Anyone got any ideas as to whats causing this??


Well-Known Member
Is it the same plant as your other post today?
Yeah buts it's pretty much happening to all of them only the low down stuff everything on top seems perfect just need to know will this continue upwards if not sorted of you get me


Well-Known Member
2 led fixtures are sun system 1850 720w each currently sitting around 16inches above canopy no light stress at all on the canopy it's a weird one



Well-Known Member
Light is running at 100% right now but I'm not seeing any light stress on the canopy so leads me too believe its a deficiency of some kind well I hope that's all it is


Well-Known Member
8 plants in there losing probably 15-20 leaves between all of them per day could it be possibly normal as they are very full and very little if any light penetrating down to lower nodes