Anyone Running Any Tropical Seed Company Strains?


Mi siguiente temporada local de exterior 2020 fue una de las mejores en cuanto al producto final, de toda mi vida.
Ya os adelanto, que aparte de otra King Congo como la primera que mostré el 2016 (fenotipo sudafricano dominante, con su característico efecto entre eufórico y alegremente introspectivo/creativo), este año obtuve también un espectacular feno Congo Point Noire que te trasladaba al África Ecuatorial con solo verla.
Y un no menos espectacular feno Zamal Mafate'80 de otra Zamalmistyk, mucho más extremadamente sativa tropical/ecuatorial (con los típicos cálices gigantes en forma de espigas de trigo) y mucho más potente, que el fenotipo más domesticado por el híbrido de Jack Herer materno.

My next local outdoor season 2020 was one of the best in terms of final product, of all my life.
I can already tell you that, apart from another King Congo like the first one I showed in 2016 (South African dominant phenotype, with its characteristic effect between euphoric and joyfully introspective/creative), this year I also got a spectacular Congo Point Noire pheno that took you to Equatorial Africa just by looking at it.
And a no less spectacular Zamal Mafate'80 pheno from another Zamalmistyk, much more extremely tropical/equatorial sativa (with the typical giant calyxes in the shape of wheat ears) and much more potent than the phenotype more domesticated by the maternal Jack Herer hybrid.
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Extreme Haze, (Nl5*Haze, Extreme Haze feno * Olditmers Haze, Green Light feno); (born in the last week of April):

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King Congo (Congo Point Noire * Ciskei South African Highlands, Congolese feno), (born on May-5):

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Already just transplanted:

The first one is King Congo (Congo Point Noire *Ciskei South African Highlands, CPN feno) , with twice the size of the Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze *Oldtimer's Haze) , being the first born on May-5, and the second the last week of April.
The soil fertilizer this year is mainly from horses (horse, mule and donkey):

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King Congo (CPN feno; born May-5) has already shown that she is a female, at only one and a half months old, with the natural photoperiod of the 39°N where I live.
This kind of semi-autoflowering can be found in several specimens of long flowering tropical/equatorial African sativas (not only in the early Moroccan ones). This beginning of flowering is slower than normal and does not accelerate until close to the autumn equinox; but it makes the plant ready earlier than others with the same necessary weeks of flowering, but without the mentioned characteristic.
The last few times I grew it, it also showed the same rapidity in showing sex, and from that moment on, its appearance became more and more sativa.
I wish I could enjoy again that spectacular fruity taste, and its powerful effect between euphoric and introspective-creative...

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(...and for the impatient, I leave you a preview of what King Congo, feno Congo Point Noire, was going to turn out.... These are side branches (cinnamon in sticks, we sais here, heh) of this Congolese beast):


The lateral buds were like cousin Ibaka's arms (speaking of Spanish-Congolean "beasts", heh)...
- "Isn't that right, cousin Serge?"

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The Extreme Haze continues to develop much more slowly (despite being born a week before the King Congo); and I have the impression that it will be a male... I'm already germinating other 'Tropical' varieties just in case...

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A new King Congo (Congo Point Noire * Ciskei Soth African Higlands) has just been born; she will be South African Ciskei's feno:

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King Congo 1°(Congo Point Noire * Ciskei South African Higlands; borned on May-5) continues to grow unchecked.
I had not noticed before that it has several initial flowers, with 3 stigmas :

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..while, Extreme Haze (NL5/Haze * Oldtimer's Haze) continues to "mark" masculinity...

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Only 20 days after my previous photo, mine King Congo 1° (feno Congo Point Noire; born on 5-May) is already taller than me, and will be about 1'80 metres.
I have pruned the 3 lower knots (6 branches):

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The Extreme Haze was a male.


And the King Congo 2° (feno South African Ciskei; born June-18), is still only a "conguito"... It's already been transplanted to the ground:

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As for King Congo 1° (Congo Point Noire feno; born May-5), it's already about 2 metres high and I've started to bend it towards the ground:

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The King Congo 2° (South African Ciskei feno; born 18-June) is beginning to feel good about the transplant at "The Kennel" (aka "The Dogs' House"). Her appearance also seems to become more sativa as she grows..:

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A Zamalmystik (aka Zamalmística); [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)] F5; was born to me, yesterday.
It will result in a Zamal Mafate'80 pheno even more extremely sativa than the photos of the King Congo 1° (pheno Congo Point Noire) in full bloom, which I showed you messages ago, with flowers with strings of calyxes like green wheat ears covered with resin.
Here you see it today, next to a "visitor":

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Flower stigmas of the lower branches of King Congo 1°(feno Congo Point Noire); as long as thick:

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Egg-laying of an insect (I think, of Green Lacewinds (?)) on a leaflet of the King Congo 1°:

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Detail of the base of the stem, with 4 knots (8 branches) pruned:

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The maximum daytime temperatures in the shade here at Monte Adentro are between 38 and 44 degrees Celsius...The nighttime minimum and night maximum temperatures are about the same: between 20 and 25 °C...

King Congo 1°, (Congo Point Noire * South African Ciskei, CPN feno; born 5-May).

View of the plant, looking towards the direction in which it is bent:

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seen from the opposite direction to the previous one:

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Young shoot in early floration:

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Appearance of pre-flowers and the very early flowers:

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...Y aprovechando lo solito y agustito que estoy en este hilo, voy a seguir poniendo la música que me de la gana y al volumen que quiera, que pa' eso no hay nadie más a quien molestar, je, je, je...
Aquí viene, para entretener la espera hasta los cogollos, un Son Montuno de los que resucitan muertos hasta descompuestos... Güiiiiiro !!:


In memoriam
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So is now the King Congo 2° (South African Ciskei feno; born 18-June).
A couple of days ago I could see the first female pre-flower:

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And today also transfer to "La Perrera" the Zamalmystik ; [(Zamal Mafate 80's x (Original Misty x Jack Herer/Afghan)] F5; (born 20-July).
The very smooth serration of the filial edges, I believe, is due to the Zamal Mafate'80:

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The "western part" of "The Kennel", it seems that it will be totally occupied by King Congo 1 (Congo Point Noire * Sout African Ciskei; born the first week of May).
Its stem is more than 2 meters long, but I have it bent (in the direction of the East, towards the West) at about 45° with the ground.
View from the East towards the West:

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view in the opposite direction; from the West, towards the East:

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