Anyone familiar with these fast moving little buggers?

707 Loki

Active Member
I am tending a 30 light coco grow and am using dutch plantin coco bags, while i was working on finishing irrigation I noticed these lil fellas running around. They are fast, tiny, and seem to live in the coco.. id like to find out who they are, where they live, then i, personally, will punch every single one in the face... or soil drench the appropriate insecticide... one or the other, maybe both.20200712_175830.jpg20200712_175736.jpg20200712_181531.jpg
Hypoaspis mites - aka Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Predatory Mites)

Dont nuke them,maybe they are still eating
I'm in LA, the Dutch Plantins are from Singapore i believe. I actually held off nuking before I saw this because I did a tiny bit of reading and gave it a better than 50% shot they were harmless, or beneficial for nematodes. Still not 100% on the little guys seeing as its a thirty lighter and risky biddness with bugs is risky bidness in this lower profit margin Era of corporations.... im not gonna get started on that bullshit. But thank you for the reply DCcan
I am tending a 30 light coco grow and am using dutch plantin coco bags, while i was working on finishing irrigation I noticed these lil fellas running around. They are fast, tiny, and seem to live in the coco.. id like to find out who they are, where they live, then i, personally, will punch every single one in the face... or soil drench the appropriate insecticide... one or the other, maybe both.View attachment 4622564View attachment 4622565View attachment 4622578

I agree with those that say Hypoaspis Miles.

Definately look like good guys.

some medium companies are adding them to their bags because they are beneficial but also depending on the brand of coco it could just be luck that they are in the coco.