A week between watering suggests that the soil needs additional aeration, though it seems strange, the wood chips would have helped you out. With that said it looks like this little gal is stressed, beyond just nutrient burn, which is normally progressive and you can watch it happen. Generally watch splash up as it can burn small holes when watering, make sure that the soil you have a young plant in is more aerated than an adult's. At that young age the tap roots are un-calus, therefore there are no air roots to supply oxygen to the newly forming feeder roots. I always make sure that my young seedlings have a 50/50 perlite/soil mixture if I can't be constantly monitoring them. You have to baby them more, but it looks like a baby to me. Also, make sure that your light is far enough away to encourage stretching at first, then lower it slowly every day, that way you know you aren't light burning them. LEDs don't germ and young veg as well as full spectrum IMHO.
Hope this helps,
P.S. What ever you decide to do, please post pictures of the progress. It will make it easier to root out the problem.