Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Straw purchases, minor in possession, not even knowing what hollow points are, lying about credentials, and playing superhero security guard....are all okay now.

All gun charges were dropped before jury consideration because Mr. Rittenhouse was legally wielding that gun. Ignorance isn't bliss. You haven't been watching the trial as you're saying things that are objectively not true.
All gun charges were dropped before jury consideration because Mr. Rittenhouse was legally wielding that gun. Ignorance isn't bliss. You haven't been watching the trial as you're saying things that are objectively not true.

You know, words still have meaning. He was a minor in possession of a deadly weapon, regardless of whether or not the charge was dropped.
Kyle and his dim witted mommy will be facing civil suits, I imagine. The Rittenhouses may lose their double wide.

Fair enough - I suspect Mr. Rittenhouse and his family will come out on top monetarily. Let us not forget the president wrongfully labeled Mr. Rittenhouse a white supremecist. The media did as well - with zero proof. MSNBC also tried to follow and intimidate the jury. Do you recall Nicolas Sandmann? Paid in full.
You know, words still have meaning. He was a minor in possession of a deadly weapon, regardless of whether or not the charge was dropped.
Thankfully, you don't get to make the law. A "minor in possession" isn't a crime. At 17, he was lawfully carrying that rifle. If you take issue with it, work your way up the WI political system and advocate a change in the law.
Fair enough - I suspect Mr. Rittenhouse and his family will come out on top monetarily. Let us not forget the president wrongfully labeled Mr. Rittenhouse a white supremecist. The media did as well - with zero proof. MSNBC also tried to follow and intimidate the jury. Do you recall Nicolas Sandmann? Paid in full.
I’m sure Kyle will talk a bunch of hicks out of their money
If tRUMP can do it any doltard can
Thankfully, you don't get to make the law. A "minor in possession" isn't a crime. At 17, he was lawfully carrying that rifle. If you take issue with it, work your way up the WI political system and advocate a change in the law.
It really doesn’t matter the law
If Kyle were a black man running armed at cops saying he killed somebody
He would have never made it to trial
I’m sure Kyle will talk a bunch of hicks out of their money
If tRUMP can do it any doltard can

Perhaps you are right, he will get paid from many angles. I think the majority of people supporting him regardless of skin color is their belief in self-defense has been reaffirmed. The average individual doesn't see everything through the lens of skin color. However, they are concerned that a white person chasing them and attempting to take their lawfully carried gun is grounds to defend their person and family.
Perhaps you are right, he will get paid from many angles. I think the majority of people supporting him regardless of skin color is their belief in self-defense has been reaffirmed. The average individual doesn't see everything through the lens of skin color. However, they are concerned that a white person chasing them and attempting to take their lawfully carried gun is grounds to defend their person and family.

Aka gun nuts
Fair enough - I suspect Mr. Rittenhouse and his family will come out on top monetarily. Let us not forget the president wrongfully labeled Mr. Rittenhouse a white supremecist. The media did as well - with zero proof. MSNBC also tried to follow and intimidate the jury. Do you recall Nicolas Sandmann? Paid in full.


He’s a piece of shit just like you and anyone else who apologizes for him.
It really doesn’t matter the law
If Kyle were a black man running armed at cops saying he killed somebody
He would have never made it to trial

That didn't happen so it's speculation. I am sorry you think police hunt black people. I don't think the facts back that up. If Mr. Rittenhouse was black, would your opinion change on his right to self-defense? All individuals who were killed by Mr. Rittenhouse were white. If it was a black man they chased, knocked down, and attacked, would you be singing the same tune?
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He’s a piece of shit just like you and anyone else who apologizes for him.

As an individual with a deaf relative who communicates via sign language, I should be greatly offended. You don't get to take hand signs that have no nefarious meaning and attach something sinister such as white supremacy to it. What a ridiculous belief. At worse, you're being trolled.