Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Well I guess this means if you are out protesting, and see a magat carrying, best kill the hell out of that motherfucker, because they might shoot you, now feeling encouraged to do so. You gotta, it's self defense. This is like an okay to turn neighborhoods into all out war zones.

It means don’t be a scumbag and attack people or be violent because they can legally defend themselves. We aren’t animals there is no reason for violence if two sides disagree. Even on the courthouse of this trial people disagree but they have civil discussion not mob violence
I think everyone should own and become familiar with firearms. They are the great equalizer when unknown lunatics attack you or your family shouting man up and fight me, sissy. Plus they maintain value. Rights = use it or lose it, unfortunately.

I do have to say my experience more often than not has been the dude with the gun talking shit and picking the fight. I see this case as the same scenario.

Tomatoe tomato or whatever
What's a guy like you? A wannabe tough guy/hero?

Indeed - as someone who trains boxing + judo, I would never risk my life getting into a physical altercation with an unknown individual. All it takes is a flash KO or sucker punch and a concrete floor to leave you dead or drinking through a straw for life. These aren't the things we leave to chance and there is nothing masculine about it. I facepalmed when the prosecutors brought this up in closing. A nonsensical hailmary when you know the case has been lost.
"Judge, I only raped the woman because her skirt was short and she provoked me" < a nonsensical argument just like the one you present. A violent mob burning buildings don't get to attack someone for putting out the fires they started.
He was there to put out a fire? How did he put out the fire other than kill two people?
I do have to say my experience more often than not has been the dude with the gun talking shit and picking the fight. I see this case as the same scenario.

Tomatoe tomato or whatever

Talking shit is not physically attacking you. People can talk shit and do talk shit on both sides. It’s only when somebody gets stupid and physically attacks a person it becomes a problem
Indeed - as someone who trains boxing + judo, I would never risk my life getting into a physical altercation with an unknown individual. All it takes is a flash KO or sucker punch and a concrete floor to leave you dead or drinking through a straw for life. These aren't the things we leave to chance and there is nothing masculine about it. I facepalmed when the prosecutors brought this up in closing. A nonsensical hailmary when you know the case has been lost.
Why not increase your odds in a fight? Why not bring a semi-auto rifle with you?
I do have to say my experience more often than not has been the dude with the gun talking shit and picking the fight. I see this case as the same scenario.

Tomatoe tomato or whatever

I don't agree. I've lived in some of the most heavily armed states in the US and they also typically have the lowest incidents of violent crime. Legal gun owners, as a general rule, tend to be polite and mature. However, we are a country of 350 million people with assholes in every pocket. For example, Mr. Rosenbaum was the aggressive party. He was yelling threats and racial slurs towards multiple individuals.
Why not increase your odds in a fight? Why not bring a semi-auto rifle with you?

How much do you know about guns? The majority of firearms that aren't revolvers are semi-automatic including AR-15s and pistols. To your point, yes, ideally you are legally carrying a gun when someone attempts to do you harm.
Hahaha selfless heroes huh?? What kind of bullshit is that??
My guess would be a sign being held by someone who is being micro targeted by right wing hate mongers cat fishing to trick people into carrying something to trigger the people beings scammed by the right wing trolls into snow flaking about people that the kid killed.

You know to make them feel all superior about cheering on someone who killed an unarmed 5'3 person who scared them with a plastic bag and words.
I don't agree. I've lived in some of the most heavily armed states in the US and they also typically have the lowest incidents of violent crime. Legal gun owners, as a general rule, tend to be polite and mature. However, we are a country of 350 million people with assholes in every pocket. For example, Mr. Rosenbaum was the aggressive part. He was yelling threats and racial slurs towards multiple individuals.
Fucking Texans am I right?
Of the 2 men killed, one was a convicted child molester, the other convicted of domestic violence. The third man wounded admits he pointed his pistol at Kyle before he was shot. These weren't saints out spreading the word of the Lord, they were punks looking for trouble while burning a city.
How much do you know about guns? The majority of firearms that aren't revolvers are semi-automatic including AR-15s and pistols. To your point, yes, ideally you are legally carrying a gun when someone attempts to do you harm.
I think you’re giving a bad break to bolt actions and various shotgun modes.
My guess would be a sign being held by someone who is being micro targeted by right wing hate mongers cat fishing to trick people into carrying something to trigger the people beings scammed by the right wing trolls into snow flaking about people that the kid killed.

You know to make them feel all superior about cheering on someone who killed an unarmed 5'3 person who scared them with a plastic bag and words.

How the fuck is the Right being hate mongers?? The ONLY people that interject race into every issue is the left. It’s bullshit
Mr. Rittenhouse didn't exhibit a weapon in a threatening way. For you, the act of carrying a firearm is a threat. Thankfully, we abide by the law and not your misguided view of the world.
Just remember that when I show up to defend the capital wrapped in the flag my weapon isn’t a threat just my opportunity