Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Damn man. You are echoing what happened in Germany in the 1920's. Fascist paramilitary killers wiped out those who opposed Nazis doing exactly what you say.
It is not like a switch was thrown and Germany went stupid. Happened one stupid step at a time. The US just took another step and if a Trumpard (which ever one) gets in office, actually if they win the House and Senate in 2022, all I can say is I am glad I am on this side of the border.
he'll face justice one way or another and wouldn't be surprised if when the 15 minutes wears off; he puts a round in his head.

Georgie has a Scarlett Letter.
Zimmie did not correct his life.
Let's face it, you would only be satisfied if Mr. Rittenhouse put down his gun and was torn to pieces by the mob because those criminals are your people. I was laughing hysterically during Mr. Kraus's rebuttal when he suggested everyone gets a beating in life and Mr. Rittenhouse was a coward for not fighting a 30-something-year-old man as a 17-year-old. I am sure that played well to the mothers on the jury.
"I am going to go into a angry crowd of people and show them I am against them, then if any show me I am not wanted there I will open fire on them. After all, why else would I bring a gun?"
Let's face it, you would only be satisfied if Mr. Rittenhouse put down his gun and was torn to pieces by the mob because those criminals are your people. I was laughing hysterically during Mr. Kraus's rebuttal when he suggested everyone gets a beating in life and Mr. Rittenhouse was a coward for not fighting a 30-something-year-old man as a 17-year-old. I am sure that played well to the mothers on the jury.
what a load of shit. we'd all be satisified if he got at least a couple of years out of it, instead of the life sentence he actually deserves, because then, at least bullshit lip service to justice would have been paid. as it is, a racist old fuck let a racist young fuck get away with murder, encouraging a lot more violence in the future, both from more young white supremacists going to events looking for trouble, and from those who hate them going to the same events, looking to supply that trouble
"I am going to go into a angry crowd of people and show them I am against they, then if any show me I am not wanted there I will open fire on them. After all, why else would I bring a gun?"

"Judge, I only raped the woman because her skirt was short and she provoked me" < a nonsensical argument just like the one you present. A violent mob burning buildings don't get to attack someone for putting out the fires they started.
what a load of shit. we'd all be satisified if he got at least a couple of years out of it, instead of the life sentence he actually deserves, because then, at least bullshit lip service to justice would have been paid. as it is, a racist of fuck let a racist young fuck get away with murder, encouraging a lot more violence in the future, both from more young white supremacists going to events looking for trouble, and from those who hate them going to the same events, looking to supply that trouble

Any evidence the judge or Mr. Rittenhouse is racist besides their skin color?
Photo ops with proud boys ?

Hint: I don't think Biden is a racist by association.
It is not like a switch was thrown and Germany went stupid. Happened one stupid step at a time. The US just took another step and if a Trumpard (which ever one) gets in office, actually if they win the House and Senate in 2022, all I can say is I am glad I am on this side of the border.
For the first time ever in the US, entrenched white power is being challenged and old white men are going to fight to keep their entitled status. Trump, MAGA, Rittenhouse, the normalization of violent and aggressive behavior towards minority groups and those who protest against white power. They are all symptoms of the shift in demographics away from white majority, rule through systemic racism. 2024 is probably their last chance at subverting our democracy. After that, demographic shift in the population makes the path toward multicultural democracy very hard to stop.

I've been saying if for some time. The first half of this decade is going to suck.
catch up, cupcake, liberals have been arming themselves for years now, you don't have to like guns to know you need one to protect your family against people like kyle and this fuck

I have actually been curious what the anti gun people think and if they have changed their minds. These people want to kill you, they aren't hiding it, quite a bit of crossover with law enforcement and the military so probably a bad idea to rely on them for protection...whatcha gonna do? The people appointed to protect society line up pretty uniformly with one side.

Peace and pacifism are great, but that moral stand doesn't get you far. Get them, learn to use them, lock them up and hope you don't need them. Not making the weird pro gun point about defending against burglers or tyrannical government, more along the lines of some basic survival type stuff.
This sets a precedent that you can still defend yourself against a violent mob in this country regardless of what the media or president says. This is a win for anyone that believes in self defense because you can’t always “ Just call the cops”
Damn man. You are echoing what happened in Germany in the 1920's. Fascist paramilitary killers wiped out those who opposed Nazis doing exactly what you say.
This is why I support guns for everyone. hard for fascist paramilitary killers to wipe out people if they are armed vs unarmed. If the Jews had all had guns in their homes, the Nazi's might have had a harder time. But this isnt 1920 and we're not in Germany.
I have actually been curious what the anti gun people think and if they have changed their minds. These people want to kill you, they aren't hiding it, quite a bit of crossover with law enforcement and the military so probably a bad idea to rely on them for protection...whatcha gonna do? The people appointed to protect society line up pretty uniformly with one side.

Peace and pacifism are great, but that moral stand doesn't get you far. Get them, learn to use them, lock them up and hope you don't need them. Not making the weird pro gun point about defending against burglers or tyrannical government, more along the lines of some basic survival type stuff.

I think everyone should own and become familiar with firearms. They are the great equalizer when unknown lunatics attack you or your family shouting man up and fight me, sissy. Plus they maintain value. Rights = use it or lose it, unfortunately.