Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

I respect your right to smoke a child molester chasing you down to kill you. I respect your right to smoke a mob coming after you to crack your skull. Your right to defend yourself is a critical right. You have one life. This is justice. Hopefully, people respect the verdict and don't burn the city down.
Btw how do you identify your targets ?
I respect your right to smoke a child molester chasing you down to kill you. I respect your right to smoke a mob coming after you to crack your skull. Your right to defend yourself is a critical right. You have one life. This is justice. Hopefully, people respect the verdict and don't burn the city down.

It's funny how many rednecks there are that have no idea what "time" is. You don't know he's a molester until weeks later.
It's funny how many rednecks there are that have no idea what "time" is. You don't know he's a molester until weeks later.

That is my hindsight, which has nothing to do with the fact of the case that one man thought he had the right to chase down and take control of another man's gun and was justifiably killed for doing it.
What do you mean? If someone is chasing you and grabs your gun, I stand up for you defending your life. It's a simple concept to understand if you're a reasonable person. Don't think you have a right to attack people, hit them off the head with skateboards, or kick them in the face.
And if I’m standing there I get to blow you away for interfering amirite?
Just here for the obligatory told ya so. Thankful with my red dumb American heart that our courts run on evidence and testimony not dork feelings.

Even though plenty of lies were told and the media did their best to sway the masses of sheep, your right to self defense lives another day.


Yet you can cite one aspect of this case that legitimately involves racism. White boy kills 2 white people = racism. I think you should look in the mirror if we've entered the territory in which a white person being found not guilty is a travesty because he's white.
It is hilarious watching trolls try to pretend like this kid is not being used as a propaganda tool for the hate mongers.

You are pretending like it was the crime of killing white people that makes him a hero to the racist pieces of shit, and not just the kid who is running around with a gun killing people for the act of killing people that they were using.

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What? Stick to the facts of the case. Which was clear-cut self-defense. If Rosenbaum doesn't chase Rittenhouse, none of this occurs.
And if Rittenhouse is not radicalized to think it is good to take his sweet illegally purchased gun to a city that he doesn't live in and point that gun at people it also doesn't happen.
Yet you can cite one aspect of this case that legitimately involves racism. White boy kills 2 white people = racism. I think you should look in the mirror if we've entered the territory in which a white person being found not guilty is a travesty because he's white.

The klantards like Kyle came from around the country to the protests to stir up violence and racial tensions, hell some were disguised as protesters and started fires and destroyed property trying to blame the protesters for the acts.