Anyone can grow for cheap...check out my class.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you see this a lot someone with a low post count basically trying to join riu with a bang and gain credibility ...its cool though it's summer do your thang bro ...just don't turn into impman;)


Well-Known Member
Oh And I still grow cheap. I reuse and amend my soil, use teas and guanos for feed and if I switch to Synthetics indoor I have literally 3 bottles I use. PH down, Flora Nova bloom ,and general hydroponics Micros.

Jenna Talls

New Member
Because he is probably 15 years old, claims to be a veteran , shows three puke ass seedlings and a couple of flowering plants in a Styrofoam cup . Look at the grows shown here. You think someone wants to listen to this shit ? Specialy a newbie who really wants to learn to grow good pot. He should of posted in general or the newbie forum and take his crap post out of here.
I agree that he probably should have posted it in a newbie or general forum but he's new :mrgreen: sometimes new guys need a breakbongsmilie

Jenna Talls

New Member
"Jenna Talls" just opened her/his RIU account today. Today!

Basically, a gutless forum ghost account for "kiddie". Pathetic, but... typically internet-ish.
I like how you point out the fact that i started today when you opened your account just 2 months ago:clap: that's not hypocritical at all kiss-ass


New Member
Well i'm glad some people like it :) And to all the teenagers on here, 1. Like i said its been years since i have been on at all. The site is redone i cant figure out where to post really, so that can tell you my age. I was smoking weed long before you were even reaching for your mommas titty ! 2. Just because i cant "spell" cotyledon does not imply i do not know what im talking about. 3. And just because i counted the cotyledon as a node....dude i was fucking stoned....and i am right now. Shit doesnt exactly come out right, ya know. Thanks for the ones who passed the joint...Puff Puff give. To you tuned in stoners....more pics. :joint::mrgreen: And to all "my" haters, just smoke some weed!



Well-Known Member
Everything stated in the original thread is true but one major's not a weed..."weed" is the slang term for marijuana...BUT MARIJUANA IS A PLANT.. A "vet" should know this....but it can be done just as simple as described...that's how it's been growing in nature since the beginning of time....FYI your miracle grow soil has time released to say NO nutes was inaccurate...but it can be as simple as planting seeds, walking away and hoping for the best...A LOT OF POTENTIAL ISSUES....but it is a seed in dirt...


Well-Known Member
I completely understand your point but what happens when you do run into problems? Insect infestations, pests, deficiencies, and ph problems? I believe it's best to have a decent background knowledge before you start your grow. This is my first outdoor grow and before I started I read everything I could get my hands on and even after all that I'm still seeking advice. It's one thing to just grow some bud, but it's a whole different thing to consistently grow high grade bud. I know your intentions were good and I applaud you for that, but don't be mistaken, it takes some know how to grow good buds consistently.


New Member
Yes its a plant, but a weed....Spray some weed killer on it and tell me what happens ? You all need to smoke some weed....The bud i grow always blows my mind so....oh and here...
“A weed in a general sense is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance. The word is normally applied to unwanted plants in human-controlled settings, especially farm fields and gardens, but also lawns, parks, woods, and other areas…”
So just because its not a nuisance to us potheads, doesnt mean its not a weed...we only like it cause we want to smoke it. Doesnt make it any different...If you had a tulip patch and weed kept growing up around the tulips, hense the nuisance. But if you had a weed issues there...anyways not sure why i


Because he is probably 15 years old, claims to be a veteran , shows three puke ass seedlings and a couple of flowering plants in a Styrofoam cup . Look at the grows shown here. You think someone wants to listen to this shit ? Specialy a newbie who really wants to learn to grow good pot. He should of posted in general or the newbie forum and take his crap post out of here.
i like how the guy who made this post being more than reasonable and friendly, just trying to prove a point, and it brings out all the douche bags and nay sayers. i say fuck the haters and do you. no matter how much or how little you know, there is always some pussy ass whiner, with no life and no values, trying to bring someone else down. its fuckin sad, especially among a site like this. where supposedly everyone is calm and chill.


Well-Known Member
I think mostly what excited everyone is the dude came in saying he's gonna teach you how to grow and listed 2 paragraphs and called it a class.
This didn't even touch on things, this isn't even basics yet op thinks he just taught noobs everything they need to know.


Well... The op is correct. You CAN just buy some cheap mg soil, fill a pot, and plant a seed and get SOME weed from it..... Prolly wont get much, but you def can get SOME weed that way. Hell.... when I was 15 and didnt know jack shit... I didnt even bother with buying soil, or pots... I just planted them in the ground in a sunny spot in the woods, and I got SOME weed from them....

A lil extra effort tho, and SOME weed can turn into A LOT of weed :D


Well-Known Member
Just throwing It out here but I grew some in MG severAl months ago when I moved to this state/town I'm in now. I had to switch it up cuz our water supply can't be drank and walmart is a good distance away to het water. Not to mention I couldn't find any soil BUT mg. So reluctantly I used it and hot a great final product. She was trained from the start and finished at about 16". I got just shy of 2 oz dry of some of the strongest ice I've grown.

Now I'm used to growing big indoor plants, all hydro and some soil, all 5-10 gallon pots and totes and since moving I had to go small scale. Which was fine, I had several plants going and the herb just barely ran dry since an october harvest. I used it then and I'd use it again if i had to. You can say I don't know what I'm talking about or that I'm bat shit crazy until you go look at my grow threads.

MG wasn't a weak grow. After figuring out my water issues I've been back to hydro and did a side by side grow and the MG was growing as thick, bushy and green as the hydros. It wasn't until flower that it slowed down.

I get what op kiddie was saying with the advent of this thread. Y'all are just oblivious to a kind gesture.

So just go look thru my grows and then talk some smack to me. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Just throwing It out here but I grew some in MG severAl months ago when I moved to this state/town I'm in now. I had to switch it up cuz our water supply can't be drank and walmart is a good distance away to get water. Not to mention I couldn't find any soil BUT mg. So reluctantly I used it and got a great final product. She was trained from the start and finished at about 16". I got just shy of 2 oz dry of some of the strongest ice I've grown.

Now I'm used to growing big indoor plants, all hydro and some soil, all 5-10 gallon pots and totes and since moving I had to go small scale. Which was fine, I had several plants going and the herb just barely ran dry since an october harvest. I used it then and I'd use it again if i had to. You can say I don't know what I'm talking about or that I'm bat shit crazy until you go look at my grow threads.

MG wasn't a weak grow. After figuring out my water issues I've been back to hydro and did a side by side grow and the MG was growing as thick, bushy and green as the hydros. It wasn't until flower that it slowed down.

I get what op kiddie was saying with the advent of this thread. Y'all are just oblivious to a kind gesture.

So just go look thru my grows and then talk some smack to me. :peace: