Anyone Running Any Tropical Seed Company Strains?


..Asi que el pasado 28-Agosto tuve que irme a cientos de kilometros lejos de Monte Adentro, a la ciudad costera de Cartagena, dejando la tierra abonada con estiercol de caballo y harina de neem, y regando hasta encharcar. Una persona cercana echará a las plantas un cubo de agua (10 litros) sí no llueve, y ese es todo el cuidado que han tenido hasta mi regreso el 20-Octubre, casi 2 meses despues.)
Así mismo, se abonó con humus de lombriz, por primera vez, la maceta con la Orange-nade que mi amiga cultiva en su apartamento.
...Así que el 28-Agosto me fui, para no volver hasta el 20-Octubre, casi 2 meses despues.
La Zamalmistica (nacida sobre el 1-Julio) mide ahora aproximadamente 1'80 metros, y presenta sintomas (hojas quemadas y/o mal desarrolladas) de que primero mi abonado "de emergencia" fue excesivo recien echado pero insuficiente luego para 2 meses (hojas palidas) asi cono haber sufrido falta de agua:

... So, last August 28, I had to go hundreds of kilometers away from Monte Adentro, to the coastal city of Cartagena, leaving the land fertilized with horse manure and neem flour, and watering until it flooded. A close person will pour a bucket of water weekly (10 liters) to the plants if it does not rain, and that is all the care they have had until my return the October 20, almost 2 months later.)
Likewise, the pot with the Orange-nade that my friend grows in her apartment was fertilized with earthworm humus for the first time.
... So on August 28 I left, not to return until October 20, almost 2 months later.
The Zamalmistica (born on July 1) now measures approximately 1.80 meters, and has symptoms (burned and / or poorly developed leaves) that first my "emergency" fertlized was excessive recently thrown but insufficient then for 2 months ( pale leaves) and she have suffered a lack of water:

Zamalmistica : (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5
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Y la Full Energy (nacida como la Zamalmistica sobre el 1-Julio) mide ahora entre 1'20 / 1'40 m, y presenta este buen e interesante aspecto:

And Full Energy (born as Zamalmistica on July 1) now measures between 1'20 / 1'40 m, and presents this good and interesting aspect:

Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut)

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Hoy, 26-10, he doblado ligeramente a la Zamalmistica para aprovechar mejor el Sol y maximizar producción y calidad. Sigue mejorando con los ultimos cuidados, como denota el color y aspecto más sano que van tomando las hojas.

Today, 26-10, I have slightly bended Zamalmistica to take better advantage of the Sun and maximize production and quality. Keep improving with the latest care, as denotes the healthier color and appearance that leaves are taking.

Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5 (nacida sobre el 1-Julio / borned on July 1):
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Olor: limón, mandarina, zanahoria dulce, y hierbabuena.
Smell: lemon, tangerine, sweet carrot, and peppermint.

Y la Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut).
Grandes hojas sativas, para una planta de solo 1'40 m de altura.
Olor a hash tanto con notas afrutadas citricas, como "secas" (cuero).
Pero su olor tambien cambiará con el tiempo, mucho mas radicalmente que la Zamalmistica, hacia los afrutados.

And the Full Energy (shortcut Old Afghan NLD x green light cut Old Timers Haze).
Large sativa leaves, for a plant that is only 1.40 m tall.
Smell of hash with both citrus fruity notes and "dry" (leather).
But its smell will also change over time, much more radically than Zamalmistica, towards the fruity ones.

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De nuevo en el piso de mi amiga para fertilizar con guano liquido la Orange-nade((Malawi x Dancehall clon Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze geno verde).
Solo recibe la luz que entra por las ventanas de una habitación.
Olor: naranja con un ligero final entre "diesel" y "skunky"...

Again on my friend's floor to fertilize the Orange-nade with liquid guano ((Malawi x Dancehall clone Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze green feno).
She only receives the light that enters through the windows of a room.
Smell: orange with a slight finish between "diesel" and "skunky" ...
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I had forgotten about these guys....... I looked in the vault and I have some double jam and a pack of cheesetral I bought many years ago.

Try the DOUBLE JAM (if you love Jamaican Sativas).
It is a variety of legend and people are paying a lot even for F2 reproductions from other banks, of dubious quality.

Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut), (nacida sobre/borned on Julio/July -1):

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Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)] F5; (nacida cono la Full Energy entre el fin de junio y el principio de julio), sigue teniendo un olor de algo afrutado / citrico (entre limón, mandarina y zanahoria dulce) mezclado con hierbabuena.

Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)] F5; (born as Full Energy between the end of June and the beginning of July), it still has a fruity / citric smell (between lemon, tangerine and sweet carrot) mixed with peppermint.

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La Full Energy ha adelantado a la Zamalmistica en el proceso de floración.
Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut); (nacida sobre fin de Junio/principios de Julio):

Full Energy has advanced Zamalmistica in the flowering process. Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut); (born on the end of June / beginning of July):

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De vuelta al piso de mi amiga para observar la floración de esa Orange-nade ((Malawi x Dancehall, clon Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze verde) "de ventanal" .
Hay que tener en cuenta la inexperiencia de mi amiga (aunque siga, más o menos, mis consejos) y la dificultad de la planta, la poca luz solar directa, y el poco abonado. Los cogollos son por todo ello muy poco densos, pero es increible su resinado en tan pobres condiciones.
Olor : naranja con un ligero final "skunky" o "diesel"...

Back to the flat of my friend to observe the floration of that Orange-nade ((Malawi x Dancehall, clone Mapetit) x Oldtimers Haze green) " of windows".
It is necessary to take into account the inexperience of my friend (although she follows, more or less, my advice) and the difficulty of the plant, the little direct sunlight, and the little fertilization. The buds aren't for all that very dense, but their resin in such poor conditions is incredible.
Smell: orange with a slight "skunky" or "diesel" finish ...

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Zamalmistica (Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5; nacida sobre el 1-Julio / born on July 1:

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Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut); nacida sobre el 1-Julio / born on July 1:

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Como ha entrado una borrasca con fuertes lluvias y frio más propio de diciembre o enero que de mediados de Noviembre, hoy 16-11-2019 he decidido asegurar parte de la cosecha, cortando la mitad (aprox) superior de cada planta. Esa mitad de planta en altura supone cosechar entre el 60/70% de la produccion de la Zamalmistica, pero inversamente solo el 30/40% de la Full Energy.
Las dejo así:

As it has entered a storm with heavy rains and cold more typical of December or January than mid-November, today 16-11-2019 I have decided to secure part of the crop, cutting the upper half (approx) of each plant. That half of the plant in height means harvesting between 60/70% of the Zamalmistica's production, but conversely only 30/40% of the Full Energy.
I leave them like this:

Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5; nacida sobre el 1-Julio / borned on July-1 ] :


Parte cosechada el 16-Noviembre.
Olor: Mezcla citrica con afrutado dulce y herbal fresco: (limón/naranja/mandarina/zanahoria dulce/hierba buena):

Part harvested on November 16.
Smell: Citrus mixture with fresh fruity and fresh herbal: (lemon / orange / tangerine / sweet carrot / good herb):

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Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; nacida sobre Julio-1 / borned on July-1):

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Parte cosechada el 16-Noviembre.
Especialmente resinosa.
Olor: hash con matices tanto afrutados/frescos como a cuero:

Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; born on the end of June / beginning of July):
Part harvested on November 16.
Especially resinous. Smell: hash with both fruity / fresh and leather nuances:

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Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5; nacida entre el fin de Junio y el principio de Julio]. Parte inferior aun sin cosechar.
Olor: Mezcla citrica con afrutado dulce y herbal fresco: (limón/naranja/mandarina/zanahoria dulce/hierba buena; yo diria que "mandarina" domina sobre lo demás...):

Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)) F5; born between the end of June and the beginning of July].
Bottom not yet harvested.
Smell: Citrus mixture with fresh fruity and fresh herbal: (lemon / orange / tangerine / sweet carrot / good herb; I would say that "tangerine" dominates the rest ...):

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Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; nacida sobre fin de Junio/principios de Julio):
Parte aun sin cosechar. Es muy, muy resinosa.
Olor: Hash con matices tanto afrutados/frescos como a cuero:

Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; born on the end of June / beginning of July):
Part still without harvesting. It is very, very resinous.
Smell: Hash with both fruity / fresh and leather nuances:

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Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)) F5; nacida entre el fin de Junio y el principio de Julio].
Parte inferior aun sin cosechar, manicurada "por encima", justo antes de arrancarla totalmente, no lo suficientemente madura para mi gusto, pero se avecina mal tiempo...:

Zamalmistica [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer / Afghan)) F5; born between the end of June and the beginning of July].
Bottom even without harvesting, manicured "above", just before fully plucking, not mature enough for my taste, but bad weather is coming ...:

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..y lo mismo he echo con la parte aun sin cosechar de la Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; nacida sobre fin de Junio/principios de Julio):
Muy resinosa; y con una parte inferior densamente poblada de ramas secundarias casi horizontales :

..and I have done the same with the still unharvested part of the Full Energy (Old Afghan NLD short cut x Old Timers Haze green light cut; born on the end of June / beginning of July):
Very resinous; and with a densely populated lower part of almost horizontal secondary branches:

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