Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

The "crossing state line" point has zero bearing on anything. Many of the rioters were "crossing state lines". Mr. Rittenhouse worked in Kenosha. His father lived in Kenosha. He had more of a right to be there than any violent rioter did. It's a weird take and you're right, not supported by law (thankfully).
Zero bearing. He was not there to protect his home. Why was he there with a rifle? Counter protesting?
Zero bearing. He was not there to protect his home. Why was he there with a rifle?
You do realize his dad had a shop there right? And the mob was burning stores out? Why not use a rifle? Here in the US we can defend ourselves. He chose the most efficient tool for that.
He swayed it daily
Yea ok! LOL Binger sure didn't pointing a rifle at the jury! Prosecution sure didn't sway anything with leading the witnesses into lies... which the defense cleared up every time. The doctored evidence SURELY wouldn't sway a jury...
You do realize his dad had a shop there right? And the mob was burning stores out? Why not use a rifle? Here in the US we can defend ourselves. He chose the most efficient tool for that.
“Here in the US” contains in it that those States with tighter gun laws are not actually in the US.
This sort of thinking is tightly correlated with full MAGA.
You do realize his dad had a shop there right? And the mob was burning stores out? Why not use a rifle? Here in the US we can defend ourselves. He chose the most efficient tool for that.
He put himself in a position to use a gun. If he did not think his actions would need a rifle to back him up he would not have brought one.
He put himself in a position to use a gun. If he did not think his actions would need a rifle to back him up he would not have brought one.

People carry weapons legally under a "what if" scenario. Millions of individuals bear arms not with the intent to use them, but as a last resort if attacked. In this case, it was clearly the right move as he was attacked. Luckily, in America, criminals do not get to turn your right to self-defense against you by claiming they were provoked into attacking you by the mere act of you carrying a firearm.
“Here in the US” contains in it that those States with tighter gun laws are not actually in the US.
This sort of thinking is tightly correlated with full MAGA.
I'm a libertarian, don't have a use for maga. Love how it's so foreign for lefties to not understand that people can have differing opinions on subjects and not be part of some political party. It's called individual freedom. Just like weed bro
That one guy he shot came from Milwaukee which was much further. At least Kyle worked in that town, his best friend was in that town along with his father
But did they bring guns thinking that they might use them? Next time they will. And that is not something the law in this case took into account. This has not made America more safe, it made it less safe. And that is not the purpose of the law.
The whole 'thou doth protest too much' thing comes to mind with you, you special little snowflake.

This account asked some shit about this person holding a sign about 3 white guys.
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I replied correctly that it is likely right wing hate mongers cat fishing them into thinking that sign makes sense.

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You reply with some snowflake shit about the 'left' and 'race'. Which had nothing with what was being talked about.

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And I again correctly point out there are more ways to be a hate monger than just race.

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And then you follow that up with some cry baby shit about being called a racist.

You are just trying to spam this racist snow flaking trigger shit once again.

Are you trolls getting paid by the references to 'racism'?
So was it white privilege or money that got ok off?