc. I was just always afraid that he'd clone her, and put it in his own store... that I've sold to him many times.

I have given cuts out to several friends over the years. Not once have I seen them get grown remotely similar to how they grew in my garden. Its crazy how much plants can change based on how the genetics interact with the environment.
I have given cuts out to several friends over the years. Not once have I seen them get grown remotely similar to how they grew in my garden. Its crazy how much plants can change based on how the genetics interact with the environment.
Now, see.. that's really interesting to me. I try to follow VPD to the letter, and I'me a believer in it. Some people don't have a air scrubber (like an AirROS) so they get afraid to go that high in RH towards the end, but I can really see a difference in the plant activity by following it. Now... on a side note, I can understand if they don't have an H203 generator why they would venture from it. You can lose your ass (in the legal market) if you fail for microbes. So every single thing you do will affect your final outcome.
I have given cuts out to several friends over the years. Not once have I seen them get grown remotely similar to how they grew in my garden. Its crazy how much plants can change based on how the genetics interact with the environment.

You're right.

I think there is a place in the world where each plant thrives the best.

If a grower can emulate their plant's environmental needs in media tailored to that pheno - purposefully or on accident - Shazam!