Any Tilray Reviews?

Man I love this forum hahahaha, can't beat all the random rants and opinions

just because they were in the program doesn't mean they didn't do it before or were going to. So ya can't just blame the MMAR program itself for adding to the BM which ppl do cause they were going to do it anyways
Sure they could be doing it anyway, but the MMAR program gave them a nice way to hide their operations under a legal guise.
Man I love this forum hahahaha, can't beat all the random rants and opinions

Sure they could be doing it anyway, but the MMAR program gave them a nice way to hide their operations under a legal guise.
did ya read what I said about health Canada not doing anything about inspecting... please don't just pick and choose cause it's all in the same discussion
they wouldn't be able to hide if HC did something
I really don't think HC wants to spend time inspecting thousands of personal grows, unfortunately. Also the point I was trying to make is independent of any information I gotta go back and read. MMAR was a good program for patients, but also a good program for the black market and thats a fact. I wonder how they could come up with a program where small grows are allowed and periodically inspected while not paying for it from their pocket.
I really don't think HC wants to spend time inspecting thousands of personal grows, unfortunately. Also the point I was trying to make is independent of any information I gotta go back and read. MMAR was a good program for patients, but also a good program for the black market and that a fact. I wonder how they could come up with a program where small grows are allowed and periodically inspected while not paying for it from their pocket.
Inspecting peoples private residences is a touchy subject. Sure I see an initial inspection for electrical safety or security...makes sense. But then what? Knock on peoples doors and say here we are...let us in. You open yourself up to a world of possible lawsuits doing that. Where are you going to inspect...the gro area only. Or are you saying to look anywhere you want? Do you see where I'm getting at? It isn't as easy as just saying inspect these grows. what are going to do go in peoples bedroom etc.
This is most likely why HC didn't inspect. It becomes more like police action after an initial approval inspection say.
I could be mistaken, but I think @rnr lost control of his emotions a bit.
I said something this am then decided to erase it cause I didn't feel it was a well thaught out comment. then 3 of you slammed me and jumped on me and jackle got mouthy, so I snapped. you patient think the world owes you something. personally I don't think so, and to think selling a oz to a friend is cool, well that is the prob and the others who think they should get mmj for free or 2$ a g have lost there minds. im a wrong sometimes but a lot of you say totally incorrect bs and im so sick of listening to you all. and hippy id love to meet ya in person.
LOL the online translator broken again, I said I don't have a problem with someone doing that, if that's what they wanna do.... as it is for a friend. not some joe off the street. but the subject was also about the wrongness of pounds going out the door to the street..... wish you could just get the correct version of things rather than your made up kind
legal,,, illegal....There will ALWAYS be illegal businesses. This, that and the other etc.....
trying to put regulations and laws on people who won't follow them is ludicrous.
MMPR will not change illegal business. Although they would like everyone to think that.
It'll just make illegal business bigger and much more profitable.
Yes, of course they know that. It's sad most don't.
legal,,, illegal....There will ALWAYS be illegal businesses. This, that and the other etc.....
trying to put regulations and laws on people who won't follow them is ludicrous.
MMPR will not change illegal business. Although they would like everyone to think that.
It'll just make illegal business bigger and much more profitable.
Yes, of course they know that. It's sad most don't.

Debatable. It may not change it at large, but the guy on the corner selling $10/gram weed to my buddy is going to have some serious competition from the LPs. If he smokes enough to make it worthwhile, he can get a $250 prescription and then purchase for as low as $7 a gram. He's already doing something illegal so faking symptoms won't cause him to lose any sleep.
im so sick of listening to you all. and hippy id love to meet ya in person.

MEET ME !!!!! Awe ...blush mean you'd like to meet me because of your unusual fondness for my ass? Well that would still do you no good as it's off limits to your type. Anway isn't it past your bedtime junior? Remember little rnr. Mommy say's you can't smoke Marry Jane for 2 more years until your Fouteen.
Are the big bad bullies on RUI being mean to you again.
Maybe it's because everything you say is stupid.
And stop hurting jackal you nasty boy
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Tilray said they'll be changing their packaging to allow for less than 5 gram per strain orders.

This solves two problems, as their packaging totally squished their buds, and not being able to order less than 5g is really hard for new patients.

I've asked them 3 times for a timeframe on when this might be accomplished/ready to go, and they have yet to answer me... even just to say they don't know. It's frustrating as - if they're thinking it will be implemented in a few months only - I may need to make alternative plans in the meantime to receive medication I know works from elsewhere...

Feel like they (and maybe LPs in general) need a crash course on thinking of us as patients and not simply consumers. The difference is marked.

Tilray: We'll be updating our packaging in the next two months. Thanks!
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Aren't their bags shipped inside a box so they don't crush the buds?
Are they just crushing the buds when you stuff it inside your pocket?
I find people who get the huge buds mumble about too much wood. If they are too small they say "what no biggies" Sometime the bigger buds come apart a bit thereby creating small buds..ya know. It still all good cause it's the same buds. Big or small means very little...other than eye candy appeal.
I think busting them up gives better value as people are not paying for stems or branches or wood etc. They love the look of big buds though.
Aren't their bags shipped inside a box so they don't crush the buds?
Are they just crushing the buds when you stuff it inside your pocket?

The zip envelope comes in a box with paper packing. The buds were crushed because of how tightly the envelope zips.