Are there thrips on this plant and is it a bad idea to


Have some lady bugs around all the time? I think maybe thrips because of the white spots on the leaves and lately I have noticed small black specks on the leaves when nothing should be on them. At first I thought it was just dirt but I am pretty careful about my cleanliness and sometimes I think I catch something white flying by my eyes. any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.IMG_00000163.jpgIMG_00000160.jpgIMG_00000158.jpg
Sorry if it's hard to see, the camera isn't very good and what I'm doing is using a magnifying glass to get more detail


Well-Known Member
treat everything with whatever product you use to control insects. In my opinion I feel that if you treat your plants like they are infested at the first sign of insects then you will never have to deal with a true infestation


Cool thanks you so much everybody for your feedback. I'll get some pics of the under side on the next light phase. I'm a newb so I'm probably a little over sensitive to everything. Thanks again everybody for the feedback, it's a nice feeling to know there's support out there :D


Here are some pics of the underside and a couple of holes I just found. I noticed a small one the other day but today on the other side I saw another one. Is it possible they were caused by a severe temp fluctuation? Or is it bugs?

On a side note I switched to GLR the other day and am excited to see you what happens :D
Thanks again for any opinions out there, I'll make sure I pay it forward with whatever I learn from my experience :D


Hey night owl here's some close up of the stems, how do they look? And thanks in advance for your help :D they look ok to my untrained eye but like djburns advised I'd like to deal with any bugs earlier than later :D Thanks again guys :D


Well-Known Member
Sorry I havent checked out your thread.

When I had a problem with thrips,I used a 30x scope on my infected plants and you can see ridiculously small golden droplets(looks like crystallized honey) on some parts of the plant stem and leaves.those are the eggs
if I had a higher powered scope at the time I might be able to give you a better description of the eggs.

but if you have thrips it will be obvious,the plants will look like crap possibly leaf curl a little bit,and there would be holes all over your leaves.
when thrips are hatched and matured,you can see them with your naked eye(they can grow to 1mm)

What I did to kill the thrips(not recommended if flower,only veg)
buy oil of oregano from a health store,mix a little with some neem oil and water,spray your plants.
and do it again 7-10 days later if you get every nook and cranny,and keep your grow room clean the thrips will die.

Sorry for the delay best of luck
and again don't do it in flower,will taste like crap