AP: Fraud claims aimed in part at keeping Trump base loyal.

Broke both thumbs
Or your grasp of the english language is a bit sketchy.

But I will pretend to believe your thumbs story if it makes you feel better. My pinky is fucked up from years of wrestling, so I can relate.

Its just showing your hypocracy is all. Whenever you say some bs..the left has done it 10 fold already
Prove it. I call bullshit. Post a link to all these child murdered that the Democrats have pardoned.
Or your grasp of the english language is a bit sketchy.

But I will pretend to believe your thumbs story if it makes you feel better. My pinky is fucked up from years of wrestling, so I can relate.

Prove it. I call bullshit. Post a link to all these child murdered that the Democrats have pardoned.
I cant post links for you..you told me they are all bs. You are questioning it..so you go look for yourself
Does that really make sense to you? To release inmates because of covid? Or opening the border to let illegals in during covid?
Whose releasing inmates? And how many of those inmates are violent offenders.

And why are they 'illegals' if they are being let in?

You just regurgitate anything your bullshit right wing propagandists tell you huh.

I cant post links for you..you told me they are all bs. You are questioning it..so you go look for yourself
Yup, you said Democrats are releasing child murderers, I call bullshit. And just because you say something doesn't make it any more true that when Dear Leader lies to us. Asking people to disprove your beliefs is just asking them to chase their tails and is a trolling tactic.
Apparently dr fauci day is a real thing.. i googled " dr fauci day" and 5 stories showed up.
Who said it wasn't? People celebrating someone that has worked tirelessly to help our society of the worst viruses for decades during a pandemic is not a bad thing.

It sucks you assholes have followed Dear Leader's bad example and politicized our public employees who are just trying to do their jobs the best they can.
Whose releasing inmates? And how many of those inmates are violent offenders.

And why are they 'illegals' if they are being let in?

You just regurgitate anything your bullshit right wing propagandists tell you huh.

Yup, you said Democrats are releasing child murderers, I call bullshit. And just because you say something doesn't make it any more true that when Dear Leader lies to us. Asking people to disprove your beliefs is just asking them to chase their tails and is a trolling tactic.
Its a quick google search
Who said it wasn't? People celebrating someone that has worked tirelessly to help our society of the worst viruses for decades during a pandemic is not a bad thing.

It sucks you assholes have followed Dear Leader's bad example and politicized our public employees who are just trying to do their jobs the best they can.
Hes gotten everything wrong lol. Why do you idolize this guy?!
Is this true?..if so.. Happy I never got it right should have been fired Fauci Day
why did you lie about newsom, cuck?

he wasnt even running this year

pretty fucking embarrassing bunch of lies youre spewing, eh?

you pedophile
Then knock yourself out. Just because you can find a result of something on google, doesn't make that shit true.

Not understanding this is one of the biggest vulnerabilities Trump's cult has had in this attack by the Russian military.

Because you say so?
See so why bother dropping links..you will just say its fake
See so why bother dropping links..you will just say its fake
You would rather not know that you are reading shit on propaganda websites? Just because you can find something doesn't make it true.

Im sure I can find damn near anything online, should that mean I post it and expect others to just swallow the bullshit?
You would rather not know that you are reading shit on propaganda websites? Just because you can find something doesn't make it true.

Im sure I can find damn near anything online, should that mean I post it and expect others to just swallow the bullshit?

this guy is mentally fucking retarded or a parody
show us a screenshot then.

dont go down as a lying cuck, you stupid piece of shit.
Ill go down as an american supporting a potus that wants to give the country back to its citizens. Promises that were made..have been kept.
Im not sure why that you would be against that unless you are a marxist, ccp or just an idiot.
Do you want socialism in our country?
Im positive what you do for a living is benefit only by capatolism