Anybody ever use Rain Rings?

That's the big question!.. I think if the 1inch PVC that will be hung down the middle is not "pressurized" so to speak, but "full", then they should gravity feed at the same rate. I may just build a setup on one tray and experiment with it. I can regulate pressure at my mix tank. Maybe put it at like 1-2 PSI.. IDK... I'll post results! I need to break out the laser level anyways. Im going to try to get the PVC feed pipe as level as possible.
You'll get it. As you properly concluded, the most important item to determine is the flow-rate and ensure its balanced wherever it goes
You'll get it. As you properly concluded, the most important item to determine is the flow-rate and ensure its balanced wherever it goes
Yessir!.. gonna be some trial and error, but at the moment, Im wasting a shit ton of nutes every day, and I'm looking to get away from hand feeding on a mechanics stool, and save some nutes. I fed in 100 gallons today, and I bet I sucked out 20 gallons of run off. That's why I want to slow saturate from the top. Otherwise, I'd bottom feed, but these trays that I've already spent $7000 on aren't designed for that.
I’m on a much smaller scale.
I biult some drip rings out of 1/4” water line.
drilled 8 Tiny holes in under side of the ring
Wrapped some garden wire around to stake into the soil.
Cost about 1$ to make.

takes about 6-8 min of the pump on to water two 3 gal pots to a bit of run off. Super easy and gets a good slow soaking

Was too cheap to buy the actual rings but I bet they work great.
I’m on a much smaller scale.
I biult some drip rings out of 1/4” water line.
drilled 8 Tiny holes in under side of the ring
Wrapped some garden wire around to stake into the soil.
Cost about 1$ to make.

takes about 6-8 min of the pump on to water two 3 gal pots to a bit of run off. Super easy and gets a good slow soaking

Was too cheap to buy the actual rings but I bet they work great.
View attachment 5081190
Very cool!
So I got to meet @Lordhooha today and visit his op!... Makes mine look like a closet grow!, he's really got it going on. Quite a bit of buildout going on, but part is up and running. The Dispensary is going to be one of the nicest ones I've seen. Top notch!. Super modern and sleek. Can't wait to see it finished out. This guy ain't fucking around, and it was a pleasure to meet you!
So I got to meet @Lordhooha today and visit his op!... Makes mine look like a closet grow!, he's really got it going on. Quite a bit of buildout going on, but part is up and running. The Dispensary is going to be one of the nicest ones I've seen. Top notch!. Super modern and sleek. Can't wait to see it finished out. This guy ain't fucking around, and it was a pleasure to meet you!
I’m happy you got the chance to get out my way And see what I've got going. I really appreciate the complements as well! you’re welcome to stop by anytime especially once I’ve got that maze of a building fully operational. I’m glad you enjoyed the labyrinth too bad I couldn’t have David Bowie show you around as the goblin king lol.
I’m on a much smaller scale.
I biult some drip rings out of 1/4” water line.
drilled 8 Tiny holes in under side of the ring
Wrapped some garden wire around to stake into the soil.
Cost about 1$ to make.

takes about 6-8 min of the pump on to water two 3 gal pots to a bit of run off. Super easy and gets a good slow soaking

Was too cheap to buy the actual rings but I bet they work great.
View attachment 5081190
i did something similar. you need 4 plastic tees to make a circle of 1/4 tubing. then you have 1 as the inlet and 3 as outlets. no worry about tiny holes clogging up either.
I don't care of rings. They have to be perfectly level or you'll get an uneven watering. Plus you can easily make your own customized rings for a fraction of the price. It looks like you've moved beyond the idea, but I'm putting it out there for anyone who reads this thread.
are you in coco?
are you in coco?
I was when I attempted to use them. I am currently using coco, but in tiny pots and using Blumats. I'm switching to rockwool slabs in dutch leach trays for my next grow. I need to figure out a good automation for this new setup.
you ever try a wetting agent? it was suggested in the cocoforcannabis website. supposed to help it water more evenly when using automated top feeding.

I used yucca for the first few years. I still use a little when I soak rockwool cubes.
Thinking outside the box here. Looks like you run soil pots. If you were open to change you could run sips. You could build a long trough for each row of pots. Line trough with pool liner and cover. Put the pots and wicks on top of trough. The wicks drop into trough and you never need to water again. High country genetics also puts vertical columns of fertilizer at the edge of 10 gal pots and you won’t need to fertilize either. Would take some testing but hands off once dialed in.
I don't care of rings. They have to be perfectly level or you'll get an uneven watering. Plus you can easily make your own customized rings for a fraction of the price. It looks like you've moved beyond the idea, but I'm putting it out there for anyone who reads this thread.
Well, I've got time to think about it anyways. Im not going to do anything until I get this round finished up and the new inventory moved in there... to much to work around at the moment.
Thinking outside the box here. Looks like you run soil pots. If you were open to change you could run sips. You could build a long trough for each row of pots. Line trough with pool liner and cover. Put the pots and wicks on top of trough. The wicks drop into trough and you never need to water again. High country genetics also puts vertical columns of fertilizer at the edge of 10 gal pots and you won’t need to fertilize either. Would take some testing but hands off once dialed in.
Im open to all ideas.. as I just said, Im not doing anything until I get this current room cleared. Too much to work around, and I don't want to disturb anything right now.
If I did anything right now, the AIrROS would go nuts trying to stomp out the VOC's from the pipe glue, silicone, new tubing, etc. That thing is super sensitive. Normal operating range is 30 parts per billion... with a B. On the very.. and I mean very rare occasion that a woman comes in that room, the display will go from 30 PPB to 0. It's trying to eat up all the perfume, hair product, laundry detergent, etc. I have a dedicated set of clothes that I work in out there, and use very little detergent when I do wash them. No cologne, or anything else with strong VOC's. But on the plus side, a fart is non detectable..