Any Tilray Reviews?

Looks a lot better then what I got from tweed. But that's not saying much...kinda hard to tell from the one bud. But it looks ok to me...(for biker weed that is) lol
Looks a lot better then what I got from tweed. But that's not saying much...kinda hard to tell from the one bud. But it looks ok to me...(for biker weed that is) lol

If it's not too much to ask, do you think you could explain what's "good" and/or "bad" about it? Would love to understand how one analyzes it.
I think its best to take pics or look at bud in direct sunlight...that way you get a really good look at it. Looking at the trichomes color if their clear or amber looking and how dense it is........if the Calyxes are fully developed also the smell and taste are taking into consideration.....really good well cured cannabis will stink up the whole room....if not the house when you put it in the grinder or even opening up the jar

And btw, when I asked them for the genetics of their strains, this is what they wrote back:

"Like every other LP, we purchased our genetics from MMAR licensees and tested every batch before purchasing them. All of our product was sourced from trusted local BC growers and was harvested, trimmed and cured in our facility in Nanaimo. We unequivocally stand by the premium quality of every shipment."

These are referring to allegations that Tweed, Shittrum, Tilray etc bought streed weed off folks like the Hells Angels to pass it off as their own.

Did the Hell's Angels actually have any MMAR grows?
If so, it's quite possible then. If not, I think it's less possible. Health Canada and the RCMP were fairly observant when these guys imported their product.. Either way, they should have use it to start new plants and never sold the crap they bought and transported.
The HA were / are the biggest producers under the MMAR. You didn't hear that from me.
is that from HC saying that ... or do you really have some sort of real life experience? because even HC has said ohhhh those MMAR growers were selling to the BM, yet could not provide any proof of this in a court of law, so to regurgitate that type of talk without real proof of it.... well common sense here ppl. How easy would it be for the police to kick down the door and bust them on a HC phone call..... hearsay is just that

I personally would not fault anyone selling like an oz to a friend for some extra cash every now and then. When organised crime does something they don't do it small, these guys deal in pounds not oz's..... stay in reality here folks
Yes all that abuse and black market selling that happened under the MMAR. The whole 40 cases in 13 years! 40 cases out of 40,000 patients. Whoa stop the presses! Clearly this is out of control abuse, better abolish the whole MMAR!
well rnr if you knew this was happening then you were part of the MMAR problem, and didn't say shit
but again ... you always want proof ... where's yours?
fuck you jackle you caulky asshole, I don't work for any L.P just cause you think they gov owes you something dont5 mean its right. you also abuse the system selling ozes out the back door, also I don't rat and im no rat you rat! your a hypocrite and a few patients here don't ever stop there sad ass sob story, your not the only sick person and theres a lot more sick than half of you!
for the few cry babies here I hope you never get in and don't want to, then someone can rat your asses out and youll do time, no go fuck yourself