He got off as the law did not take into the account getting hit by a plastic bag and feeling threatened by that should not have the plastic bag thrower die because of it. And how many shots from a rifle at short range is needed to dissuade a person throwing their toothbrush and tooth past at someone?Annually, more people are murdered with hands and feet than long rifles. Outside of that observation, I am not sure what you're getting at in regards to my comment and how it relates to that opinion piece.
they can use whatever half asses excuse they want to use, rittenhouse murdered and walked free, and a geriatric fuck in a robe he isn't good enough to wear let it happen...every murderous little white supremacist fuck in the country has a hard on right now, as they clean their ar-15s...cause now they know they can go out and murder people and get away with itRittenhouse verdict: What counted as self-defense with open carry firearms?
On the day Rittenhouse killed Rosenbaum and Huber, there were many militia-like civilians with firearms roaming the streets of Kenosha, claiming their intent was keeping order. Grosskreutz himself stated, “I believe in the Second Amendment. I am for people’s right to carry and bear arms. And that night was no different than any other day. It’s keys, phone, wallet, gun.”
But a plastic bag and skateboard are no match for an AR-15. Wisconsin’s criminal laws don’t seem to adequately calibrate the right to carry concealed or open firearms and the right to self-defense. Two people paid the ultimate price for this disparity, and now it was a jury of Rittenhouse’s peers — rather than a legislature — that made the call for the rest of us.
Rittenhouse verdict: What counted as self-defense with open carry firearms?
The case boils down to two concepts under Wisconsin law: self-defense and provocation.thehill.com
At least he won't have to spend the rest of his miserable life looking for the killer
oh, that wiley old judge is leading them away from a mistrial....my assThe people have spoken, but that prosecutor sucked. Points the rifle in court, questions the defendants 5th amendment right to silence? Total chooch.
Of course he will correct his life. He will be a page (or whatever the possition is called down there) in Congress.I'm all for objectivity. I listed objective facts about Rittenhouse's actions the night he killed three people in my explanation of why I doubt he is innocent. You are making shit up and hiding behind the jury's verdict. Yes, the jury followed the judge's instructions and found Rittenhouse not guilty. So he will walk and not face justice. I hope he corrects his life.
Do you really think white supremacists will ever do that?i don't...i hope he does this again, and it finally becomes obvious even to fossilized klansmen wearing judges robes that he's a fucking murderer
Damn, if he were black, he wouldn't have even had the chance to murder those guys, the cops that drove by Rittenhouse and waved to him would have shot him on the spot. I guarantee someone will use this as a precedent soon. This is basically a license to kill.
catch up, cupcake, liberals have been arming themselves for years now, you don't have to like guns to know you need one to protect your family against people like kyle and this fuckI dunno about you guys but I went out and bought a MACHINE GUN today. Gettin' ready for war![]()
Including polling places ...like a plagueexpect Militia at every event ever in the future..
Not going to go quite so far as to hope he kills more people. I can hope that someone will just smoke this kid in the head the next time hes out walking around with a gun.i don't...i hope he does this again, and it finally becomes obvious even to fossilized klansmen wearing judges robes that he's a fucking murderer
Bless your heartNot going to go quite so far as to hope he kills more people. I can hope that someone will just smoke this kid in the head the next time hes out walking around with a gun.
I dunno about you guys but I went out and bought a MACHINE GUN today. Gettin' ready for war![]()
expect dead militia at every event ever in the future....fifyexpect Militia at every event ever in the future..
Just load thirty rounds then spray and prayi'm getting one too..i'm also going to take lessons.
So on that basis
How could Kyle know the intent or history of his victims?
i would if i ever get the chance...and i won't lose a wink of sleep. it will just be like shooting a rabid dog, something that needs to be doneBless your heart
And I have kicked some ass in those situationsThe history of his attackers does not matter. A pedophile who served his sentence has paid for crimes committed. The intent is obvious if you aren't arguing in bad faith. For example, adults recognize that charging at someone is nefarious intent and provides you with the right to self-defense, depending on state law and the duty to retreat. In regards to the other attackers, the intent is obvious if you're being genuine. We agree being attacked by fists, feet, skateboards, and rocks is nefarious intent. Perhaps more so while in the act of retreat.