anyone know what month the world comes to an end next year

Do they really, or is it mainly us that knows that to be a fact?

The guy who shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head, along with shooting 12 more people, killing one of them, has been described in the news media as; "a pot smoking loner," as if reefer madness played a part in his insanity.

In the last election there was a statewide vote in California, the most liberal state in the U.S., to legalize small possession of small quantities of marijuana. It failed, it was voted down, it did not pass, not in the most liberal state in the entire U.S.

Even with all it's proven medicinal properties and the promise of far many yet to be found there are now only, what, 16 states in the U.S., along with the District of Columbia, that allow it for medicinal use. That's only 16 states out of 50 states, plus the District of Columbia.

We are still a very long way away from "EVERYONE" knowing; "that weed is harmless."

Yes, but more than pot he loved The Communist Manifesto... So logically if pot smokers are violent killers, then moreso should be left leaning individuals if we go by the same logic... Also people who live with their parents!!! Don't forget people who have long hair, short hair, and bald heads must also all be killers... People who speak in class, that must be a sign of a deranged killer! People with religious views (he had a shrine) must also be people we need to investigate! It gets ridiculous, in the end he was just a whack job killer no matter if he smoked pot or didn't, read leftist material or didn't, had long hair or didn't. In the end no matter how he was raised, he just is a killer.
Yes, but more than pot he loved The Communist Manifesto... So logically if pot smokers are violent killers, then moreso should be left leaning individuals if we go by the same logic... Also people who live with their parents!!! Don't forget people who have long hair, short hair, and bald heads must also all be killers... People who speak in class, that must be a sign of a deranged killer! People with religious views (he had a shrine) must also be people we need to investigate! It gets ridiculous, in the end he was just a whack job killer no matter if he smoked pot or didn't, read leftist material or didn't, had long hair or didn't. In the end no matter how he was raised, he just is a killer.

I agree with you in how things should be seen .. but the media, at least around here and what I read online, is playing up the pot smoking loner part ... like it makes you anti-social and violent. They guy was just insane .. but the way his use of pot is being portrayed it is close to being something right out of "Reefer Madness" and that is anything but; EVERYONE" knowing; "that weed is harmless."

We that know it is harmless are in a much smaller minority than we would like to believe.
I agree with you in how things should be seen .. but the media, at least around here and what I read online, is playing up the pot smoking loner part ... like it makes you anti-social and violent. They guy was just insane .. but the way his use of pot is being portrayed it is close to being something right out of "Reefer Madness" and that is anything but; EVERYONE" knowing; "that weed is harmless."

We that know it is harmless are in a much smaller minority than we would like to believe.

Its like in the south in the 1800s, people did believe that skin color determined if someone was an evil rapist or theif. There was simply the belief that black people were born evil and they used the bible to justify it as well..... However if we are looking to blame factors in this murder on this person, i guess its safe to say all murders are white!!! So we must blame all white people now for mindless murder? Blaming fox news is just as bad especially since he didn't even like fox news.
All we need to do is get all the people out of israel then NUKE the middle east and africa, get rid of all the muslims entirely, make every religion illegal because they are the biggest threat to us, Fairytails and puppets are whats truely goin to destroy the world, or least humanity. The way things are going you must all agree that religion is the main cause of most if not all conflicts and it should be put to an end, mohamed was a fag and jesus was a glorified magician.
Originally Posted by Brick Top I agree with you in how things should be seen .. but the media, at least around here and what I read online, is playing up the pot smoking loner part ... like it makes you anti-social and violent. They guy was just insane .. but the way his use of pot is being portrayed it is close to being something right out of "Reefer Madness" and that is anything but; EVERYONE" knowing; "that weed is harmless."

We that know it is harmless are in a much smaller minority than we would like to believe.

Its like in the south in the 1800s, people did believe that skin color determined if someone was an evil rapist or theif. There was simply the belief that black people were born evil and they used the bible to justify it as well..... However if we are looking to blame factors in this murder on this person, i guess its safe to say all murders are white!!! So we must blame all white people now for mindless murder? Blaming fox news is just as bad especially since he didn't even like fox news.

Has someone in the media or in government tried to blame FOX News? If so I missed that one completely.

What else might have been missed was my point that outside of our little internet world and our own circles of friends there are fewer people who believe that cannabis is harmless than you would likely believe.

If the most liberal state in the U.S., California, could not get enough people to vote to make small amounts of cannabis legal what do you think people in the more conservatives states think about it and how ready do you believe they are for legalization?

In the 70's I was positive that by the end of the 80's, or the very early 90's at the latest, marijuana would become legal. Now I am positive that I will never live to see the day that happens.

The U.S. government has wasted too many U.S. taxpayer dollars and run too many just say no propaganda campaigns and too many lives have been needlessly lost trying to fight marijuana for it to ever do an about face and say it's cool and the gang. Someone would crunch the figures and broadcast what all was wasted in an insane fight where the only harm and danger was on the side that wrongly called itself the good guys, the side that wrongly claimed to be in the right. The government would never allow itself to lose face like that.
Has someone in the media or in government tried to blame FOX News? If so I missed that one completely.

What else might have been missed was my point that outside of our little internet world and our own circles of friends there are fewer people who believe that cannabis is harmless than you would likely believe.

If the most liberal state in the U.S., California, could not get enough people to vote to make small amounts of cannabis legal what do you think people in the more conservatives states think about it and how ready do you believe they are for legalization?

In the 70's I was positive that by the end of the 80's, or the very early 90's at the latest, marijuana would become legal. Now I am positive that I will never live to see the day that happens.

The U.S. government has wasted too many U.S. taxpayer dollars and run too many just say no propaganda campaigns and too many lives have been needlessly lost trying to fight marijuana for it to ever do an about face and say it's cool and the gang. Someone would crunch the figures and broadcast what all was wasted in an insane fight where the only harm and danger was on the side that wrongly called itself the good guys, the side that wrongly claimed to be in the right. The government would never allow itself to lose face like that.

Bill Clinton did today (Hillary did a few days ago), and a few people have said we need to pass legislation to stop Fox News from giving their side. Now I don't like most of what fox news or sarah palin does personally, but I believe they have every right to do it. When they mess up and it turns out its them the public will turn away from them as legit sources of information. They will move on to someone who is better than that. So yes there was backlash against fox news and sarah palin within hours after the tragedy.

This is a time for healing in America, not a time for rhetoric. But yeah morally i think fox news goes too far sometimes, but at the same time Its not my job to legislate morality or hold someone back because they believe differently from me. And besides getting mad at fox news is fun. :)
Has someone in the media or in government tried to blame FOX News? If so I missed that one completely.

What else might have been missed was my point that outside of our little internet world and our own circles of friends there are fewer people who believe that cannabis is harmless than you would likely believe.

If the most liberal state in the U.S., California, could not get enough people to vote to make small amounts of cannabis legal what do you think people in the more conservatives states think about it and how ready do you believe they are for legalization?

In the 70's I was positive that by the end of the 80's, or the very early 90's at the latest, marijuana would become legal. Now I am positive that I will never live to see the day that happens.

The U.S. government has wasted too many U.S. taxpayer dollars and run too many just say no propaganda campaigns and too many lives have been needlessly lost trying to fight marijuana for it to ever do an about face and say it's cool and the gang. Someone would crunch the figures and broadcast what all was wasted in an insane fight where the only harm and danger was on the side that wrongly called itself the good guys, the side that wrongly claimed to be in the right. The government would never allow itself to lose face like that.

Also for the record the peopel who fought to keep marijuana illegal in California didn't do so because they were ignorant enough to think it was harmful, they did it because they were big time growers and dealers who didn't want their profits harmed by anybody being able to do in their yard what they do. They also wanted to keep their cartels method of price fixing in place. But yes, the misinformation campagin of the 1980s has led to a society of illogical actions. But at least smart people know, look at the ADAs recent move to make it federally illegal for a politician to say a drug does something it doesn't in the wake of recent false information on Marijuana harm. If a politician lies about what pot does, they can lie about what black people do, or gay people, or even lie and say that anyone they want is downright evil. Hell they can even replace water with Brondo simply because they say it has electrolites and thats more healthy if thats what they want without that law.

We need to have a country motto of "Don't vote in dummies or liars" unfortunatly in more cases than not they seem to be our only options.
Also for the record the peopel who fought to keep marijuana illegal in California didn't do so because they were ignorant enough to think it was harmful, they did it because they were big time growers and dealers who didn't want their profits harmed by anybody being able to do in their yard what they do. They also wanted to keep their cartels method of price fixing in place. But yes, the misinformation campagin of the 1980s has led to a society of illogical actions. But at least smart people know, look at the ADAs recent move to make it federally illegal for a politician to say a drug does something it doesn't in the wake of recent false information on Marijuana harm. If a politician lies about what pot does, they can lie about what black people do, or gay people, or even lie and say that anyone they want is downright evil. Hell they can even replace water with Brondo simply because they say it has electrolites and thats more healthy if thats what they want without that law.

We need to have a country motto of "Don't vote in dummies or liars" unfortunatly in more cases than not they seem to be our only options.

Good luck getting a law passed that would be iron clad that would keep politicians from lying about anything. It is like the myth of man-made global warming .. both sides can and do produce evidence they declare to be proven fact and as long as there is a credible group out there saying something a politician can use to claim their lie is not a lie and is actually a fact, they will lie and they will get away with it.

The following mentions Obama in particular but it could be said about virtually any current U.S. politician and those who elected them.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

The average voter is a moron who votes for people who are bigger morons and who lack morals and scruples.

About the non-passage of the California marijuana vote, regardless of what the reason there may or may not have been it still did not happen in the most liberal state in the country. If it can't happen there it is not going to happen elsewhere.

On the subject of medicinal uses ... check out this video. It shows how the human brain has more receptors for cannabinoids than any other type of receptors, and that they are also located in other portions of the human body.

Every politician in the world should be made to watch this and any and all additional information that goes along with it.
Have any of you read anything written by Carl Sagan? Evolution? Our lives are just a ramdon chain of events(controlled even further by decisions we each make)moment by moment? Least that is the way science points...Just wondering........
Bill Clinton did today (Hillary did a few days ago), and a few people have said we need to pass legislation to stop Fox News from giving their side.

I had missed that but given who said it I am not all that surprised. Both would love nothing more than a government controlled liberal run propaganda department creating and reporting what they want Americans, and the world, to believe. I'm sure both have pictures of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels hanging on a wall somewhere.

Now I don't like most of what fox news or sarah palin does personally, but I believe they have every right to do it.
I am not a Palin person even though I am more on the conservative side than the liberal side. Both she and Obama prove that all it takes to be a politician and have a large following today is to be popular with enough people. You do not need skills or experience anymore, you just need to be able to smile well, be at least slightly better than average looking in the eyes of many, act charming and make vague but enticing promises and a crowd will gather behind you and support you.

That really isn't anything new though. It began with televised presidential campaign debates. When Kennedy and Nixon were running against each other a fairly large number of people still listened to the presidential debates on the radio. Of those polled after the final debate who had listened to them on the radio the results were that Nixon clearly won the debates. Of those polled after the final debate who had watched them on TV Kennedy was the clear winner.

Kennedy was young and handsome and tan, and wore makeup, and smiled a lot and Nixon looked much older, older than he was, had stooped shoulders, was pasty white faced and sweaty because he refused to wear makeup.

People who listened to the debates on the radio only had the answers to go by to judge who won but those who watched the debates on TV had the visual to sway them and looks made the difference.

When it comes to FOX News, while I seldom watch any new broadcasts and prefer to read news from multiple sources, they do on a regular basis receive higher scores from news watchdog groups for, as Fox puts it, "fair and balanced coverage." On a regular basis they do give not only more equal amounts of time to differing issues but also more equal amounts of time to both positive and negative coverage of issues regardless of them being conservative or liberal issues.

The problem is that most people do not differentiate between actual FOX News news broadcasts and the political entertainment shows on FOX News Network, like the O'Reilly Factor and Shawn Hannity etc. People, liberals mainly, attempt to lump their entertainment shows together with the actual FOX News news broadcasts but they do not do the same thing with CNN and say the Carville & Begala entertainment shows that were uber-liberals doing the best hatchet job they could on anything and everything conservative, or Chris Matthews on MSNBC.
Liberals will separate their political entertainment segments from the actual new broadcasts, but they include every political entertainment show on FOX News Network in with actual FOX News broadcasts and use the political entertainment shows to prove bias.

When they mess up and it turns out its them the public will turn away from them as legit sources of information. They will move on to someone who is better than that. So yes there was backlash against fox news and sarah palin within hours after the tragedy.
Was it against FOX News broadcasts itself or was it against what was said on the political entertainment shows?

This is a time for healing in America, not a time for rhetoric. But yeah morally i think fox news goes too far sometimes, but at the same time Its not my job to legislate morality or hold someone back because they believe differently from me.
There will be no healing of America. The nation has become so decided along party lines that someone who has both the Ebola virus and HIV has a much better chance of healing.

And besides getting mad at fox news is fun.
No offense is intended by this but something tells me that you are one who is incapable or, or unwilling to, differentiate between, to separate the political entertainment shows on FOX News Network and actual FOX News news broadcasts. I believe you likely are one who if it comes from FOX News Network it is all actual FOX News too you and where is the logic and rationale in becoming upset with true FOX News broadcasts over what Bill O'Reilly or Shawn Hannity etc, say? They are not news reporters, they are not members of the FOX News broadcast teams. They are entertainers just like Rush Limbaugh, they have political entertainment shows that are aired on the FOX News Network. That is as close as their connection to FOX News itself gets.

Liberals will use the shooting as another reason to strip Americans of their Second Amendment Right, which is something they have wanted too do for many, many years now.

Others will use it to ramp up the war on drugs.

The piece below came from a media watchdog group writer. Get a load of how accurate the media watchdogs are about marijuana use and users. Look at the anti-marijuana propagandistic phraseology of much of the piece, and keep in mind it came from a group whose job it is, is to report on the accuracy in new reporting.

Soros-funded Dope Lobby in Damage Control Over Shootings

By Cliff Kincaid | January 11, 2011

Because of the evidence that Loughner was a pothead, and the evidence that marijuana abuse is linked to mental illness, the Soros-funded marijuana lobby is working overtime to try to draw media attention away from his addiction to the drug.

In sorting through the political charges and counter-charges, two facts remain clear: the Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner, was a drug abuser, and drug use is linked to mental illness. In addition to classmates who were quoted as saying that he was a regular user of marijuana, The Washington Post confirmed that he “was rejected from enlistment in the U.S. Army because of issues related to his history of drug use…” Going into more detail, Time magazine reports that Loughner admitted to the military that “he was a regular marijuana user.”

In a provocative article, “Did Pot Trigger Giffords Shooting?,” blogger David Frum wrote, “After the Tucson shooting, there may be renewed pressure to control the weapons that committed the crime. But what about the drugs that may have aggravated the killer’s mental disease?”

This question, however, also has a political dimension. Illegal drugs have been traditionally viewed by the radical left as a weapon of war against the capitalist system, and the movement for drug legalization is mostly a project of the liberal-left.

In her “Declaration of a State of War,” Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn had declared marijuana and other mind-altering drugs to be weapons in the revolution. She said, “We fight in many ways. Dope is one of our weapons. The laws against marijuana mean that millions of us are outlaws long before we actually split. Guns and grass are united in the youth underground.”

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner was the early funder of the marijuana legalization movement, but funding over the last couple of decades has come from billionaires George Soros, University of Phoenix founder John Sperling, and Progressive Insurance executive Peter Lewis.
President Barack Obama is an acknowledged former user of marijuana, as well as cocaine, and promised the drug lobby that he would ease up on prosecutions of marijuana users.

It appears that Loughner’s arrest for possessing drug paraphernalia in 2007 was dropped from his record after he completed a court diversion program. Otherwise, this could have prevented him from buying a gun and carrying out the rampage.

One of Loughner’s friends is quoted by Mother Jones magazine as saying that he thought that Loughner had given up alcohol and marijuana during the fall of 2008, but that was before he was rejected for Army service on grounds of drug use. Reports of Loughner using drugs continued into his college days and, as late as last June, he was making outbursts and laughing out loud in class. Loughner’s former college instructor, Ben McGahee, recalled that he showed up to class with his face deeply red. “It was as if he was high on drugs,” he said. “He would sit there with a very red face just listening to his iPod and would make these strange mutterings every so often.”

A photograph of a smirking Jared Loughner, after he was taken into custody, seems to prove beyond doubt that he is seriously disturbed, as a result of prolonged drug use. He exhibited symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

Dr. Howard Osofsky, head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, says, “People who use marijuana, and use it frequently and in high amounts, are more likely to develop mental illness.” The link between marijuana and mental illness is documented in the scholarly and academic work, “Marijuana and Madness.”

Loughner’s use of marijuana apparently began in high school. Caitie Parker, who attended Mountain View High School and Pima Community College along with Loughner, called him a pothead who was “quite liberal” and “left-wing.” He hated religion, listened to acid rock, and posted a link to an American flag-burning video.

Because of the evidence that Loughner was a pothead, and the evidence that marijuana abuse is linked to mental illness, the Soros-funded marijuana lobby is working overtime to try to draw media attention away from his addiction to the drug.

Interestingly, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) had attacked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was seriously wounded in the shootings, for opposing decriminalization of marijuana.

Giffords had said, “There are serious public health costs associated with drug misuse, as well as larger economic and societal costs. For example, marijuana is often cited as a gateway drug that leads to the use of more dangerous narcotics. For these reasons, I do not support decriminalizing marijuana.”

Now she is fighting for her life because of bullets fired from the gun of a certified marijuana addict.

NORML admits that “…Loughner does sound like the kind of person who should not be smoking pot. It’s never a good idea for people with mental illness like schizophrenia to use cannabis.”

NORML took offense to comments posted on the liberal Huffington Post website from people commenting on one of the bizarre photographs of Loughner: “Looks like my neighbor’s kid. He wears long black rain coats, I’ve seen him strung out on the grass, carries a 357 magnum in hand outside of his house….walks with an attitude, rumors have it that he has been in court for drug possession.….don’t you love this world. Sad, sad and sad…another endorsement for the medical marijuana lobby I am sure.”

Alluding to increasing acceptance of the drug, under the guise of providing “medicine,” David Frum wrote, “The trend these days seems toward a more casual attitude and easier access to those drugs. Among the things we should be discussing in the aftermath of this horror is the accumulating evidence of those drugs’ potential contribution to making some dangerous people even more dangerous than they might otherwise have been.”

Looking at the evidence, he noted that while the connection between marijuana and schizophrenia is controversial and complicated, the “raw association is strong” because of evidence showing that:

  • Schizophrenics are twice as likely to smoke marijuana as non-schizophrenics.
  • People who smoke marijuana are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who do not smoke.
He quoted some of the experts as saying that the evidence does suggest a direct link between pot and mental illness.

One website featured the comment: “Everyone who promotes marijuana as a good thing has blood on their hands. Jared Loughner displays symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, which is a common health side effect of someone who abuses marijuana.”

Ironically, Arizona voters in November narrowly passed Proposition 203, making Arizona the 15th state to allow for the scam known as “medical marijuana.” This will have the effect of increasing distribution of the drug.

Remember that the Pentagon shooter from California was a “medical marijuana” patient but was obviously not helped by the drug being prescribed by a physician.

Governor Jan Brewer and her Democratic opponent in the November election, Terry Goddard, both opposed Proposition 203.
Mark A. de Bernardo wrote on The Daily Caller that funding for Proposition 203 “came largely from ubër-liberal billionaire George Soros and his pro-legalization pet organizations — long-time, broad-based marijuana legalization supporters.”

But he said that “medical marijuana” was a cover: “The real issue is not providing for terminally ill cancer patients, it is accommodating those who grow, sell, and use marijuana for ‘recreational’ purposes.”

One of those people was Arizona shooter Jared Loughner. The passage of Proposition 203 guarantees there will be more like him.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at
That is what MANY Americans actually believe to be true. That piece came from someone whose job it is to police accuracy in reporting, and they used words and phrases like, "Dope Lobby, was a pothead, and the evidence that marijuana abuse is linked to mental illness', seems to prove beyond doubt that he is seriously disturbed, as a result of prolonged drug use, “People who use marijuana, and use it frequently and in high amounts, are more likely to develop mental illness.” The link between marijuana and mental illness is documented in the scholarly and academic work, “Marijuana and Madness.”, a certified marijuana addict, Alluding to increasing acceptance of the drug, under the guise of providing “medicine,”paranoid schizophrenia, which is a common health side effect of someone who abuses marijuana., the 15th state to allow for the scam known as “medical marijuana.”, Remember that the Pentagon shooter from California was a “medical marijuana” patient but was obviously not helped by the drug being prescribed by a physician."

If that comes from someone whose job it is to report the truth what do you think can be expected to come from others whose job is not to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
If the writer was actually informed and wantedto be honest why didn't he include that people with mental illnesses can and will do the very same things if their Doctor prescribes percocet or some other pain killer for a back ache or a kidney stone attack? Why didn't the writer mention how some people who were prescribed Paxil murdered their entire families and then killed themselves?

Like it or not we in the U.S. still live in a nation of Mr. Mackey's saying, drugs are bad ..... but those same people will down any chemical/pharmaceutical a Doctor prescribes, regardless of the dangers that go with them, and they say 'it's medication, it's good, it helps people.'We hang around on sites like this where cannabis is not only accepted but loved. We hang around with friends who believe and feel as we do. Many among us live in states with medicinal marijuana laws and have cards and are around people who talk about the medicinal value and are among people who totally accept it.That gives many of us the false impression that what we think and feel and know about cannabis is shared by the masses and it is only, or mainly, the greedy who want to control cannabis and become wealthy off it and the ignorant politicians that are against it. Well that is not true. Many of our neighbors and relatives and employers and employees and ministers and priests and rabbis etc., etc., etc. are dead set against it and still live in the "Reefer Madness" days.
i started this thread and it has truly evolved --i sarted it as a joke and it has gotten more play then anythng elsa i have started --very interesting brick you are a scholer and a pleasure to read --keep on keepin on
if this post has entertained hit the sart bottom left

may you all have a room full of fat assed girls ,1luv