anyone else kid themselves about the whole legalization game?


Active Member
Yes. So many man hours involved with pulling a small but very connoisseur quality run. Just harvesting and curing takes many hours. My time is worth money.

Also IMO if pot goes full legal the small grower will most likely be breaking even more laws than now. I think pot will be legal to those to can afford to jump the hoops. Try moonshining and see how busted you get. Alcohol is legal but you have to pay out the ass to produce it. Make it without being legal and you may get charged with a list of shit.
You can legally produce beer and wine for yourself without a license so how is hard liquor a good example to the point you were trying to make?


Active Member
yeah see this was teh market I was intending to capitalize on. I"m an outdoor grower in an environment that can grow some of the highest quality connoisseur bud out there without the problems other parts of california has with bugs and mold.

but I've just grown jaded lately because of this fucked up economy, not very many people to come up to you and agree with you on how much your cannabis is worth ya know. I'll likely get a real job and lay low for a few years breeding my own strains until I see a /true/ opportunity arise, because there certainly isn't one now.
Maybe your in the wrong place. Go to a state where the weed economy isn't so well developed. Watch for the state most geared at legalization for medical use and move there and get set up as the bill passes. You'll be ahead of the game.


Active Member
It seems some people missed my original point. Marijuana is only as expensive as it is based on legal issues and the risks associated with growing. When those laws go away the risk goes away and that decreases prices. If you don't understand that concept we can part ways here because im done explaining it. Its a very simple concept and it has already been proven in Canada where in certain areas bud is dirt cheap but go south to the US and all of the sudden prices shoot through the roof. IDC about average joes opinion I have smoked in different states and the prices are very different even with our current laws. For example, in Texas bud is cheap and easy to come by for obvious reasons but head up north and its 400-425 an ounce. And assuming that it must be massed produced to reduce prices is also incorrect. If you read my posts you will notice I said that PEOPLE would start growing I never mention large scale anything. If just a few people per street set up a 400W in a matter of months prices would be driven down without losing quality per say. Sure they may not all be the best at growing but its really not as hard as some of these elitist act like it is.
The bud that is really cheap is the cartel bud, brick weed. You can get it for what, 25 an ounce? That same bud is not the bud that cost 400 an ounce up north. You can get an ounce of dirt for 70 bucks in Chicago. The 400 an ounce bud is far superior, and no matter what strain it is, it's "dro" or it's "kush". A lot of people who don't know weed use these terms to differentiate it from "mids" and "reggie". They don't really get it. It's like getting a bottle of crown royal for 40 bucks instead of the generic whiskey for 8. Legalization will not mean everyone will start growing, just like not everyone brews beer because it is legal. Most people will still buy their weed. And like alcohol the government will surely regulate the sale of marijuana. Through legalization, several sub-markets will bloom. There will be a variety of grades sold in pre-rolled packs, single cigars, bags of various size. There will be edibles of different strengths. There will be an organic market. And there will be a connoisseur market.

I feel the real concern is who will own these markets. Marijuana can NOT go corporate. It's illegality is really it's only defense against this. Because it is illegal, marijuana belongs to us. If corporation and government effectively work together, they can easily create a set of laws to legalize marijuana, and give us less control of it than ever. Patent laws could be used to shut down breeders. Marijuana consumption may become legal, yet personal cultivation could remain criminal. We would still need to hide our fucking grows after all that work, and now have to sneak around to grow unique strains that are free of genetically modified genes. They would create huge revenue for themselves and take control of one of the most prevalent signs of American rebellion.

We need to pay really close attention as we approach federal legalization.
I just had to reply to the many comments from people stating that all people using MMJ just want to get high... That's completely false, how can I make that statement with certainty? I dislike the high from MJ, but it's the only thing I can turn to for pain relief without getting into the complete lifewreck that is the opiate industry.

I used to smoke to get high from 14-21, and then my dad passed away, I started abusing opiates, and my life completely spiraled out of control. I've been clean for 3 years now, but in those 3 years, I've realized that I really did have a use for the opiates, because I'm in unbearable pain due to a drunk driver in a truck hitting me at the speed of 65 mph, while I was on foot/skating.

I can't use any opiates, or I have a 99% chance of falling right back into addiction, but the pain is unbearable sometimes, so one day I was with a friend, and she asked if I wanted to smoke some herb, it had been a looonnnnggg time, but I went for it, and guess what, the swelling in my back went down, and the pain was gone, for about 2 days.

That was enough for me, I'm not a fan of the Sativa buzz, so I decided to get legal, and grow it the right way, to get the body effects without the mental, and not have to pay 60 an eighth for some airy midgrade, from the dispensaries. If I could have found someone to grow the plants the way I needed them grown, it would have been a no-brainer. Growing is a long drawn out expensive process, and without perfect runs, I won't have the exact medicine I need.

Once full blown legalization happens, people will feel a lot safer, about advertising their services, and the people growing swag won't have a leg to stand on. That said, I don't see this ever being the cash cow, it was in the late 80's early 90's, and legalization won't help the bottom line either. Why do you think California (a state renowned for high grade cannabis) didn't legalize, but Colorado (a state just fresh from medical legalization) did, most growers who have been around long enough to get a foothold, don't want to lose their bottom dollar. but with unions, helping to hold prices firm, I think people will be able to make a living. If starbucks can charge 7.00 for a cup of coffee, you can still get 15 a g. And if you've got your bottom line down to .08 a g plus nutes, what's the problem?


Well-Known Member
Regardless of how commercialized cannabis may become there will always be a market for local organic grown produce. Especially once companies like Mansanto start genetically modifying the herb into some frankenherb.

You would just need to find the right clientel. You sell you ghetto fucks you will get ghetto fucks who just care it's called kush. You sell to middle to upscale pot snobs you get people that care about what they are smoking. also labeling or canning your product would assist in marketing to the crowd you desire.


Well-Known Member
I used to grudgingly pay $150 a can (quarter) for medical... why? because it was labeled, I knew exactly what I was buying not just word of mouth from some middle man. Two ... I felt special, IDK. lol. If you make them feel semi elite they will have no problem paying elite prices for banging genetics.