Anyone heard about...


Active Member
Yesterday a friend of mine mentioned something to me about FEMA camps and FEMA coffins, nothing to become worried about just yet, pretty scary though!! anyone ever read or heard about it? Glenn Beck was gonna have a discussion about it because he cant debunk the serious subject but had to postpone it due to lack of proof he wants more to bring it up nationwide!!! anyhow i went online of course and did a search for it and OMG its proposterous what i stuck my nose in!!! we are way too distracted by the economy and this presidential election to see what is actually taken place!!! do you get me??:o


Well-Known Member
Yesterday a friend of mine mentioned something to me about FEMA camps and FEMA coffins, nothing to become worried about just yet, pretty scary though!! anyone ever read or heard about it? Glenn Beck was gonna have a discussion about it because he cant debunk the serious subject but had to postpone it due to lack of proof he wants more to bring it up nationwide!!! anyhow i went online of course and did a search for it and OMG its proposterous what i stuck my nose in!!! we are way too distracted by the economy and this presidential election to see what is actually taken place!!! do you get me??:o

FEMA Camps = National Emergency Centers (google it, they wrote up a bill to announce and open these facilities)

The Coffins = Black, plastic, stackable, for incinerating. (not meant to be buried)

People claim to have seen these containers stacked by the thousands. They are the perfect size to hold a human, but it's unclear whether or not they will be used for bodies.

These two things are preparation for an epidemic. News just broke out today that Baxter (an international pharma company) 'accidentally' mixed Avian Flu Virus into Flu Vaccines and shipped it to 18 countries, so we maybe witness a horrific epidemic soon. This would explain the need for said camps and coffins.

Hear me out when I say this. There is more important and serious things we need to be concerned about than the economy. I do warn you, if you continue to seek information... have a strong mind. There are things being set up that you can't even imagine.