Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL!!!!!!!

it was a bullshit call and i wish the league refs would have been here since the beginning of the season.(not necessarily pre-season) there were WAY too many blown calls in this game and in general. there were like 3 pass interference calls on defense that were bullshit and a few holding calls as well as unnecessary roughness calls. a lot of free yardage both ways that shouldn't have been given out. the baltimore patriots game, FORGET ABOUT IT, horrible officiating.
Seattle played a tough game but they shouldn't of got the win.Jennings definitely had possession,tate just put his hands on it and fought under the pile and came up with it.Fuck the 12th man,last night Seattle had 13 if you count the refs.I'd be pissed if I was a Packer fan lol.....................Another thing if these bum ass refs still got a job on sunday they need to start reviewing pass interference calls cause this shit is getting outrageous.
it's not all the refs fault. Sure they're terrible but they were high school and small college refs, place some blame on the greed of the NFL owners.
Hey Einstein, Jennings had 2 hands on the ball and and pulled it in against his chest. Watch the replay again. Simultaneous catch my ass.

Absolutely right! There was no simultaneous catch, so the argument is irrelevant. Jennings clearly had two hands on the ball and brought it in. Tate had two hands on the ball in the scrum that was it.
You either need to get your eyes checked, or learn the rule.

And yes, us Packer fans are pissed.

See video. Just read all the recent posts. He clearly had two hands on the ball while in the air, but as the WR was on the ground it appeared both his hands were on the ball aswell and Jennings was not yet on the ground as you could see in the slow motion video, so there was no conclusive evidence to overturn the original call on the field as a touchdown. Goodnight.
Seattle played a tough game but they shouldn't of got the win.Jennings definitely had possession,tate just put his hands on it and fought under the pile and came up with it.Fuck the 12th man,last night Seattle had 13 if you count the refs.I'd be pissed if I was a Packer fan lol.....................Another thing if these bum ass refs still got a job on sunday they need to start reviewing pass interference calls cause this shit is getting outrageous.

Heres the problem with that statement. If we're gonna pull all the crappy plays, then you have to pull the greenbay touchdown drive that was handed to them on a bogus call against Seattle that extended the drive. It's totally unfair to just nitpick ONLY the last play. And how are you about to blame Seattle for inept refs dude? That's just silly talk. Of anything you should be thanking Seattle for gettig this ref lockout ended.

Also, it's going to be really funny when the regular ref get out there and blow a bunch of calls too. Now that the refs are under a spotlight we will nitpick the reg officials too.
wtf was green bay doing having only 12 points on the board. all this shit about the cathch and the packers werent up
30. packers are predictable. they will win 8 games at best.
Plus it's about time Seattle had a bad call go in our our favor. Remember Super Bowl 40? When the official PUBLICLY admitted blowing calls that affected the outcome of the game? Was the nation as pissed at Pittsburg as they are at Seattle? Nope. How about when Raplesberger went on letterman and admitted he didnt get over the line into the end zone? What the nation up in arms? No. If it had been the opposite, and greenbay got a questionable win like that would it have been as big a story? Highly doubtful. The fact is that greenbay is the darling of the nfl. That's the only reason it blew up like it did.
It's been quite the season already. I heard the refs won't make Thursday's game though, but I'm not sure. I hope so. But the end is nigh for the replacements. BACK TO FOOTBALL. THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE. Pretty much.

  • Hopefully we can make it to the damn playoffs at least!

It's been quite the season already. I heard the refs won't make Thursday's game though, but I'm not sure. I hope so. But the end is nigh for the replacements. BACK TO FOOTBALL. THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE. Pretty much.

They have to have the regular refs Thursday, or not at all during week 4. You can't have replacement refs do Thursday nights game with the scabs, then everyone else gets the regular refs. The whole week needs to have the same refs across the board for consistency. Plus bye weeks start this weekend, so yea it will be normal refs.
I grade the scabs out @ D minus ..they were sloppy ..the regular refs are not much better... grade them @ D plus ...I hope you all continue to call out bad officiating with these clowns too. That Calvin Johnson TD/no td last year was just as bad at this GB/Seattle blunder...I have seen games that I thought could be fixed in previous years with the awful officiating.
Plus it's about time Seattle had a bad call go in our our favor. Remember Super Bowl 40? When the official PUBLICLY admitted blowing calls that affected the outcome of the game? Was the nation as pissed at Pittsburg as they are at Seattle? Nope. How about when Raplesberger went on letterman and admitted he didnt get over the line into the end zone? What the nation up in arms? No. If it had been the opposite, and greenbay got a questionable win like that would it have been as big a story? Highly doubtful. The fact is that greenbay is the darling of the nfl. That's the only reason it blew up like it did.

Seattle had a big break in week 1 at Arizona, I was at that game and they were on the goal line and the shitty replacement refs gave them a extra time out! A extra time out in the 4th quarter at the goal line, that piece of shit call could have changed the outcome of the game if Seattle was able to score against AZ in the red zone, but they didnt and Arizona won.

See video. Just read all the recent posts. He clearly had two hands on the ball while in the air, but as the WR was on the ground it appeared both his hands were on the ball aswell and Jennings was not yet on the ground as you could see in the slow motion video, so there was no conclusive evidence to overturn the original call on the field as a touchdown. Goodnight.
This is the last time I will bring up last monday night's game because it's done and in the books but, wrapping your arms around someone who has possession of the ball is not a catch.
Again in case you missed it: It is not a simultaneous catch if a player gains control first and an opponent subsequently gains joint control.

Sure it wasn't the only bad call of the game but it was the last call and the worst call and definitely changed the outcome of the game and subsequently ended the ref lockout because it was that bad.
Seattle had a big break in week 1 at Arizona, I was at that game and they were on the goal line and the shitty replacement refs gave them a extra time out! A extra time out in the 4th quarter at the goal line, that piece of shit call could have changed the outcome of the game if Seattle was able to score against AZ in the red zone, but they didnt and Arizona won. didn't? What's your point?
Okay so I'm finally chiming in. I'm a Packer fan and i was LIVID when that call went the way it did. That was a group catch. M.D. Jennings HAD the ball. Little dip shit Golden Taint, I mean Tate grabbed it as he was coming down. Because of Tate grabbing for the ball, Jennings was not able to make contact with the ground to end the play as such. Tate was his ground.

That was again, Green Bay Interception.

That play, played out like one of your friends throwing you a beer and your other friend goes to grab it out of your hand when you already caught it and was in the process of opening it.

Luckily the real refs are back and we can go back to hating them. But for now we all love them.