AP: Fraud claims aimed in part at keeping Trump base loyal.

Good lord, every string pulled on these idiots lead to a conman.

From that story you get the cult this nut belonged to:
View attachment 4769814

Looking up their cult's website:

So I check out the president of this cult:
View attachment 4769818

If at first you don't succeed, start a cult?

And his doctor buddy?
View attachment 4769831
I found this on the Daily Beast site just below an article you cited about the rogue retired cop who kidnapped an air conditioner repair man and held him to the ground with a gun to the back of his head because the cop "believed the technician to be in possession of more than 750,000 fraudulent ballots, though he had no evidence to buttress his claims":

Ring In the Holidays with a Scotch Cocktail

Seemed appropriate.
it was explained in quite graphic detail how and why the numbers were going to be as they were..in person vote will tally first then mail-in since they have to be hand counted.

some archaic states are not allowed to start counting until 11/3. someone already told you some states can count early due to their lawmakers agreeing it makes sense to count early so you have the answer on 11/3; some states don't..do you have any issue with Colorado who started their count on 10/19 ( i saw you referenced this) and finished 11/3 or is it with those states who refuse to devise a way to make certain their count is in on 11/3?
lies last forever

We are stuck with this one and will see it come up for decades.
81m people did not vote for biden..its not mathmatically possible. Can you show the math on how trump got 74m votes and biden 81m when there is less registered voters than that. Please and ty.
Looks like your troll was already debunked on Reuters. You know a factual news source that doesn't have to argue in court that it is ok to lie like your 'sources'.

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The post (here) shows a printed table which compares the “Number of Registered Voters 2020” and “Votes Counted 2020” for all the U.S. states. In the 15 states in the table where the number of votes counted exceeds the number of registered voters, the “votes counted” figure is highlighted in yellow. A note has been handwritten next to each highlighted figure, stating the difference between the numbers. Comments and shares on the post claim that this is evidence of voter fraud, saying “There is so much proof of fraud…”; “CHEATERS”; “Very clear signs of voter fraud!”; “North Carolina is a cheat state” (here).

The 15 states are Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Reuters recently debunked another table showing outdated voter registration numbers (here) .

A live Reuters count of the number of votes cast in the 2020 presidential election can be found here , selectable by state here .
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The table in the post shows that in Iowa there were 1,658,000 registered voters and 1,683,565 votes counted.

The Iowa Secretary of State website publishes voter registration totals (here). As of Nov. 2, 2020 there were a total of 2,095,580 active registered voters in Iowa (here) .

The number of voters registered by the end of Election Day could be higher than this figure as voters can register on Election Day in Iowa (here) .
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The post gives North Carolina 5,160,000 registered voters but 5,453,943 votes counted.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections has voter registration statistics available on its website. The total number of registered voters as of the week of Nov. 3, 2020 was 7,361,219 (here) .

North Carolina allows same day voter registration (here and here) .

So far, North Carolina has reported unofficial data showing 7.36 million registered voters and 5.49 million ballots cast, which shows a 74.6% voter turnout ( here). This is unofficial data from election night and will be updated on the website after results are finalized on Nov. 24.

The post says that 343,000 people were registered to vote in Vermont but there were 365,250 votes counted.

The Vermont Secretary of State website election results show that as of Nov. 6, there were 506,311 registered voters in Vermont and 372,367 ballots cast (electionresults.vermont.gov/). People were able to register to vote on election day in Vermont (here) .

The post says that in Virginia there were 4,159,000 registered voters but 4,304,183 votes counted.

Statistics published on the Virginia Department of Elections website shows that there were 5,975,752 registered voters in Virginia as of Nov. 2, 2020 (here).

Voters had to register 22 days before the election and could not register on election day (here) .

The post says in Wisconsin there were 3,129,000 registered voters but 3,289,143 votes counted.

The  Wisconsin Elections Commission has voter registration statistics available on its website  elections.wi.gov/node/7220 . The total number of registered voters in the state on Nov. 1, 2020 was 3,684,726.

Reuters Fact Check debunked other social media claims showing similar numbers for Wisconsin, here .

Wisconsin allows same day voter registration, which may also mean the registered voters for election day could be higher than 3,684,726 (here) .

False. In all 15 states highlighted in the table the most up to date number of registered voters is higher than the number of registered voters listed in the table. Therefore, in all 15 states the number of registered voters does not exceed the votes counted.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here .
The fraud claims are more for donations to the "legal defense fund". 45 has over 200M in his personal PAC, thanks to the poor people who love him.

Well, that and the fact he spent so much time in reality TV, he thinks life works like that.
