Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Notice that this troll was so desperate to pull the 'they are defending' the people who were killed by Rittenouse card that nobody is doing, that they made the comment even though there was nobody to quote.

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Almost (if not over) 5 million jobs created under Biden's presidency, a economy that is getting out of the severe recession that Trump and the Republican's shit handling of the pandemic caused (and when they cry about how Trump was doing so well before he fucked us, remember that Obama's last three years were economically better than Trump's first 3), Biden and the Democrats passing of the infrastructure bill that is the biggest investment in our nation since white people were given the suburbs, no active wars after Biden completed Trump's surrender in Afghanistan while also evacuating hundreds of thousands of people Trump and the Republicans would have abandoned (like they did with the Kurds), and the Democrats passing the social infrastructure bill.

No wonder they want to spam about the completely foreseeable conclusion to this kid's trial who killed 2 people and wounded a third with his cool illegally purchased gun in a city that he did not live in.
Rittenhouse is probably sitting on the Judge's knee right this second. What else can you say about this case other than white privilege? I hope the judge, his parents, and the jurors all feel appropriately responsible when he kills again, which he will now that he popped his murder cherry.
Why the left deflects pedo responsibility and supports them is the real mystery.

So you think children should not be able to defend themselves from a pedo rapist? Are you a MAP?
You brought up the pedophilia. It had nothing to do with what happened that night but there it is. It's all there for you isn't it? Murder, mayhem, pedophilia. This all gives you have a raging hardon doesn't it?

regardless, he still killed people. That's a dangerous defense, because getting off with no penalty opens the doors to more violence.

It reaffirms law. No one would have died if individuals didn't attack the defender. It's a simple concept we've abided by for hundreds of years. You manage to go about your life without being shot. Do you think you have the right to chase someone down? What about chasing them and hitting them in the head with a skateboard? What about chasing them and kicking them in the head? How about chasing them and pulling your illegal handgun on them? You don't do any of that shit, so you manage to survive.
There’s at least twelve people in Wisconsin that disagree with you.
Actually, they said he was not guilty of the charges according to the instructions given to them by the judge.

Most thought that Rittenhouse would not be convicted of murder. That doesn't change what we saw in the vids and it definitely doesn't change the fact that Rittenhouse acted like a guilty person the night he killed three people.

regardless, he still killed people. That's a dangerous defense, because getting off with no penalty opens the doors to more violence.
It should send a clear message that being a criminal might get you killed, try a legal means of supporting yourself or face the consequences!