Anyone have experience with double ended bulb?

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Callin bullshit on fires. I've been rockin Gavitas for a couple years and they are high quality. They are not fire hazards any more than any hps. I'd trust their ballast more than some chinese bs with a fancy sticker.

I have a friend that burned down his home with bare bulb standard hps. It fell on the floor on while gone. Can't blame the hps.

Does this guy you talked to also wear a helmet at all times?

I think your getting your information from the wrong people.

- Jiji
Id like to apologize if I came off rude the other day.
The low blow to the owner was what got me heated, let me explain my situation a little bit more. The owner and I exchange Christmas gifts, I go to his family get togethers, he came to my lil sisters birthday not but a few weeks ago. We call each other just to vent about life.
This guy is a friend before he is a salesmen to me.

From everything he has told me, and seein it all work. IMO, he is the most educated grower I know.
I run 2 1000 watt hps one with a galaxy select a watt the other with an extra sun magnetic both are eye hortilux super hps bulbs changed out every 3 to 4 months adding a phantom de ballast and a super cheap (but huge) 42x34 de hood and I'm still deciding which bulb to go worth but it will most likely be the ushio opti red or the phillips master green power bulb . Currently I have some clones that are all at the same life stage and as soon as I get the de hooked up in gonna put a couple under the regular aND a couple under the de aND do a real world side by side comparison . I'll be posting results in a couple months in my own thread. Keep an eye out


Well-Known Member
I havent logged into this site in awhile but this post i had to reply to..

There is very close to no answers when comes to gravitas online or double ended bulbs . they are mostly from awhile ago before things were on the market everywhere. My point is, to say gravitas catch fire is not fair to say without real evidence. This post will come up when people google info for these things and it shouldnt mislead people.

I just purchased 16 gravitas, buddy did 7 gravitas, an older guy getting 2lb plant per light in 4×4 area with xtrasun bulbs and xtra sun hoods, just bought 48 gravitas, every person who works at grow store shows pictures of there room with 8-10 gravitas each. the dispensary local just bought 99 gravitas. The store has pallets of 600w gravitas empty every week. He tells people to buy 600s unless running very large cielings which most are not. The 1000s still go just not one at a time. Most people getting 1000s are like me doing commercial space an get many at once...

Also if you look online about the technology , its used in MANY stadiums and nasa uses same technology. I really highly doubt the fires your buddy speaks of were actually cause by lights. Instead odds are user error 99% time. After all its a light bulb and completely enclosed ballast.
So not saying your buddy is lying just that it is possible the growers who had fires didnt wanna hurt there egos an tell truth. On top of that, the head guy at he store said hes vert close with guys with gravita tech. And the other stores in my state have hard time stocking them. So possible the company supplying him is not willing to give him supply an hes choosing to sell what he able to stock.

Idk, att he end of day people will read this off google vased on thread title an dont want people to be misinformed.
Edit: Sucks for your friend who owns store cause no joke, this guy over here is selling PALLETS of these things weekly. So you are correct he is loosing major sales by refusing to stock them.


Well-Known Member
If people believe half the stuff on this forum they're in for a rude awakening.

Or on the internet for that matter. If you do a simple google search (which I despise google) for a topic, the first 7 out of 10 websites are generally bullshit. The domain usually matches your search and its sole creation is ad revenue and landing on the first page from your google search.

I'm not a grammar natzi.......but please, its Gavita not Gravita

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
Callin bullshit on fires. I've been rockin Gavitas for a couple years and they are high quality. They are not fire hazards any more than any hps. I'd trust their ballast more than some chinese bs with a fancy sticker.

I have a friend that burned down his home with bare bulb standard hps. It fell on the floor on while gone. Can't blame the hps.

Does this guy you talked to also wear a helmet at all times?

I think your getting your information from the wrong people.

- Jiji
My partner just sent me a pic of a customer that bought it a Gavita 600 about 6+ months and it looks like it caught fire at the mogul base. When I was at the wholesaler a few months back to pick some up I saw two 1000W with the same thing. Didn't think much of it until now. (I own a hydro store)

Gavita internals are made in China.