Anyone heard of


Active Member
how many plants did you get in there? I would like to do something like this for personal use myself. how did you get the plants to not get so big while vegging?


Active Member
if your talking about me then i am just planning to use the computer box to grow 8 plants with some starter mix, wait a month till they get big then replace them into bigger pots and put em outside, then start again. ill see bout getting a pic up soon of my computer grow box i built for 30$


Active Member
Hey I was wondering how to build a pc grow case since there extremely expensive to buy. I am just gorwing for personal use and thats all. Is there like a tutorial on how to build one, and if not, what supplys do I need?
Also I was thinking of paying somebody to build me one and ship it to me


Active Member
i am also planning to grow in a pc tower. I am new to growing and I was wondering if anybody can give tips on what soil to use, what to do, etc? I was planning on purchasing a clone and use that.


Well-Known Member
Yea, my friend had one and his room smelled pretty dank to me but I'm sure there's a way to cut down on the smell
Heres some pics of a couple grows ive done in a pc tower i bought online from works good and saves me A LOT of money because i like to smoke a lot everyday. I have the veg box and flower box.



Nug of the Land

Active Member
i am also planning to grow in a pc tower. I am new to growing and I was wondering if anybody can give tips on what soil to use, what to do, etc? I was planning on purchasing a clone and use that.
My family owns a landscaping business and such we use top of the line soil. We use anything with perlite as a top soil and then any kinda of sterilized soil that isn't to heavy in any kind of mineral as to avoid givn the plants too many nutrients. Clones r good but b aware that they need a higher humidity and that they r very fragile until they have produced their roots, unless u buy one that has already been started by someone else, then u can relax a little but just b aware. also im thinking of purchasing one as well but i hav no dwarf strains to grow with so if any one has some extras or knos a reliable place to get some seeds or clones i would b most appreciated.

thank you and good luck


Well-Known Member
My family owns a landscaping business and such we use top of the line soil. We use anything with perlite as a top soil and then any kinda of sterilized soil that isn't to heavy in any kind of mineral as to avoid givn the plants too many nutrients. Clones r good but b aware that they need a higher humidity and that they r very fragile until they have produced their roots, unless u buy one that has already been started by someone else, then u can relax a little but just b aware. also im thinking of purchasing one as well but i hav no dwarf strains to grow with so if any one has some extras or knos a reliable place to get some seeds or clones i would b most appreciated.

thank you and good luck

attitude seeds is my favorite place to buy seeds online. I live in the USA and they always get to me within 7 days. Seeds dont smell and are too small for customs to stop them.


Active Member
Yes, I have heard of them and even bought one of their grow cases.

To sum up: They kinda suck. Both their product and their service.

First of all their specs on their website said their flower box is 21" but that is outside height, and a stretch at that.

The actual INSIDE grow height once you figure in the height taken away by the case and the light, the height is really only about 15". I don't care what low-riding strain you grow or how much low-stress training you do, it just can't be done.

And they advertise other claims that are not true.

The quality is horrible-- everything was all ghetto and hot-glued together.

To top it off, I had to remind them TWICE via email to even fulfil my order. It was a couple of weeks from my order until they even responded and said they would finally build the dam thing.

I see they are selling a stealth Grow Dresser-- the idea looks pretty good. But I dunno, their quality and service issues are major, based on my experience.

Buyer beware.


Well-Known Member
just build one...

go on craigslist, they have pc cases for 20 bux.... if you get a whole old pc you'll even have the fans and everything included......

and i can have a plant yield around 20 grams while being around 15" high.... done it before, gonna do it again with this box....

MR Jay

Active Member
I just got my little woody box from today and it's a total piece of crap. The ceiling was caving in where they only used two dabs of glue and NONE of the cuts match up. It looked like a small child tried to put something together with a hot glue gun. The demensions were off by a few inches every way on it. They said to ship it back and they'd give me a refund, but I'm not banking on it.

Save your cash and diy yourself something of far higher quality.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have heard of them and even bought one of their grow cases.

To sum up: They kinda suck. Both their product and their service.

First of all their specs on their website said their flower box is 21" but that is outside height, and a stretch at that.

The actual INSIDE grow height once you figure in the height taken away by the case and the light, the height is really only about 15". I don't care what low-riding strain you grow or how much low-stress training you do, it just can't be done.

And they advertise other claims that are not true.

The quality is horrible-- everything was all ghetto and hot-glued together.

To top it off, I had to remind them TWICE via email to even fulfil my order. It was a couple of weeks from my order until they even responded and said they would finally build the dam thing.

I see they are selling a stealth Grow Dresser-- the idea looks pretty good. But I dunno, their quality and service issues are major, based on my experience.

Buyer beware.
Absolutely everything you said happened to me, plus they "forgot" to include half the order and shipped it out 2 weeks after the original month and a half it took to get here. They SUCK!