Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Nobody wants to have to take a life. This isn’t something macho or cool. Rittenhouse is going to have to live with this for the rest of his time on this planet. Even if it doesn’t bother him now he will some day have PTSD about this. He was pushed into a corner and scared to death. I think he did what had to to survive. Even a little bitty bug will fight for it’s itty bitty life. The whole thing is tragic
He travelled there with a weapon looking for trouble.
You also need better bacon. i didnt realize how bad you bacon was until it was posted in another thread a few weeks ago.

You guys have wild pigs over there? Half the country has them here. In Texas these fucking guys have tours where you can hunt wild pigs from a helicopter with a machine gun lmao! Fuckin love ‘Merica!!!
And Americas Ambulance, Paramedics etc have weapons when working?

Like seriously?
I have NEVER felt the need to be armed while on scene. Medics have enough to worry about. Scene safety is law enforcement responsibility.

There are a few states that passed legislation for EMS weapons training but the situations where needed are very specific.

These posters have to be very young. There's no other explanation for such profound ignorance.