Any liberal with a decent sized brain, please challenge me


Well-Known Member
my responses..and thanks for being civil in the discussion!

1. The link to the article and the video still don't prove anything to me. In neither did he call the people protesting tea baggers. In the video he mentions the people waving tea bags at protests which they were doing and is a true statement. He then went on to say he is ready to have a meaningful discussion with them if they have ideas to share.

2. I cant say anymore on this point than my original post.
I agree with you on this point but its not new with Obama nor am I sure he is to blame. Very few congressmen/women read the patriot act for example and that was under Bush. I blame the congress and senate more than bush or obama.

3. as i said in my original post that part is my opinion as is the fact that he is not is yours. its pretty hard to prove that one way or the other.

4. on vacation... no i dont;

5. so we have been a marxist country for a long time? Actually I would be all for tax reform in this country. too complicated of a system with too many loopholes for both rich and poor. I would support a flat tax or removing income tax and tax on goods purchased with things like food and shelter being taxed the lowest.

6. see op and #5 above.

7. if taxes do raise for hc but your premiums go down then it may not be that bad. I will admit I have not read enough of the bills being proposed to know about what you are saying here. I would welcome you or anyone to tell me more specifics about that because I just havent read all that yet.

I actually agree with you on cap and trade. Finally something

On Reagan..

Overall, Sen. Obama's middle-class tax cuts are larger than his partial rollbacks for families earning over $250,000, making the proposal as a whole a net tax cut and reducing revenues to less than 18.2% of GDP -- the level of taxes that prevailed under President Reagan. Wall Street Journal Aug 14 2008
I'm all open for a reasonable discussion, I don't like to name call or curse to often, so here we go.
The point is in is tone and how he is reacting to the situation. He shrugs it off, like they are a bunch of crazy idiots that don't need to be taken seriously. These are American citizens and the president of the United States is directly insulting them, acting like they don't mean anything. That is very disrespectful to anybody, and has never been done by any president.
The healthcare bill is going to lower the standards of service, and create a huge jumble in government. Look at Medicaire or Medicaid, they are complete disasters, and Obama and the democrats want to mimic that system large scale for the whole country. Most Americans have insurance and like it, so why take down the whole system when you could fix what we have to help those who truly need it. The republicans have come up with many ideas and no one seems to listen. Our country has a huge deficit, we are literally owned by China, and Obama is trying this? When Obama starts doing things to help the economy, I'll give him my support. I want to like my president, I tried to put up with Bush, but he also lost my vote.
It's kind of hard to dismiss the fact that Obama is the most radical president this country has ever had. He has resorted to attacking American citizens, calling them tea baggers and has gone on a world tour to apologize to the world for our past. He said his government would be transparent, and that he would include everybody in the decision making. So far, nothing has been transparent, he tried to sneak the healthcare bill past us, not giving us time to read it, and he himself admitting he hadn't read it. How could you support and try to pass something when you don't know what is involved? The democrats have locked the doors on republicans, and are up for no debate. They have a goal in mind, and will go through with it wether the American people want it or not. He has gone on more trips than any other president in history, and has accumalated the largest deficit in American history.
His plans are rooted in marxist ideology.
Where in the constitution does it say that the government has the right to take from certain individuals and give to others? He seems to think that the government has more power than what is layed out in the constitution. That somehow raising taxes and passing policies that would devastate the average American is good for us.
Here's a news flash Obama, the American people want the government with as little power as possible. We would like to determine our own destinies. We don't believe the government has a right to force individuals to follow it's policies. And with the healthcare bill, if you don't purchase healthcare, then you are going to jail. The democrats response is that it is wrong for the American people to place the burden of paying for healthcare on others. That's funny, because the last time I checked the democrats were saying that the rich should take care of the poor, that those with should have to give to those without. A little contradictory if you ask me.
Stellar! Absolutely stellar! The next doobies on me!

(Stupi spell check says 'doobie' is spelled wrong! Eh! There it is again! Dooobie dobie doobie Bong hit. Okay.... I got it.) Wonder what the Doobie Brothers think about this???
I'm all open for a reasonable discussion, I don't like to name call or curse to often, so here we go.
The point is in is tone and how he is reacting to the situation. He shrugs it off, like they are a bunch of crazy idiots that don't need to be taken seriously. These are American citizens and the president of the United States is directly insulting them, acting like they don't mean anything. That is very disrespectful to anybody, and has never been done by any president.
The healthcare bill is going to lower the standards of service, and create a huge jumble in government. Look at Medicaire or Medicaid, they are complete disasters, and Obama and the democrats want to mimic that system large scale for the whole country. Most Americans have insurance and like it, so why take down the whole system when you could fix what we have to help those who truly need it. The republicans have come up with many ideas and no one seems to listen. Our country has a huge deficit, we are literally owned by China, and Obama is trying this? When Obama starts doing things to help the economy, I'll give him my support. I want to like my president, I tried to put up with Bush, but he also lost my vote.
And you get a bong hit too !Well said! All great points backed by facts. I too was hoping for change but knew deep inside that his words were just well spoken lies.... and he's proven me right. Oh, I wanted to be wrong. But man! When I'm right- !!! I'm REALLY right!!

Come on Vegas!! Daddy needs some new shoes!


Well-Known Member
ummmm President Obama never called them I'm not understanding the last video...he just said that they waving teabags around ( which is very wasteful..come on make some damn sweet tea already )
I've already addressed this in a previous post.