Archive Seed Bank

Some of the best growers are from the old school ....and the internets and all the digital "conveniences" of the modern world don't always mesh with their style of getting things done because they weren't brought up with it and instead developed other ways to deal with people/things.

We automatically assume that all the marijuana guys are just like any other corporate businessmen these days because of all the advancements that have been made in recent years to legitimize the cannabis industry. But I am old enough to remember when people had to be really careful about who they talked to and what they said because there was a big risk of bad things happening for divulging too much information. I suspect that some of these traits still carry over into the business world. Customers are conditioned to "expect" things to be promptly and courteously provided to them the way it would be if you went to a restaurant or something. But the cannabis industry isn't the restaurant industry.

It honestly blows my mind that it's even possible to come to an internet forum and have discussions like this...or to be able to get in my car and drive to a nice, clean recreational store and select from hundreds of cannabis items. It didn't used to be like that! ....All the years of meeting some strange dude in a rainy parking lot and having to accept whatever the fuck they decided to sell you for whatever price they happened to guarantee of anything -including the possibility of getting robbed at

Now....about those Hash Bar OG phenotypes....Anyone have some input? ;)
You keep saying 200 is over priced. thats the real issue. You feel 200 is over priced. admit it. Everything you have been saying is about his prices. stop crying.

$200 is very inexpensive for seeds.

$350 dying breed medium

$500 afficando is high

Unrelased seeds and being thr breeders friend is best.

Even if seeds where $1000, you can make clones and have this plant for years and years.

I dont think i ever said $200 was overpriced. If it i did thats not what i meant. My point is $200 is to much to pay for something unseen.

I paid over $200 and have no problem even for somebody in the forum but im not paying $200 for something no one has even seen before no matter who breeds it.
You folks comparing Archive to Gucci, Mercedes, and Hermes are delusional. In addition to providing excellent customer service, those companies use the best materials in their product. Basing your entire breeding operation off seeds your friend found in a bag of weed he didn't grow is like making purses out of stray dog leather. Maybe the custies can't tell the difference after you've tanned and colored the hides with the finest dyes available that your friends hooked you up with, but it still doesn't qualify as premium goods that command a premium price.

I guess you and archive and the other person where in the room togeather to when such a such deal where made.

Do tell how you have first hand knowledge that it was bag seed. (even that being the case) In all these years how does one know what he does? but again in life you have purchasing power and don't have to buy his wears.

btw hasn't most of the best weed come fr bagseeds, accidental pollinations and herrmies?
Some of the best growers are from the old school ....and the internets and all the digital "conveniences" of the modern world don't always mesh with their style of getting things done because they weren't brought up with it and instead developed other ways to deal with people/things.

We automatically assume that all the marijuana guys are just like any other corporate businessmen these days because of all the advancements that have been made in recent years to legitimize the cannabis industry. But I am old enough to remember when people had to be really careful about who they talked to and what they said because there was a big risk of bad things happening for divulging too much information. I suspect that some of these traits still carry over into the business world. Customers are conditioned to "expect" things to be promptly and courteously provided to them the way it would be if you went to a restaurant or something. But the cannabis industry isn't the restaurant industry.

It honestly blows my mind that it's even possible to come to an internet forum and have discussions like this...or to be able to get in my car and drive to a nice, clean recreational store and select from hundreds of cannabis items. It didn't used to be like that! ....All the years of meeting some strange dude in a rainy parking lot and having to accept whatever the fuck they decided to sell you for whatever price they happened to guarantee of anything -including the possibility of getting robbed at

Now....about those Hash Bar OG phenotypes....Anyone have some input? ;)
Well said. Half of these people wouldn't be posting if they were not legal.
I dont think i ever said $200 was overpriced. If it i did thats not what i meant. My point is $200 is to much to pay for something unseen.

I paid over $200 and have no problem even for somebody in the forum but im not paying $200 for something no one has even seen before no matter who breeds it.
that comment was to @Thefarmer12 ..
You keep saying 200 is over priced. thats the real issue. You feel 200 is over priced. admit it. Everything you have been saying is about his prices. stop crying.

$200 is very inexpensive for seeds.

$350 dying breed medium

$500 afficando is high

Unrelased seeds and being thr breeders friend is best.

Even if seeds where $1000, you can make clones and have this plant for years and years.

I make plenty of money its not about the affordability for me its the principle. I never necessarily even said its wrong I just wwnt to know why these are priced how they are in comparison to the rest of the catalogue. They're priced that way cause he knows people will pay it and he can milk them for it. Try selling his great white shark cross that's listed as 80 for 200 and people wont buy it. But what's the difference if he's charging 200 to cover costs? Its about profit not overhead. Period.

My only real issue otherwise is him being a dick here. He came here for no reason other than his bruised ego. I haven't seen him here otherwise.
Granted, $200.00 is a lot of money to pay for some seeds....especially for someone, like me, who used to have half-gallon-size jars full of landrace seeds from all over the world and ended up throwing them away!...*sigh* ...but I digress...:)

However...Consider that some breeders have already built a legit name for themselves and that you are paying for that legitimacy. Those legit breeders probably don't want to risk losing the status that they worked hard to build and, thus, need to find a way to separate themselves from the ocean of pollen chuckers. Reputation > Photos, in my opinion...

I actually posed the question, on this forum, a long time ago...something along the lines of "How can you be sure you're not getting just some random bag seed from breeder?" And the answer was something along the lines of, "Because people who do that, don't stay in business...and those who have provided the goods, have a good reputation" So, I think that's what was meant when someone compared Archive Seeds to a Mercedes, etc. -that they all have built good reputations and people will, in turn, worry less about their purchases from those reputable dealers.

Photos of the plants would be nice...but I suppose anyone could post any photo they chose -be they true to the real plants or not...And, even with photos, you still have to put your trust in the legitimacy of the people posting them. So, if the trust is already there, then the photos wouldn't necessarily have to accompany the description.

I grow my own garden vegetables, too and I just paid $7.95 for FIVE "Lime Crisp" cucumber seeds...but I love cucumbers and I know these are going to produce some delicious ones! It's all relative, I guess.

Anyway...Hash Bar OG phenos, anyone? :)
You folks comparing Archive to Gucci, Mercedes, and Hermes are delusional. In addition to providing excellent customer service, those companies use the best materials in their product. Basing your entire breeding operation off seeds your friend found in a bag of weed he didn't grow is like making purses out of stray dog leather. Maybe the custies can't tell the difference after you've tanned and colored the hides with the finest dyes available that your friends hooked you up with, but it still doesn't qualify as premium goods that command a premium price.
East coast all day "custies" lmao
I've been to the Archive shop and it's a legit place....nice secure building, clean, well-run, nice people, decent selection...


Okay, I'll quit jabbering now! Peace!
I've been to the Archive shop and it's a legit place....nice secure building, clean, well-run, nice people, decent selection...


Okay, I'll quit jabbering now! Peace!

Hit up archive on IG. Somewhere in the three paragraph rant of him calling you a tent chucker for asking about a strain of his he might actually give some usable info on it.
You folks comparing Archive to Gucci, Mercedes, and Hermes are delusional. In addition to providing excellent customer service, those companies use the best materials in their product. Basing your entire breeding operation off seeds your friend found in a bag of weed he didn't grow is like making purses out of stray dog leather. Maybe the custies can't tell the difference after you've tanned and colored the hides with the finest dyes available that your friends hooked you up with, but it still doesn't qualify as premium goods that command a premium price.

Yeah if you ask Mercedes why they charge more than Toyota I can bet they have a better reason than "gotta cover costs". Plenty of breeders doing similar work without charging an arm and a leg.
Hit up archive on IG. Somewhere in the three paragraph rant of him calling you a tent chucker for asking about a strain of his he might actually give some usable info on it.
Hmmmm....Can I look at Instagram without signing up? I'm just not into social media outside of this forum!

I was about to ask you Ak, and most of the people? What have you guys breed with to know all this? How do you even know what he has been doing behind closed doors for the last three to four years?

Just because somebody is not showing something, does not mean that they are not putting in work. For that matter of fact many companys have trade secrets and they don't let you know the exact formula or procedures.

Now to everyone eles you guys seem to have this Sense of Entitlement, first off you are Lucky these genetics are being released to you Or Get the Clone and Make it on your own. Where the fuck do I offer you something, and then you tell me how to price my $ goods.

No one can tell Mercedes / Hermes how to price there brand.

Topdawg seeds had 3 Og's and Money Mike crosses for $200 Dying breed has there seeds for $350 no testing plus.

It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.

@ThaDocta1 your true core following are the people that first purchased dosidos when they came out. All these new johnny-come-latelys "You wasn't There"

I blame instagram and cannarado in away for making legend / irene / fpog / under dog and pure kush and all these rare elited so available. Before that on smaller scales people would appreciate.

I have never seen someone say they got hermies from your plants..

Bro your missing my point I never said he wasn't putting in the work cus I know he has always talked of testing offspring and stress testing males and stuff. I have told people about him doing this so it was just on the new Dosidos crosses I wanted to know about. I understand just cus someone doesn't let the world know what they are doing doing mean he isn't doing it but when your selling a product I as the consumer should have the right to know about the product your selling.

Think of Apple when new products come out for them you can find all the info about them weeks before you can buy. I'm not saying let the whole world know your plans before you get to working on the idea but once it's a done deal and product is gonna be sold I want info on it period. Nobody is wrong for wanting that info and in buying quality seeds it should come with it. I'm not even going deep as the brother on here breaking it down wanting to know selections and how many was in the pool and all lol but just some basic info on said cross and maybe a few pics is good enough for me. Let me know that you know about what your selling me and not just cus you know the parents.

As for a male not being a winner on every female and vice here's I would think that's pretty common sense nature wise as with anything that reproduces. All genes are not gonna pair well several people have said the Oregon Lemons wasn't that great when they grow it but you don't hear people complaining about Dosidos or Rudeboi. Not saying Oregon Lemons can't produce something good but it's obvious it's not on the level of the Dosidos. I really won't question anymore cus I figured anyways he tested cus he talks of it royally but this is why I don't have have every breeder in stash cus I know I'm not getting to work put in as others. I will continue to get Archive gear
Bro your missing my point I never said he wasn't putting in the work cus I know he has always talked of testing offspring and stress testing males and stuff. I have told people about him doing this so it was just on the new Dosidos crosses I wanted to know about. I understand just cus someone doesn't let the world know what they are doing doing mean he isn't doing it but when your selling a product I as the consumer should have the right to know about the product your selling.

Think of Apple when new products come out for them you can find all the info about them weeks before you can buy. I'm not saying let the whole world know your plans before you get to working on the idea but once it's a done deal and product is gonna be sold I want info on it period. Nobody is wrong for wanting that info and in buying quality seeds it should come with it. I'm not even going deep as the brother on here breaking it down wanting to know selections and how many was in the pool and all lol but just some basic info on said cross and maybe a few pics is good enough for me. Let me know that you know about what your selling me and not just cus you know the parents.

As for a male not being a winner on every female and vice here's I would think that's pretty common sense nature wise as with anything that reproduces. All genes are not gonna pair well several people have said the Oregon Lemons wasn't that great when they grow it but you don't hear people complaining about Dosidos or Rudeboi. Not saying Oregon Lemons can't produce something good but it's obvious it's not on the level of the Dosidos. I really won't question anymore cus I figured anyways he tested cus he talks of it royally but this is why I don't have have every breeder in stash cus I know I'm not getting to work put in as others. I will continue to get Archive gear

@akhiymjames you and @Vato_504 buy beens and have collections of archive while there where $200. I have seen your designer og plants and they look good.

I have not really seen any grow longs on this mashup and yet your plants have not hermied.

I was about to start my French toast the other day (but started my Superstardawg x Appalachia )..
You know who website I respect Dynasty. Go look at his website and all his strains and look at his breakdown. He'll list every phenotype, what to expect, EVERYTHING. Is that to much to ask for if you're dropping $200 plus just becuase its have dosido in it. And if you think he tested everyone of those 20 plus strains you're the fool he looking for. I'm telling you and you don't have to believe me but if you pay attention to IG and yes IG matters that's the only reason he chucked dosi like that. I don't care what nobody says, he's sees what other breeders are doing with dosi so he must've felt like he's missing out on the money. Because before gromer, IHG, and a few others started putting out nice crosses with it dosi was so scarce. Now he's flooding the market. If you can't see that it's a money grab I have a beach front property in Nebraska for sale for $100.