Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Link please

"Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. "
K, well im guessing you're just trolling, you should KNOW that Kyle was carrying.. openly and legally, the Felon Child Rapist.. was carrying illegaly.....and concealed and pulled said gun on a CHILD, but we know now he doesnt care about the well being of children, now don't we.... hes luck on top of having his arm turned into mist...he isnt in jailed for 5 years fed minimum...for having a firearm on his person.. and even more concealed....This should stop you from talking...but, alas, you're a useful idiot.. injected with idea right from your pc and tv...ready to be activated.. pathetic.
I think you got the trolling covered for the both of us.
so, i said the little piece of verminous shit would get off because his judge was an ancient racist fucktard...and i was right. you all are way too optimistic about how things will turn out when you're dealing with evil fucking bastards...evil protects evil, now the fucks will feel justified marching while armed in more riots they should just stay the fuck away from. at least it looks like the fuckers in Charlottesville are going to get the assfucking they deserve
i hope killer kyle tries this shit again and gets his fucking face splattered on the ground, exactly what the murderous little fuck deserves

I hope I never turn into the exact thing I think im fighting against. I feel bad for you. Because you actually think your statement is founded in anything other than what Don "the groper" Lemon opinions of the matter is.. Turn off the tv, go outside. Facts are facts.
It's possible to think Rittenhouse defended himself. When I look at the video, that's not what I conclude but I think it would be foolish to just look at the video because it's not the whole story. So, getting back to the facts of the matter. After he shot and killed three people, he walked right past the police, jumped into a getaway car and fled the scene. Later on, he lied to people about what happened. So, you can jump to whatever biased self serving conclusion you want. I'll stick to the facts that one can know.

Kyle's actions that night were those of a person who knew he committed murder and wanted to get away. And let's not forget the fake crying.

I'd argue his actions were those of someone who was just chased by a mob, kicked in the head, hit with a skateboard, and nearly shot at close range by an illegally carried handgun. Good people alert the police after this type of incident. Violent mobs are a scary thing.

"Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. "
The fascination right wingers have with pedophilia is creepy.
so, i said the little piece of verminous shit would get off because his judge was an ancient racist fucktard...and i was right. you all are way too optimistic about how things will turn out when you're dealing with evil fucking bastards...evil protects evil, now the fucks will feel justified marching while armed in more riots they should just stay the fuck away from. at least it looks like the fuckers in Charlottesville are going to get the assfucking they deserve
i hope killer kyle tries this shit again and gets his fucking face splattered on the ground, exactly what the murderous little fuck deserves
There’s at least twelve people in Wisconsin that disagree with you.
The fascinati
Wanna buy Greenland?

Man you guys melt Anyways, justice has been served, ill leave you guys to make ridiculous shit up... and make unfounded bullshit racist accusations about judges and juries you dont know...and have never known...Makes me wonder how life is... just to have a 'for any situation' word... racist... every time you feel threatened or wronged or simply disagreed with.... ...or you're just being unreasonable with zero facts...Its some weird brain washing or...syndrome or baseless defense mechanism....I couldn't live that way.
I'd argue his actions were those of someone who was just chased by a mob, kicked in the head, hit with a skateboard, and nearly shot at close range by an illegally carried handgun. Good people alert the police after this type of incident. Violent mobs are a scary thing.
My how dramatic. He wasn't injured at all. He killed three people and didn't even alert the police when he was near them. lulz at the "mob chasing him". He was all by himself when he walked past the police. Walked, not run. We know from his conversation on the phone at the scene that he was aware he might have killed somebody. Did he say that to the police? No, he walked right by and waved. Then he fled the scene. Then lied to a friend the next day. Not the actions of a person who believes they did nothing wrong.
Man you guys melt Anyways, justice has been served, ill leave you guys to make ridiculous shit up... and make unfounded bullshit racist accusations about judges and juries you dont know...and have never known...Makes me wonder how life is... just to have a 'for any situation' word... racist... every time you feel threatened or wronged or simply disagreed with.... ...or you're just being unreasonable with zero facts...Its some weird brain washing or...syndrome or baseless defense mechanism....I couldn't live that way.

What is most alarming is people think it's right to threaten the life of an individual who was acquitted of all charges. All based on the media wrongfully portraying Mr. Rittenhouse as a white supremacist. The power the media has over the plebs is disturbing.