buy a heated propagator and some peat pellets/pucks, soak the pellets in water until they expand, place a layer of perlite or soil on the bottom of propagator and mist with water, switch on, then pour some clonex into a tub,
dip your razor blade in to clonex then take your cutting making sure to cut at 45 degree angle, scrape the top layer off the bottom inch of stem with blade, dip clone into clonex making sure to get a good layer on it,
place straight into the peat pellet, make sure you close the pellet around the stem where you've inserted it, then take some scissors and cut each leaf in half/quarter to stop it losing to much moisture and so theres not to much weight for the clone to support.
then place into the propagator put lid on with vents shut, once a day take the lid off and mist the cuttings, after 7-10 days the roots will be sticking through the pellets, dont touch or fidget with them what so ever, when the first sign of white tips show through the pellets open the propagator vents quarter of the way, then next day half way, then all the way, once all clones have roots showing plant into first pots.
100% success rate. depending on how many clones you take at one time once the propagator is bought the total cost is 2 pound for 20 peat pucks.
i use 2 x 8 watt t5 for light.