Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

I have toppd my plant and took off the 2 top fan leaves right under the toppd area so that the lower bud spots take off with the new growths. Here she is after a couple of days and is at day 10 of flowering.:joint:

any advice to do with it?:mrgreen::peace:
took off the 2 top fan leaves right under the toppd area
personally, i wouldn't cut off both fan leaves at a single node unless i had no use for the growth tips there - like if you were going to pull them for clones. even then?? i completely agree with UB that cutting a leaf retards growth in that area. i don't prune to "uncover" growth tips, i prune to slow down the growth of the main stem.
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personally, i wouldn't cut off both fan leaves at a single node unless i had no use for the growth tips there - like if you were going to pull them for clones. even then?? i completely agree with UB that cutting a leaf retards growth in that area. i don't prune to "uncover" growth tips, i prune to slow down the growth of the main stem.

I only took off those leaves becuz i had a light fall and land on it and burnd like the new growth and the 2 leafs. i forgot to say that earlier.
So will i have any problems in the future. but as you can see she recoverd quite nicely.
depends on how much you want to yield. the 150 watt light has about 16,000 lumens and the 250 has about 28,000 lumens. you want about 14,000 lumens per average-sized plant.
i was just checking out prices for a 250 watt hps and found that a 400 watt hps is cheaper to buy then the 250 watt one. I was wondering why that is or is it just the prices.

Could i just go and buy the bulb and through it in a regualR SOCKET.?
i was just checking out prices for a 250 watt hps and found that a 400 watt hps is cheaper to buy then the 250 watt one. I was wondering why that is or is it just the prices.

Could i just go and buy the bulb and through it in a regualR SOCKET.?
nope. hps bulbs have a special socket and require a ballast to work.
Haha i did this by accident! I topped a seedling and i accidentally burnt the 2 top leaves, so i snipped them. Not only did the 2 top stems branch out, but since i cut 2 fan leafs off, 2 more branches sprouted out from the bottom. It is really cool it is like a 4" tall cheap looking Christmas tree :) lol. Some of the leaves that are branching out look weird though, not like a traditional fan leaf, but anyways i now have a little 4" shrub lol it looks funny
This post is everything right and everything WRONG all at once....Desertrat, dude you seem to be a really sharp dude, very interesting post and something definately worth trying. The pic of that plant was sic. It sucks that you've dug up a nugget of knowledge, used it, got positive results, and shared them. Only to have other members post here, not with questions, but intentions of stirring up shiznit.

Further, to those of you who are in a position to do so...The passing on of your knowledge and experience should be done so without calling the rest of us under 50k posts noobs or dumbasses or whatever. I think that part of what we do here is about bringing people together with common interests, sharing knowledge, and doing so in a way thats different from the "keeping of with the Jones" crowd of superficial, chest thumping, I'm caught up with social status plicks everybody wants to double tap.

yes, I said Plicks the way directors in the west say asians do....
oooo i didnt know it would double your yeild thanks for the info desert rat im looking fowrad to trying this on my new super lemon haze ill upload pics once it grows a bit but check out my dutch passion man do u recon its a bit to late to top :D ? peace
This is fair production, which could be increased by not pulling the very unit that produces bud.

If you noobs want to feel you've reinvented the botanical wheel, then suck up to your buds, and go for it.



lmao what th fuck u using 1980's nutes aswell uncle ben ?!? I pull better with a 400w lol.
You needs 2b admitting that your just a 80's lover and ya stuck there ??!
Desert this actually works, cant explain why , dont care , but it does. Fuck ub.
I'm a newbe and found this thread real informational. I thank you for all your input
Keep it up Bro
you're welcome

It sucks that you've dug up a nugget of knowledge, used it, got positive results, and shared them. Only to have other members post here, not with questions, but intentions of stirring up shiznit.
still expecting to get the last laugh in about 6 weeks.

I tried this method and they all dieded :cry:
you had to have done something else. no way cutting off five or six fan leaves and topping/fimming will kill a plant. post the details of your grow and some pics and i or someone else can help.

oooo i didnt know it would double your yeild thanks for the info desert rat im looking fowrad to trying this on my new super lemon haze ill upload pics once it grows a bit but check out my dutch passion man do u recon its a bit to late to top :D ? peace
where? pics?

Desert this actually works, cant explain why , dont care , but it does. Fuck ub.

yes, it does work.

new pic:IMG_0020.jpg

the two plants at the top of the pic have been topped and fimmed. the plant on the lower left has been fimmed only. those three are the same mystery seed-descendant genetics and you can see the multiple growth tips compared to the simply fimmed plant. as an aside, looks like i fimmed the fim and ended up with only one growth tip instead of at least two.

the fourth plant in the lower right corner is a fimmed only carmelicious. the other plants i was growing for comparison turned out to be males.
you had to have done something else. no way cutting off five or six fan leaves and topping/fimming will kill a plant. post the details of your grow and some pics and i or someone else can help.

I was j/k bro. I only do clones so my leaves are already in an offset pattern. If I took 'em off I wouldn't have any left 8)
the two plants at the top of the pic have been topped and fimmed. the plant on the lower left has been fimmed only. those three are the same mystery seed-descendant genetics and you can see the multiple growth tips compared to the simply fimmed plant. as an aside, looks like i fimmed the fim and ended up with only one growth tip instead of at least two.

the fourth plant in the lower right corner is a fimmed only carmelicious. the other plants i was growing for comparison turned out to be males.

I have to say that I never really have understood Fimming. Lots of folks swear by it, but there seems to be less botanical theory regarding the technique than 'leaf removal'. I don't understand how Fimming would be different for the plant than regular topping. I plan on running some experiments with the techniqe in a few generations of my grow-- but that won't be for at least 6 months.
that's kind of interesting, same thing going on with the pruning, obviously. so maybe it's more like the plant tries to repair the wound site by flooding it with nutrients and the secondary branches are the beneficiaries?

desertrat THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i JUST learned about Topping a few minutes ago, and now i have this staircase method of pruning to help it even better!!! thank you so much brother!

i am doing a scrog from birth, and need a better way to branch my baby girls -- and thanks to you, i have found EXACTLY what im going to do!!! second node topping, and staircase fanning!!!