Are there ANY pure Sativas on the market?

4 places got ahold of seeds. Okay by me. 2 tested. 19% and 20%. The place that analyzed at 20 had a special on it a couple of weeks ago. 2 grams for $34 or 1/8 for $55. Limit 1 special per customer. I like how I can say I have seeds for it and NOBODY hits me up from these posts. Because they absolutely do not know.
I just read it. I'm down.
4 places got ahold of seeds. Okay by me. 2 tested. 19% and 20%. The place that analyzed at 20 had a special on it a couple of weeks ago. 2 grams for $34 or 1/8 for $55. Limit 1 special per customer. I like how I can say I have seeds for it and NOBODY hits me up from these posts. Because they absolutely do not know.
I wish we could find that in Oklahoma! I would gladly pay for that!
I have never found a decent sativa in an Oklahoma dispensary, so many around here don't know what they are missing!
The reason they’re charging double for it here is this strain runs 85 days easy before chop. That’s too long in every way for most growers. Much easier to drop something they chop in 56-63 days.
Intresting thread. Id just like to add to some of the discusion about costs of indca seeds vs sativa seeds. Some guys were saying well the sativa seeds take the same time to rippen. That actualy isnt always the case. Ive seen some pure landrace sativa seeds take quite some time before the shells fully ripen to colour An one other thing some proper sativas can take 8-9 weeks in flowering before even showing pistols properly. Add that to the sometimes 6-9 weeks it can take the seed to fully finish an you'l see making seeds from sativas can end up costing quite a bit more.
But some distributers are able to do cheaper prices by doing outdoor gorilla type grows or by going direct to the country of origin to the landrace farmers.
Make cobs with it.
You mean with corn husks, their traditional way of curing? To be honest I was super stoked to see them stack up so long and continuous. I had planned on doing that but the regular females finished airy and unimpressive. So they got my regular treatment. The feminized plants from seed fair finished much frostier, much tastier and more dense. Really nice buzz but just nothing exceptional about the flavors or aromas during smoking. Just my amateur 2 cents
You mean with corn husks, their traditional way of curing? To be honest I was super stoked to see them stack up so long and continuous. I had planned on doing that but the regular females finished airy and unimpressive. So they got my regular treatment. The feminized plants from seed fair finished much frostier, much tastier and more dense. Really nice buzz but just nothing exceptional about the flavors or aromas during smoking. Just my amateur 2 cents
Sativas are often airy and loose. One reason they do better in wet conditions as far as bud rot. Sativas are often lower THC as well but not always!
makes sense to me. seems like a bigger investment to breed without the returns to justify it. am I missing something wattzup?
The buzz. When I complain that modern cannabis all feels pretty much the same and doesn't even get me high after a week of smoking, people say things like, "Old timers are misremembering." "Take a tolerance break." "Modern strains are just more powerful"

All I can say is that you've got to smoke what we smoked to know.

As far as a good old-school sativa with fire, I just started an Ace Golden Tiger 3rd version. I'm really excited about this grow because I think this cultivar might be "the One." If it is, maybe I'll call it "Obama." I just recently found out about Ace and plan to try many of their varieties.

I'm also going to be doing a seed grow of Molokai Frost by Good Gear. I know it's not a pure sativa, but I hope a pheno hunt can find me a good old-school high. From now on, that's going to be my quest.
The buzz. When I complain that modern cannabis all feels pretty much the same and doesn't even get me high after a week of smoking, people say things like, "Old timers are misremembering." "Take a tolerance break." "Modern strains are just more powerful"

All I can say is that you've got to smoke what we smoked to know.
Modern breeding practices have caused this, it started with breeding in greenhouses and then high pressure sodium lights and now possibly led's too. Other factors of modern breeding also come into play. I am old I do not misremember, I know folks who never take a tolerance break, and newer crossings are not proving to be more powerful, there not strains only crossings.
Most sativa's of today are actually hybreds, all you have to do is look at the oldest pictures of sativa buds to prove it to yourself. Good original sativa's only came from a handful of places, anywhere else they were low grade. I have never been able to grow a good sativa indoors let alone breed them to be better. Others are now claiming to be able to do it, but most of what I see are hybreds, sativa's of old did not make big fat buds especially indoors.


