Apollo 10 cidly


Well-Known Member
I used to grow nothing but old school Hindu kush and master kush ibl. Eventuly every single one hermied by 4th Gen clones. Most stable strains are ones that the f1 is crossed with both mother and father plants to make f3

strain f x strain m= f1

f1 x strain f = f2a
f1 x strain m =f2b

f2a x f2b = f3 - final product.

Now a days companies like tga will just cross f1xf1=f2 and that's it. To have a wider variety of phenos.

ibl is imbreed line. You imbreed any species of anything, it fucks up genetics. I wonder why Dutch passion , DJ short, sensi seeds, and green house seeds stopped carrying ibl strains. They haven"t had them since 2003...


so picked up some tiger bloom from the local hydroponic store a few days ago and my plants are doing better both the Mg and the Phosphorous deficiencies have started to clear up.

El Tiberon

Active Member
I used to grow nothing but old school Hindu kush and master kush ibl. Eventuly every single one hermied by 4th Gen clones. Most stable strains are ones that the f1 is crossed with both mother and father plants to make f3

strain f x strain m= f1

f1 x strain f = f2a
f1 x strain m =f2b

f2a x f2b = f3 - final product.

Now a days companies like tga will just cross f1xf1=f2 and that's it. To have a wider variety of phenos.

ibl is imbreed line. You imbreed any species of anything, it fucks up genetics. I wonder why Dutch passion , DJ short, sensi seeds, and green house seeds stopped carrying ibl strains. They haven"t had them since 2003...
TGA is known for hermis. Master Kush has never been an IBL by any breeder. It is a cross of two supposed IBL's.


Well-Known Member
Dutch passion master kush used to be Hindu kush x Hindu kush. Now master doesn't exist in seed. Now its Hindu kush x skunk 1. That's really Hindu skunk. Real true master kush is a clone only now like afghani bullrider. That's not an ibl. Just an example of a clone only strain.


TGA is known for hermis. Master Kush has never been an IBL by any breeder. It is a cross of two supposed IBL's.
man just leave it alone, hyroot has been nothing but a help to me... and correct about the phosphorous deficiency. not to mention the fact that he unlike you has actually contributed to my grow besides one post. I'm sure you know your shit about growing but as far as this thread you've been small minded and a bit of a dick. I would appreciate it allot if you just left this thread alone. i would like to keep it about my grow and not your bruised ego.


hyroot don't worry about it you have been a major help and have given me good info and advice its not your fault El douche bag doesn't understand

C. Breeze

New Member
Quick Fwiw- p and cal mag are all 3 available at the same ph range- so you will often see the three running together in a scenario where your ph is too low. Since this isn't a TLO grow, the ph of the medium and the feed is a bit more crucial.

Additionally- and this is not firsthand experience, so take it as hearsay- and do your own research, like ice been doing- as I'm at the start of my last hid grow- and will be switching to led in a few months-

From what I have read and seen in others journals- cal/mag def seems to be a frequent issue in led grows- I'm not going to postulate why they burn through
More cal/mg under led- but- I seems fairly universal.

For a fact though p, and cal, an mg are all unavailable to the roots in soil @aboit 6.5 and down. I know you say the medium is neutral, but check your feeds again as well as remembering that ph reads in soil are often not very accurate.

If this is redundant- sorry.


Well-Known Member
^^^ alot of people misinterpret cal mag issues. Which is usually molybdenum def. Which can be caused by light bleaching from the led them panel being to close or lack of potassium. Some strains , especially purple strains are calcium hogs though.


so im trying to fit one more grow in before my lease expires. Ive got some Auto seeds that came free, the only problem is I've only got the one area to grow. so can I just start growing the Autos in my flowering room? (12/12). or would this be to counter productive with already low preforming seeds (Autos).
the strains (freebies from attitude) are:
DINA: Blue Cheese
Kannabia Seeds:
Thai Fantasy
La Blanca
Kannabia Special


Well-Known Member
I've never done autos. I know 12/12 from sees would work fine. So I'd imagine autos would be too. With autos, correct of I'm wrong its my understanding that you want to run autos at 18/6 -24/0 all the way through to get the largest yield.


I've never done autos. I know 12/12 from sees would work fine. So I'd imagine autos would be too. With autos, correct of I'm wrong its my understanding that you want to run autos at 18/6 -24/0 all the way through to get the largest yield.
that was my conundrum, I personally have never grown autos and never would but i got them for free, and seeing as I don't have time to run a proper grow i figured why not just go with the Auto. from what I've read and seen about Autos you are correct hyroot they are meant to run with 24hr light or 18/6. I've never heard of anyone getting decent yields from Auto (comparative to Photoperiod strains), so I'm currious if it is even worth the time/ effort of growing them, most likely I would just take the bud and make hash instead of smoking sub par bud.


Well-Known Member
that was my conundrum, I personally have never grown autos and never would but i got them for free, and seeing as I don't have time to run a proper grow i figured why not just go with the Auto. from what I've read and seen about Autos you are correct hyroot they are meant to run with 24hr light or 18/6. I've never heard of anyone getting decent yields from Auto (comparative to Photoperiod strains), so I'm currious if it is even worth the time/ effort of growing them, most likely I would just take the bud and make hash instead of smoking sub par bud.
that's a tuffy. It depends on how long til it starts flowering too. Every 12/12 from seed I've done usually takes 30 days til buds start forming with veg and 12/12 that would make them 2 weeks into flower . Then another 6-8 weeks after the first 30 days. Your looking at minimum 3 months. Grow , chop, dry. At that point might as well veg some clones or do 12/12 fs with bag seed or better.

C. Breeze

New Member
Autos will be small unde 12/12... Think 1/4-1-2 zip per- if you are on point with the grow.

the thai fantasy will do well under 12/12- and likely yield 2 or so- similar to a photo that's 12/12 from seed. Some of them seem to be semi auto, that is to say somewhat photo sensitive still.

60-70 day autos under 12/12 aren't really worth the hassle- autos are a little more finicky than photos and as they are on a schedule any stunting at all is a major set back- in my experience. I do really like growing them though- fun little plants.


Autos will be small unde 12/12... Think 1/4-1-2 zip per- if you are on point with the grow.

the thai fantasy will do well under 12/12- and likely yield 2 or so- similar to a photo that's 12/12 from seed. Some of them seem to be semi auto, that is to say somewhat photo sensitive still.

60-70 day autos under 12/12 aren't really worth the hassle- autos are a little more finicky than photos and as they are on a schedule any stunting at all is a major set back- in my experience. I do really like growing them though- fun little plants.
thanks for the advice thats what i was thinking, but I had an Idea what do you think about taking a large Tuber wear bin cutting a rectangular hole in the lid that my 125w cfl could sit on and using that as a grow box, until i could move them into my grow tent under the led? i would probably get one or two computer fans to for circulation. and over all this would be a cheap set up costing around 20-30$ tops. the only problem i could see is them getting to tall for the box but if that was to happen i could just move them into the grow tent early and just hope the 12/12 doesn't affect them to much.

C. Breeze

New Member
They kind of take longer outdoors- but with so many other environmental factors in play- I'm not gonna say that has much to do with photoperiod, I've flowered them alongside photos under 12/12 just fine- just smaller plants.

C. Breeze

New Member
Hey- as to the Tupperware- most of those autos go to about week three and then blow up. Stretching like a crazy sativa- it's fun to watch- but you could run them at 20/4 and LST or whatever- and then yeah throw em in with 12/12- that's fine - Better than going 12/12 the whole time. Ligh cycle changes don't bother them. Only effect is less grow time or more- the extra hours reall make a size difference- but the changes in cycle don't stress out most of them. Dinafem are typically good autos.

Hey- I am here just watching your grow because I'm kind if studying up for my next grow which will be led- after I finish now with hps- and I've been thinking cidly- so I've been appreciating this grow- thanks.


The grow is going good, just placed the Autos into jiffy pellets, and will be placing them in there pots in the next day or so. all of them have started to germinate except for the Blue Cheese but, i planted it like the others hoping its just a late bloomer. the LSD and Blue OG are doing great the LSD seems to be maturing faster and is getting some nice orange hairs. hopefully I'll be able to harvest the top buds early and try to get the lower 'popcorn' buds to fatten up a bit. the Blue OG has been a delightful surprise its grown very bushy, and all of the buds are growing nice and fat, I'm hopeful that the buds will swell up nice and plump.
Mid flower Review of Cidly's Apollo 10:
the Apollo so far I've been happy with, its been much better than growing with CFL. no problems still working like new. if i could do something different it would probably be changing the cool white to warm, but thats a small problem and likely wont have that great of a difference. so as far as buying from Cidly, I'd say they are a good alternative to the more high priced panels, but just go in knowing that they drive their LEDs harder than others and unlike the Han's panel or Area 51 they don't use high quality LEDs. so in short its a cheaper alternative, that likely wont last as long or give you the same amazing g/w like the hans panel. but over all its a decent LED light that is better than the similar low/mid range LED lights that come from china. as of now I'd give it 4 stars, but this could change ill post another review post harvest.

-Happy growing RIU