Haha wow... so I think the definition of Atheism should be "Stubborn individual who believes they have the answer to everything and can never be wrong." Are you guys fuckin serious? Why dont you spend just one hour researching well documented cases of demonic possessions and exorcisms, then come and talk about shit that didnt really happen.
Why don't you go read about concepts such as burden of proof, standard of evidence, and rules of proper investigation. I have seen most of the atheists here repeatedly say they do not know everything. What I have seen you say is, these things (levitating, tongues possessions) are
unexplained therefore
they are explained by demons. For some reason hoax, fraud and mental illness never factor in. You seem to be the one with answers to everything and who can not be wrong, as I have yet to see you concede even one point. Fact is there are no well documented cases of demonic possession, unless you seriously changed the definition of the term 'well documented' to mean hearsay.
You are under educated and prone to magical thinking, yet to try to play it off as the rest of the world just being stubborn. This trick may fool your mind, it dose not fool ours. It's easy to see that in your mind being stubborn simply means disagreeing with you.