applied for US air force while stoned


Well-Known Member
If you really wanna join the recruiter will tell you (assuming you're honest with them) to wait till you're clean and can pass a drug test.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so. From what I've heard from friends, he'll tell your ass to go get clean and then come back before you even start any paper work.

But if you know you're not clean, you might as well tell him you're gonna be gone for a month or something and just wait till you go talk to anyone.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
The real question is why the fuck do you wanna be in the air force. There must be careers in the private sector that relate to your major. Join the air force and say goodbye to your freedoms -- in the name of freedom?


Well-Known Member
The real question is why the fuck do you wanna be in the air force. There must be careers in the private sector that relate to your major. Join the air force and say goodbye to your freedoms -- in the name of freedom?
I have a feeling he'll change his mind after he sobers up, lol.


yea actually I changed my mind 20 mins ago. I am shocked at how fast I can change from one perspective of mind to a totally 180 degree different mind set. My fucking god, I hope I don't get trouble for doing this shit. Btw just took another hit 10 mins ago. I hope someone can help me with this. My life is gonna be fuked.


Well-Known Member
No man, you won't get in any trouble.

You're gonna have to deal with those assholes calling you though, and until you give them a firm "no", they'll keep calling, like, every day.


You think they will believe me if I tell them that my brother filled this out for me and it was without my consent or some bullshit like that?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to lie. Just tell them you changed your mind. Be prepared for them to be like "oh you're scared?" or some bitch move like that.

But that form you filled out wasn't official, you have no commitment.

DO NOT say you're brother did it as a joke or something. I don't think that could give him in trouble, but maybe it could and then you'd really feel like a dick. Govt don't like people playing on their websites.


Active Member
If you didn't raise your right hand and swear, you're fine man. If you went in and told a recruiter you were on acid, and drunk they would tell you cool. Anything for another hand raised. If you do decide to join, just be honest! Most of them will buy you a clean out kit on the gov't dollar. I've seen it a million times. If you still don't wanna join, be persistent, and don't let them bother you. They will give up, maybe.. Joining the service is a big commitment man. Not something to go in high for lol. Funny, but they need numbers and will put up with alot to get you in. I was in the service for six years, and believe it helped me alot. It just depends on your beliefs and such.. Now i'm on RIU, in Europe enjoying my life. Just remember, all walks of life join, some don't come back.


Well-Known Member
No man, you won't get in any trouble.

You're gonna have to deal with those assholes calling you though, and until you give them a firm "no", they'll keep calling, like, every day.
That's the truth!
When I was in high school the damn ARMY recruiter kept calling me and paging (remember those? lol). I was training to be a seal, not no damn ARMY rat. Then wrestling screwed me over when i tweaked my knee during drills. Fuckers ended up saying i was too much of a liability. I was pissed, i wasted 4 years of training throughout high school only in the end to screw my self. :(


Active Member
Until you're on that bus, they can't tell you shit.

Tell them you've had a change of heart and that should be the end of it.

If not, then tell them you have had a "religious awakening" and are in the process of having yourself classified as a Conscientious Objector.

Just because they bug you and tell you a bunch of BS, doesn't mean you need to go along with it.

You are seeing the prime example of why not to joined the services though. Once they REALLY got you, they control every aspect of your life.


Well-Known Member
If you didn't raise your right hand and swear, you're fine man. If you went in and told a recruiter you were on acid, and drunk they would tell you cool. Anything for another hand raised. If you do decide to join, just be honest! Most of them will buy you a clean out kit on the gov't dollar. I've seen it a million times. If you still don't wanna join, be persistent, and don't let them bother you. They will give up, maybe.. Joining the service is a big commitment man. Not something to go in high for lol. Funny, but they need numbers and will put up with alot to get you in. I was in the service for six years, and believe it helped me alot. It just depends on your beliefs and such.. Now i'm on RIU, in Europe enjoying my life. Just remember, all walks of life join, some don't come back.
Thats totally true about the piss cleaner, a friend of my went to an army recruitment office a few years ago (in the height of Iraq deployment) and he told them he would probably fail the urine test and the guy told him which brand of product to buy to pass it, and to come back the next day.


Well-Known Member
good choice on picking the air force over the other branches. there you could learn a job skill that crosses over to the civilian side.think it out and decide whats best for you. a steady job, 3 meals a day, bunk, health care, retirement plan, etc.....and let me tell ya, the chicks dig boys in uniform. i say go for it!