Are you a teabagger?

Are you a teabagger or what?

  • Yes I'm a teabagger

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • pretty far to the right

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Just a little to the right

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Naw, I just hate Obama

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • i'm just seeking attention

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
I don't know... I always thought that they ought to be called 'teabagees'. (That doesn't look right, how the hell would you spell that?). The teabaggers are the poiticians and the becks/limbaughs. Not that I'm any more fond of leftwingnuts who follow ideology in lockstep.
hmm because we need people like Maxine Waters, Ole Nancy Pelosi, or Barry Soetoro who are in charge of this country:clap: Libs , Republican.. I dont care, fire every single one of them and get back to the basics ,not taking over our companies,health care,jacking up taxes or the goverment give aways go to youtube and search the gems that are speaking for your lib policies and then tell me what you think, unless you just dont care? i dont need to show videos of some toothless ignorant man looking to belong go ahead and search for the ones in power who are dumber than the teabaggers...:wall:
i would tea bag pelosi ,does that count?

she kinda looks like an old mans testicle. :mrgreen:

come on medi wouldnt you rather be the guy dunking your nut sack in the establishments mouth

or be the establishment getting shweaty balls dunked into your gobbler?:bigjoint:

simple choice for me, i like me balls sucked:bigjoint: specially by the well to do establishment:bigjoint:
come on medi wouldnt you rather be the guy dunking your nut sack in the establishments mouth

or be the establishment getting shweaty balls dunked into your gobbler?:bigjoint:

simple choice for me, i like me balls sucked:bigjoint: specially by the well to do establishment:bigjoint:
I would agree. I was a little bit pissed about the comparison of Ms Pelosi's face and old mans balls. I'd like to think my balls are much more presentable than that picture, LOL.
I would agree. I was a little bit pissed about the comparison of Ms Pelosi's face and old mans balls. I'd like to think my balls are much more presentable than that picture, LOL.

hell yea i wouldnt put my balls in pelosi's mouth unless......

well now that i think about it, yes yes i would put my balls in her mouth,:-P it would be so nice and take pics of it and put it on protest signs,

"Pelosi is a closet teabagger, my balls are on her chin!"

but first she gonna have to take out dem denchures so she can gum my balls for a bit, these things aint gonna suck themselves ya know:-P

poor london,

didnt realize your liberal world would come crumbling down upon you so quickly did you?

I understand how you feel, i was surprised how they would bash Bush no matter what cost the country had to bare because of it.

our 2 parties have really hurt our nation and divided us exaclty how they planned.

there is no old wise man to lead us. dont look for him

its me and you.

poor london,

didnt realize your liberal world would come crumbling down upon you so quickly did you?

I understand how you feel, i was surprised how they would bash Bush no matter what cost the country had to bare because of it.

our 2 parties have really hurt our nation and divided us exaclty how they planned.

there is no old wise man to lead us. dont look for him

its me and you.
I kinda can see your point, but I never bashed Bush until his last term....He was my Commander-in-chief his first I at least gave him and his ideas a chance. Never saw that here !!!! but I do agree it is up to me and you...No man is an island and no man stands alone.

Yep this is what I thought it was.

You people that are tea baggers. You have the right heart, but you are unknowing fools.

You people that hate the tea baggers, you bought in to it as much as the tea baggers did.

To both groups. You are part of the 90%. Enjoy your life of television. Congrats.
Happens on both sides, take a video camera to any political event and youll find a bunch of zombified retards pulling talking points out of their ass and screaming about taxes when they dont know what else to say.

Its because these people are part of the 90% of everyone that is useless. How do you end a perpetual tug of war with retards and their televised coaches on each end?

The only thing I can think of is to destroy the TV. That or genocide. Not down with the latter.

The problem is alot of folks have gone so far to the left that it looks like we are miles apart, when in reality "right wingers" are not far from the middle.:bigjoint:

You hit the nail on the head. There aren't any Right wing extremists here - only people who look that way compared to the many Left wing extremists, like the guy who said he doesn't have a fair chance.

Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the
opposition to his proposal.


"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the
selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."


atleast when al capone kicked your ass he gave you money for the hospitol bill

its a bad idea for a person to lie through thier teeth when running for president about how non mainsteam & extream your real ideas really are

this guy sold us a cute hybrid minivan and is trying to stick us with a vespa scooter and no one wants it

and he wonders why?

because you are a liar,.......they never even wanted the vespa, thats why you had to lie to them remember Obama?

none of this is obamas fault its the the idiots who voted for him to be in office,

although he did lie tho so maybe legally its not thier fault

ya its his fault for lieing.
lol wow never heard this one. I been a lil out of the loop on Obama lately. While I agree with Obama here, I probably would not if we were fighting wars in defense of the United States.


Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the
opposition to his proposal.


"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the
selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."
