Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

I'm guessing you don't know much about the history you speak of. In the 1920's Hitler gained patronage from wealthy capitalists to fund establishment of camps for his "brown shirt militia". He also had plenty of small donors who supported his policies. He used that well funded militia to kill and intimidate Hitler's political opposition, jews and other minority groups. Just like today, right wing assholes went out into the streets armed and under police protection to break up rallies, bust heads and carry out the occasional assassination.

By 1932, opposition to Nazi political power was effectively wiped out, setting the stage for Hitler's final grab for power when he killed off potential rivals within Nazi ranks. re: night of the long knives.

The DHS is pointedly saying armed white supremacist militias are the number one terrorist threat in the US today. It's not the same as the 1920's but history echoes, it does not repeat. That's what I said. Your fantasy of armed protests sounds like an echo from 1920's Germany. We need peaceful protests and if that doesn't work, civil disobedience. We don't need slaughter.
Thats where we must disagree. Slaughter works very well. And its not fantasy. This protest here was full of armed protesters. All I was saying is, if one side is going to show up armed, then the other side should as well. Otherwise, the unarmed side will be wiped out by the armed side. As American history keeps showing Might makes right. Has any of these peaceful protest changed anything? Or did change only seem to come after great violence?
I'm a libertarian, don't have a use for maga. Love how it's so foreign for lefties to not understand that people can have differing opinions on subjects and not be part of some political party. It's called individual freedom. Just like weed bro
Psst I have no use for libertarianism
They hate all government
Useless in a democracy
Actually it's the opinion of the court as well.
fuzzy logic that.

The jury found Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts based upon instructions from the judge. @Applesauceisgood went way beyond that. Because you people have selective memory, I'll post what he said:

"The victim is Mr. Rittenhouse. He was violently attacked and his right to self-defense was reaffirmed under law. A just outcome."

Rittenhouse was found not guilty of all charges. That is fact. The "blah blah self defense affirmed" post by applejuice came from his cognitive bias and was not part of jury's opinion.
Thats where we must disagree. Slaughter works very well. And its not fantasy. This protest here was full of armed protesters. All I was saying is, if one side is going to show up armed, then the other side should as well. Otherwise, the unarmed side will be wiped out by the armed side. As American history keeps showing Might makes right. Has any of these peaceful protest changed anything? Or did change only seem to come after great violence?
Looks like we libs need to arm up for the next tRUMP rally
I'm a libertarian, don't have a use for maga. Love how it's so foreign for lefties to not understand that people can have differing opinions on subjects and not be part of some political party. It's called individual freedom. Just like weed bro
Brainwashed people think that anyone with different thoughts other than approved thoughts are automatically 100% locked into what they believe to be the opposition's positions.
I'm a libertarian, don't have a use for maga. Love how it's so foreign for lefties to not understand that people can have differing opinions on subjects and not be part of some political party. It's called individual freedom. Just like weed bro
Painting everyone with a wide brush are you not? You know that they all think with one mind. Please be a little more serious.
Hmm I heard the judge say he had no proof of that

It's an ongoing investigation. Notice I said alleged. I'd argue there is more proof of MSNBC attempting to ID jurors than your accusation the judge was attempting to sway the outcome of the trial. Do you have any shred of evidence to support your claim the judge swayed the trial outcome daily (or at all)? Other than him being white and a senior citizen.
It may not be safe but its legal. Perhaps the jury, judge and prosecutor, having seen their city in flames last year, were all biased, recognizing other faces in the mob, Community standards.

Technically, that's in conflict. If it's not safe, then it's unsafe, which means it's reckless, which means it's illegal. Our legal system is a bit of a joke with laws created by people with zero education in law, with court cases organized by people that are educated in law, then with rulings carried out by people again with no education in law. But, it's the best we can do at this time and I accept the outcome without protest.
Painting everyone with a wide brush are you not? You know that they all think with one mind. Please be a little more serious.
I know you think with a hive mind. It's ok, you don't have to put any real effort in that way to get through life. You make your own choices bro, doesn't faze me!
Thats where we must disagree. Slaughter works very well. And its not fantasy. This protest here was full of armed protesters. All I was saying is, if one side is going to show up armed, then the other side should as well. Otherwise, the unarmed side will be wiped out by the armed side. As American history keeps showing Might makes right. Has any of these peaceful protest changed anything? Or did change only seem to come after great violence?
How does any of this noble vagary address the big disparity in violence between “sides”? The “right” was different from the opposition in two key regards.
They showed up equipped for a fight, unlike the designated opponents.
More to the point, they trained for and implemented a false flag campaign so that the Fox pearl clutchers could lament about the rapine at the hands of those Negro activists!
How does any of this noble vagary address the big disparity in violence between “sides”? The “right” was different from the opposition in two key regards.
They showed up equipped for a fight, unlike the designated opponents.
More to the point, they trained for and implemented a false flag campaign so that the Fox pearl clutchers could lament about the rapine at the hands of those Negro activists!
Been a concealed carry card holder since I was 21. I live in a country that loves guns. I dont leave home with out one. Also, I grew up in the ghetto, so gun violence is pretty normal for me.
Good for you! Making the choice to NOT be a willing target is the best defense in my opinion.