anyone else smoke alone?

I smoke alone almost exclusively. At fiddy many of my old friends have had children, moved onto other places or whatever and have pretty much quit smoking. I have two friends around my age who do smoke, they are both perma unemployed and mostly broke. I work in a professional environment and although I can reasonably assume someone around there smokes, no one talks about it or represents like that. Wife don't smoke, some of her kids do but, eff that I don't like hanging with them.

So I smoke alone. Really only smoke at home on the weekends and at night anyway. Don't have the desire to party much anymore so......

Back in the day? Yeah I hung with the musicians and it was always a smoke fest when we were together. Partied like a mofo all over town too.

Good times.
I can identify wit da fiddy thing. However, most of my friends do smoke, it just isn't legal here. With the main jobs in my area of town being the refineries and how they random you, they have sloooowed down a lot. They make buzz kills for everything else so you can pass those, but haven't found any weed killers yet, unfortunately. :cuss:
Even though it is legal here now, it is far from socially acceptable, so I will smoke alone for a long time it appears
As much as I like smoking alone, smoking with friends is by far the greater pleasure. This is much easier here in Colorado than elsewhere!
It's kind of surreal here in CO. being able to just run down to the "store" and grab some weed. A whole lot better than the old days when you sometimes spent a whole weekend chasin' down a friend who knows a guy that MIGHT have some.
Just signed up to the forum and wanted to say hi and also that yes I smoke alone sort of because my wife doesn't partake but she has her wine and I have my herb and together we have fun.
Same here, exactly! She has her wine I my weed. "...and they lived happily everafter;-)"
That y is exactly our situation, she does wine or rum ,I quit drinking 7 months ago and went back to pot, after, 25 years, I am the relaxed happy guy I used to be once again, but yi do smoke alone
Yeah, I finally had to give up Scotch, to angry, aggressive, etc. not to mention coming to somewhere other than where I started. Been dry since 01/14............been high since 01/69
It's kind of surreal here in CO. being able to just run down to the "store" and grab some weed. A whole lot better than the old days when you sometimes spent a whole weekend chasin' down a friend who knows a guy that MIGHT have some.

That fucking chase and the time I wasted on it was what got me into growing.
Yeah, I finally had to give up Scotch, to angry, aggressive, etc. not to mention coming to somewhere other than where I started. Been dry since 01/14............been high since 01/69
I don't miss being an angry drunk, so many wasted year s , I have been driving to Washington state to their legal stores, here in Oregon legal sales sstart October first to rec users, my grow cab has provided me with enough till then