Youre a sore ass loser cheese dick. You are a sad individual to blame Tate. All he did was fight for the ball, which is his job. You expect him to just roll over and give it to the guy? Pssshh ya right. Go call the whambulance. I doubt you would call the packer player a little shit if the roles were reversed.
That's not how debating works. You don't get to have your say and then tell me I can't have mine.
Don't tell me to I need to watch the game. I watched the game. And don't ever call me immature. Yes, the Seahawks manhandled the Packers in the first half, but the Packers made the adjustments in the second half and did what they had to do to win. That's why the game is decided after four quarters, not two. You can't sit there and say that if the Packers didn't get lucky on a PI penalty, that they wouldn't have scored again. Nobody can say that. I grant you that that was a bogus penalty, but if you want to talk about other bogus penalties (which I don't but you brought it up so...) how about that roughing the passer penalty (that negated an interception that easily would have set the Packers up for more points) and the PI call that set you guys up to win the game? See, we could go round and round with if, thens, and buts, but that is pointless. It makes the conversation much more convoluted than it needs to be.
But I agree that this is becoming a trite argument. I'm willing to move on if you are. But please don't insult me anymore.
Alright bud watch it. You're being awfully agressive with the cheese dick comment. Tate pushed off, yes the refs did not catch it, so yeah you're right i got over it. Despite your obvious belief, i do not believe all of the packers players are saints. I know that some of them are idiots. Bulaga on the O-line is the worst player they have ever drafted. I only mentioned Tate because of his obvious foul.
As far as the rest goes, Green Bay had the lead. If the call would have been correct that would have been the end of the game. The Offensive line is full of a bunch of idiots who can't get their heads out of their asses. The only one who seems to do anything is Saturday but that is seriously only because he can actually snap the ball and give it to Aaron without fucking up. That is the ONLY reason Saturday gets a nod from me. He's been bitched about while I'm watching games too.
I'm a CheeseHEAD first. Football Fan second. That botched call was an injustice to both. I will admit to being more pissed off about the NFL then the packers loss. Those refs were idiots. I am so very glad the real refs are back.
Ahh yes, you're absolutely right. I forgot that because we were talking about sports that I suddenly had to abandon all civility and resort to being a douche bag. If I'm a pussy because I want to have an intelligent conversation about football without resorting to insults, then so be it. I'll continue to strive for better conversation on the topic, while you go ahead and perpetuate the dumbass sports fan stereotype, deal? I'm sure there's plenty of other children here willing to engage you in that endeavor.This IS football talk, right? Don't be such a pussy. Ever been to game, and see how fans are talking shit all game? It's all in good fun. If you can't handle it you know where the door is.
Youre being awfully sensative for a football fan. Just another greenbay CHEESEDICK crybaby lol. Yes we call all agree it was a botched call, I never said it wasnt. But that shit happens all the time, and does affect the game.
But really though, it seems like a bunch of pussies around here rather than football fans. "oh your calling me names, boohoo!" come one guys.
Easy there girls , settle down now..this tickle fight is going nowhere back to the important shit....
Seattle 24...ram 13
Green Bay 27 ...Saints 24
Niners 31..jets 20
Cowboys 23..bears 20
Giants 34...eagles 17
Broncos 27...raiders 10
lions 37..vikings picks this week
Easy there girls , settle down now..this tickle fight is going nowhere back to the important shit....
Seattle 24...ram 13
Green Bay 27 ...Saints 24
Niners 31..jets 20
Cowboys 23..bears 20
Giants 34...eagles 17
Broncos 27...raiders 10
lions 37..vikings picks this week
...are going to get their asses handed to them. Da Bears!
Dallas is gonna win I'm pretty sure..
about that...