Arizona Audit!

'Audit' won't end it: Arizona Republicans plan more hearings, AG will investigate and Cyber Ninjas faces more questions

Senate Republicans’ plans for the election review included spinning the results forward to change election laws in time for the 2022 mid-term elections.

The Senate is likely to hold committee hearings and possibly recommend legislation before the Legislature gets back to work in January.

Two committees could take up the work. One is more favorable to Republican hardliners.

Back in June, while the hand recount was still going on at the State Fairgrounds, the Legislature passed a bill creating a “special committee on the election audit” - the Senate Government Committee, chaired by state Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita of Scottsdale.

Ugenti-Rita, a candidate for secretary of state, has said the election review was “botched.”

The law creating the special committee takes effect Wednesday. But the law is being challenged in court. A ruling is expected any day.

Fann has said the Senate Judiciary Committee will also play a role.

That committee is chaired by Sen. Warren Petersen of Gilbert, who issued the subpoenas for Maricopa County’s election materials and worked alongside Fann on the election review.

All five Republicans on the eight-member committee have questioned Biden’s victory.

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey tweeted Friday that any recommended legislation would have to wait until the Legislature’s regular session in January.

Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced his investigation of the election review’s findings based on draft reports leaked to the media Thursday.

“I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority,” Brnovich, who’s running in a crowded Republican primary for the U.S. Senate, said in a statement Friday.

Fann forwarded the election review findings to Brnovich with a cover letter that declared: “In the history of democracies - from ancient Athens until today - ours was the most detailed, demanding and uncompromising election audit that has ever been conducted.”

Fann’s letter doesn’t allege any specific crimes, so it’s unclear what Brnovich might investigate.

On another election front, Brnovich has been mum about his investigation of a pressure campaign by Trump and his allies, including Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward, to influence the Maricopa County ballot count and results.

The campaign is detailed in text messages and voice mails that were first reported by the Arizona Republic.

Two weeks ago, Maricopa County cut a deal with Senate Republicans that ended a standoff over the GOP demand for access to the county’s computer network routers.

The routers were the subject of intense speculation by election conspiracy theorists. They believed an examination of the routers would confirm that outside entities somehow gained access to the county’s computer system.

Under the deal, former Republican Congressman John Shadegg was named a “special master” to oversee independent computer experts, who will answer Senate Republicans' questions about the routers.

The county has agreed to pay for the router exam. As of late last week, according to a county spokesman, a contract with Shadegg detailing the cost of the work had not been signed.

Ed Novak, of the law firm Polsinelli, helped negotiate the deal with the Senate GOP, 12 News has learned. Shadegg formerly worked at Polsinelli.

Logan’s unfinished legal business

Cyber Ninjas' Doug Logan has put off complying with a court order to turn over review-related documents, citing its pressing work on the election review.

A watchdog group wants a judge to hold Fann in contempt for failing to turn over the Cyber Ninjas documents the Senate has in its posses.

House committee waiting on Logan

Logan has also refused to comply with document requests from the Democratic-controlled U.S. House Oversight Committee.
The committee has given him until Thursday to say whether he will voluntarily appear at a hearing on Oct. 7 to speak on Cyber Ninjas’ role in the election review.

Will DOJ come knocking?

The U.S. Department of Justice had warned Fann back in May not to engage in door-to-canvassing to question voters.

Cyber Ninjas had listed canvassing in specific precincts as one of its methods for investigating the election results.

The election review's draft report leaked to the media on Thursday shows Logan relied on the work of a canvasser. But all mentions of the canvasser were deleted in final reports released Friday.

Republican vs Republican

The election review gave us a preview of the intraparty battle among Republicans that could play out heading into the 2022 elections.

Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates, a lifelong Republican, has emerged as the leading voice among a very small number of GOP elected officials who have publicly taken on the promoters of election lies.

Before the findings were released Friday, Gates tweeted his support for board colleague Clint Hickman’s call for GOP Chair Ward to step down.

In an interview Monday on CNN, Gates conceded Ward was unlikely to listen:

“How likely do I think that is? Well, probably not too likely. But it's time for the Republican elected officials like myself to stand up and say enough is enough.”
Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.

Who Edited the Maricopa County Final Audit Report?
It has been reported that part of the Executive Summary has undergone some editing. A draft that was released by Patrick Byrne before the final presentation on Friday contained this passage:
In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost six times the margin of victory in the presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.
That last statement about certification was apparently edited out of the final report. If that’s the case, we would just like to know who was responsible for this change and why they did it, given the accuracy of the statements that preceded it. Do the reported results sound reliable to you? Really?

That last statement about certification was apparently edited out of the final report. If that’s the case, we would just like to know who was responsible for this change and why they did it, given the accuracy of the statements that preceded it. Do the reported results sound reliable to you? Really?

The Epoch Times has an updated report on what was presented Friday during the Arizona Senate hearing. It has details regarding the anomalies that were found. Highly recommended reading

Senate President Karen Fann sent a letter Friday to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, calling for further investigation and outlining her concerns about the following:
  • signature verification for mail-in ballots
  • voter roll accuracy
  • security of election systems
  • record-keeping of evidence after elections
Voter Fraud: 49K Questionable Votes Pending Probe In Arizona Audit
One America News Network reported that questions on the authenticity and legitimacy of election outcomes were raised due to the 49,000 votes that were discovered during the Arizona Senate Hearing held last Friday in Phoenix. The hearing reviewed the Arizona audit report that showed 23,000 votes came from people who have already moved to a new address.

"Ariz. audit report finds over 49k questionable votes, pending attorney general probe," OANN announced in Twitter.

The audit report on Maricopa County's canvassing was released early this month, showing 96,389 ghost votes--"anomalies" pertaining to mostly "dead voters--and 173,104 lost votes--"those votes where people voted but their votes were discarded."

The Executive Summary of the "Election 2020 Grassroots Canvass Report" actually rendered the said elections in Maricopa County "uncertifiable" due to "two primary categories of ineligible ballots and election mishandling, encompassing hundreds of thousands of votes."
Arizona Senate Hears of Multiple Inconsistencies Found by Election Audit
Arizona lawmakers were told on Friday during a hearing on an audit conducted in the state’s most populous county of inconsistencies uncovered during a forensic audit into the 2020 election.

Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, issued a letter on the same day to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich recommending further investigation following the audit’s findings. In the letter, she raised concerns over signature verification on mail-in ballots, the accuracy of voter rolls, the securing of election systems, and the record-keeping of evidence related to the elections.

According to the Cyber Ninjas’ final report, 23,344 mail-in ballots were received from voters’ previous addresses.

“Mail-in ballots were cast under voter registration IDs for people that may not have received their ballots by mail because they had moved, and no one with the same last name remained at the address. Through extensive data analysis we have discovered approximately 23,344 votes that may have this condition,” the report states.

Maricopa County refuted the allegation on Friday, saying, “Mail-in ballots are not forwarded to another address.” It also asserted that voting from a previous address “is legal under federal election law,” such as in the case of American military and overseas voters. The county also said it had 20,933 one-time temporary address requests for the 2020 general election.

And it goes on, more in the link.

Jack Sellers, Chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said in a statement in response to the Senate audit hearing, “The Cyber Ninjas’ opinions come from a misuse and misunderstanding of the data provided by the county and are twisted to fit the narrative that something went wrong.”

“The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of fraud!” he said in an emailed statement. “I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the fake news media.”

Trump added, “Until we know how and why this happened, our elections will never be secure. This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately.”

“Once again, these ‘auditors’ threw out wild, damaging, false claims in the middle of their audit and Senate leadership provided them the platform to present their opinions, suspicions, and faulty conclusions unquestioned and unchallenged. Today’s hearing was irresponsible and dangerous.”
Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Who Edited the Maricopa County Final Audit Report?

The Epoch Times has an updated report on what was presented Friday during the Arizona Senate hearing. It has details regarding the anomalies that were found. Highly recommended reading

Senate President Karen Fann sent a letter Friday to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, calling for further investigation and outlining her concerns about the following:
  • signature verification for mail-in ballots
  • voter roll accuracy
  • security of election systems
  • record-keeping of evidence after elections
Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 8.06.59 PM.png
'Absolutely false': Cyber Ninjas CEO slams pro-Trump website for claiming he said election shouldn't be certified
Ultimately, the Republican-backed "audit" of ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona fizzled out with no evidence of election fraud — indeed, the final report actually found more votes for President Joe Biden than county officials themselves.

But in some right-wing corners of the internet, the report is being hailed as proof of former President Donald Trump's "Big Lie" — to the point that Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan, himself a Trump supporter, was forced to step in and say that the report circulating on right-wing sites purporting to be the audit results is actually a hoax.

"A doctored version of Cyber Ninjas' draft report on the 2020 election contains false information, according to CEO Doug Logan," reported Jen Fifield and Ryan Randazzo for The Arizona Republic. "Logan, who led the ballot review for Arizona Senate Republicans, says he never recommended that Maricopa County's 2020 election be decertified, which is included in an edited version of Logan's report posted on far-right media outlet The Gateway Pundit. The edited version claims that '57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified in the audit' and, therefore, 'the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.'"

Logan clarified that this passage "is not one I ever wrote, nor was it ever part of our drafts reviewed with the Senate," and suggestions on right-wing websites that this was in the original report but watered down after threats from the state government are "absolutely false."

Some other Arizona Republicans have refused to accept that their own ballot review, after months of pursuing conspiracy theories, could not find fraud. State Sen. Sonny Borrelli said on Steve Bannon's show that claims the audit shows Biden won are "psychological warfare" and the election must be "nullified." Rep. Mark Finchem, who traveled to D.C. the day of the Capitol attack, claimed the report was "vindication." And state GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward has claimed a full audit of the entire state is now required.
Pullen: Draft audit report calling for decertification of election a fake
The draft in question is similar to drafts obtained by the Capitol Times and other Arizona media outlets the night before the audit presentation last week but includes several deviations from those drafts, including a statement advocating for election decertification in the executive summary – language that also did not appear in the final report presented by Cyber Ninjas to Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, and state Sen. Warren Petersen, R-Gilbert.

The draft – published alongside a Gateway Pundit article titled “Arizona Audit Final Report Was Watered Down” – includes the line “based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.”

“This is a fake document,” Senate audit liaison Randy Pullen said in a text message.

Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno, the lawyer behind a failed lawsuit alleging fraud in Antrim County, was one of the first individuals to circulate news of the draft on Twitter on Saturday.

“I have been told that Arizona attorney Cory [sic] Langhofer suppressed critical information from the audit report, including the statement that the election must be decertified,” DePerno posted, referring to Kory Langhofer, the Senate’s attorney.

Langhofer declined to comment. “I am not at liberty to comment on that because it’s privileged,” he said.

DePerno, who is running for Attorney General in Michigan, later shared a link to a post on the conservative blog Becker News that shares the same draft published by Gateway Pundit.

DePerno is no fringe player in pro-audit circles. Former President Donald Trump recently endorsed his candidacy for Michigan attorney general and Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, cited a memo he wrote to justify her argument that the legislatures have the authority to decertify national elections.
Fact Focus: Arizona election review spurs false claims online
More than 57,000 ballots cast in Maricopa County had serious issues and should have been disqualified.

The Facts
That’s not true. The number is calculated from a laundry list of misleading and debunked claims in a draft version of the report.

Claims that there were 57,734 ballots with "serious issues," that were "illegal" or that "should’ve been disqualified" are citing the sum of what a draft of the report called "Ballots Impacted." The draft itself noted, "In many cases there could be legitimate and legal votes within the Ballots Impact amount."

In fact, the three largest components of the total — all of the purported ballot issues billed as being either "critical" or "high" severity — are flawed.

One of the "critical" figures included in the total is 23,344 mail-in ballots cast by people who allegedly moved before ballots were sent out. But that number is based on a commercial database unrelated to elections, and it doesn’t mean something improper happened. Election officials explained many voters move to temporary locations while still legally voting at their registered address.

Another claim rolled into the total is that 9,041 voters were recorded as receiving one mail-in ballot, but returning two. However, Maricopa County said on Twitter that this occurs when a voter returns a ballot with a signature discrepancy — such as a blank or mismatched signature — and election officials contact the voter to resolve the issue. A second record is then created in the system. In those cases, of course, only one ballot is counted per voter.

The draft report also included the flawed claim that there were 10,342 voters who voted in multiple counties.

A few other claims debunked in the article.
Trumpskin can't get enough of winning.

Trump applies more pressure on Abbott to support Texas election audit
"Just heard Patriots are moving the Texas Audit Bill forward. Texas State Senator Paul Bettencourt filed Senate Bill 47, legislation that authorizes Texans to initiate a strong and real Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam—not a weak risk-limiting audit that is being slow-walked through the Secretary of State’s office. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a great guy, sent the bill to the State Affairs Committee the very same day, and it should quickly pass through the Senate. There is still time for the House to take up the issue in the Third Special session with House Bill 16," Trump said in a statement.

The former president went on to praise Patrick and Bettencourt "for listening to Texans who are demanding answers about Nov. 3."

"Everyone feels certain Governor Abbott will follow suit," the president said. "This will have a big impact on the upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections in Texas. Texas will always be red, but we must stop the cheating."

The statement is the latest in a back-and-forth between state officials and the former president over his demand to audit an election in a state he won by 630,000 votes.

Trump sent an open letter to Abbott last week demanding he support Texas House Bill 16, which was filed by Texas state Rep. Steve Toth (R).

Later that day, the secretary of state's office announced that an election audit would be carried out in Harris, Dallas and Tarrant counties, which Biden won, as well as Collin County, which Trump carried.

Trump, in turn, said Wednesday it was "a big mistake for Texas" to not pass audit legislation.

Abbott's office then said in a statement to the Texas Tribune that Texas is already conducting "the largest forensic audit in the country."

"We have all the tools necessary to conduct a full, comprehensive audit, and that process will address any irregularities and ensure all valid votes are counted," Abbott's spokesperson Renae Eze said.
When they get done with Texas and any other state full of trumptards they need to do an audit here in Oregon. There's no way trump lost Oregon. Massive fraud. The election was stolen. Blah blah blah...
Trump Hails Texas Audit Call: 'We Must Stop the Cheating'
Hailing the legislative efforts for a forensic audit in Texas, former President Donald Trump noted the work will help secure future elections in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 election, because "we must stop the cheating."

Trump wrote in a statement from his Save America PAC on Friday night:
"Just heard patriots are moving the Texas audit bill forward. Texas state Sen. Paul Bettencourt filed Senate Bill 47, legislation that authorizes Texans to initiate a strong and real forensic audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam — not a weak risk-limiting audit that is being slow-walked through the Secretary of State's office. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a great guy, sent the bill to the State Affairs Committee the very same day, and it should quickly pass through the Senate. There is still time for the House to take up the issue in the third special session with House Bill 16."
Trump noted the work to secure elections is not about the past one, but securing all future elections.

His concluded in his statement:
"I'd like to thank Dan and Paul for their bold leadership, and for listening to Texans who are demanding answers about Nov. 3. Everyone feels certain Gov. Abbott will follow suit. This will have a big impact on the upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections in Texas. Texas will always be red, but we must stop the cheating.
"Keep it up and get this bill over the finish line. Passing the audit bill will be a big win for Texas! Let's make sure the great people of Texas believe and trust their elections."
None of the election audits in states seek to overturn President Joe Biden's election. Texas' announced just a few hours after Trump released a statement telling Abbott that "Texans demand a real audit to completely address their concerns."


One county in one state had almost 4000 more votes than voters registered, and deleted over 1 million computer files a day before audits began in the Arizona audit process. (They are federally required to keep those records 22months) One county. One state. The other states in audit process all had more voters, than registered voters (more return ballots than sent out). We need to be able to know our voting process is secure. Currently, it is not.
Anything that brings attention to Democrats Cheating
in Big Democrat Cities and states
is worth it => Win, or Lose !
Although Trump's words won't change the outcome of his loss i'm glad he's brought light to the problems concerning voting . It makes you wonder how long it's been going on and what it's manipulated in the past to alter outcomes. It also exposes the left and what they're willing to do for a win . All i want is fair and legit whether or not my guy wins .
President Trump is the Greatest President America has had since President Lincoln and President Washington,,,,
They literally have videos of pollsters taking bins out from under tables in Georgia to run Fake biden votes to steal the election and still nothing. It’s crazy
There is no such thing as a little corruption, the way the democrats and activist judiciary state it. It's like being a little pregnant. Texas and Florida are leading the way.