Arizona Audit!

True. But I can't look at that pic without getting the tingles.

btw it is a pain in the ass right now to get an emergency plumber.

We are getting our foundation fixed and they busted a pipe.
Lol because plumbers are stretched out probably making a killing doing simple jobs.
That sucks. You'd thing whoever busted that pipe would source one and handle it
Lol because plumbers are stretched out probably making a killing doing simple jobs.
That sucks. You'd thing whoever busted that pipe would source one and handle it
Their guy is on vacation lol.

They were talking about having to call them back from it but we finally found someone. They are covering it, but still with 4 large dogs it is a giant pain in the ass to not have running water for a couple days. All the other companies were telling us it would be next week before they could get out.
Their guy is on vacation lol.

They were talking about having to call them back from it but we finally found someone. They are covering it, but still with 4 large dogs it is a giant pain in the ass to not have running water for a couple days. All the other companies were telling us it would be next week before they could get out.
Yikes. Hope they fix it with no more issues
Biden wins Arizona (again): Draft report of GOP election audit confirms president's win and widens his lead over Trump by 360 votes after 6-month process at a cost of $6MILLION
  • A Republican-commissioned review of more than 2million ballots cast in Arizona last year confirmed the accuracy of Biden's win in Maricopa County
  • Private contractors conducted the recount and the findings and the finalized version is set to be released on Friday
  • Audit confirmed Biden had 360 vote lead and that there are 'no substantial differences'
  • The audit lasted almost six months and cost $6million to conduct
  • Republicans are trying to downplay the draft by calling it 'only a partial report'
  • Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas have also called for a recount recently after being pressured by Trump
  • In a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Trump told him to support the election audit bill because 'I hear Texans want an election audit'
  • Election experts are advising Arizona's recount serve as a warning sign to other Republican legislators who have agreed to recount their ballots
The draft report concluded the count had 'no substantial differences' than the certified tally.

Hours before the draft was made public, Trump said in a statement: 'Everybody will be watching Arizona tomorrow to see what the highly respected auditors and Arizona State Senate found out regarding the so-called Election!'

'I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes. So we’re going to watch that very closely,' Trump told a crowd at Mar-a-Lago recently.

'And after that, you’ll watch Pennsylvania and you’ll watch Georgia and you’re going to watch Michigan and Wisconsin.'

Randy Pullen, a spokesperson for the ballot review, said the draft version was 'close' to the final report, but told the Washington Post there will be 'updates in the final report.'

'Was there massive fraud or anything? it doesn't look like it,' he told an NPR affiliate in Phoenix.

Maricopa County confirmed on Twitter the 'General Election was accurate and the candidates certified as the winders did, in fact, win.'

It also warned that 'the report is also littered with errors & faulty conclusions about how Maricopa conducted the 2020 General Election.'

Many Twitter users celebrated Biden 'winning Arizona for the 11,789th time,' with one user saying to 'got my popcorn ready.'

Maricopa's County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers (R) said in a statement that the findings mean 'the tabulation equipment counted the ballots as they were designed to do, and the results reflect the will of the voters. That should be the end of the story. Everything else is just noise,' he told the Washington Post.

Trump allies are already downplaying the draft report, saying it is 'only a partial report.'

Republican State Senator Wendy Rogers wrote on Twitter: 'I just talked to Doug Logan via phone. The leaked draft is simply a draft and is only a partial report.

'Tomorrow's hearing will render findings of great consequence. Then he said "god is in control". Please pray for our audit team tomorrow as they present their findings.'

Election experts are advising Arizona's recount serve as a warning sign to other Republican legislators who have agreed to recount their ballots, the Washington Post reported.

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas have all agreed to review their own 2020 election after responding to pressure from Trump.

'Every time Trump and his supporters have been given a forum to make their case, they have swung and missed,” said Ben Ginsberg, a Republican election lawyer who has criticized Trump's fraud claims.

Trump sent a letter to Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott on Thursday asking to 'act now' and issue a recount on the 2020 election ballots in the state.

The audited counties will include the major Democratic strongholds around Houston and Dallas, as well as Tarrant County, which for years has been the largest GOP-controlled county in Texas but went for President Joe Biden last year.

'Your citizens don’t trust the election system, and they want your leadership on this issue, which is the number one thing they care about,” Trump said in the letter to Abbott.

'Under existing Texas laws, the Secretary of State has the authority to conduct a full and comprehensive forensic audit of any election and has already begun the process in Texas's two largest Democrat counties and two largest Republican counties," a statement from the state read.
Looks like the circus is headed to Texas.

GOP-backed Arizona election review confirms Biden 2020 win
A copy of the document that Maricopa County had been given was provided to the Republic by Tom Liddy, litigation bureau chief of Maricopa County. Because Maricopa County did not receive it from the state Senate, he could not verify if it was from Cyber Ninjas, but an elections consultant who had a copy of the report verified that the document indicated the same findings the consultant had.

The results, according to the Republic’s draft report, could change once the final report has been presented to the Arizona legislature.

Arizona draft audit report shows Biden lead widened by 360 votes
In total, the audit found that Biden beat Trump by 360 more votes than previously recorded, according to the draft report. The official audit report is slated for release on Friday afternoon. A copy of the draft report was posted online by the political news outlet Arizona Agenda.

Despite finding Biden’s vote lead growing, the draft report out of Arizona recommends a series of legislative reforms “to provide additional certainty to elections going forward.”

One such recommendation suggests that lawmakers consider a measure that “links voter roll registration to changes in driver’s licenses or other state identification, as well as requiring the current voter rolls be validated against the United States Postal Service (USPS) National Change of Address (NCOA) at a predefined period prior to every election.”

The draft report also recommends that some issues — such as the presence of duplicate voter IDs — be investigated by the Arizona state attorney general.

"We did not run the election to prove Biden did not win but in order to find ways to make our elections more secure." "We will make it harder for Democrate voters to vote in the future to spank them for defeating President Trump with a senile old guy that never left his basement."
Trump blames media after Arizona audit finds Biden won
Former President Trump on Friday laid into the news media after a draft report of the 2020 election audit in Arizona reaffirmed President Biden’s victory in the state’s largest county and showed Trump with fewer votes than previously counted.

In a statement issued through his leadership PAC Save America, the former president called the audit report, which is slated for release on Friday afternoon, a political bombshell that “has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD.”

“Huge findings in Arizona! However, the Fake News Media is already trying to ‘call it’ again for Biden before actually looking at the facts – just like they did in November!” Trump said, invoking once again his baseless claim that the 2020 election had been stolen from him.

“This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately,” he added. “The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4:00PM ET. I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.”

I so want to see what this does to the people on Newsmax.
It's ok it happens

i cut the area between my thumb and index with a slightly serrated butter knife; it slipped when trying to open child proof extract and needed stitches. my choices were try to close it myself or RIGHTIE hospital. so i chose to do it myself; scar healed those butter knives; in retrospect it aimed right to the heart when it slipped, so i consider myself pretty lucky.
Trump blames media after Arizona audit finds Biden won
Former President Trump on Friday laid into the news media after a draft report of the 2020 election audit in Arizona reaffirmed President Biden’s victory in the state’s largest county and showed Trump with fewer votes than previously counted.

In a statement issued through his leadership PAC Save America, the former president called the audit report, which is slated for release on Friday afternoon, a political bombshell that “has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD.”

“Huge findings in Arizona! However, the Fake News Media is already trying to ‘call it’ again for Biden before actually looking at the facts – just like they did in November!” Trump said, invoking once again his baseless claim that the 2020 election had been stolen from him.

“This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately,” he added. “The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4:00PM ET. I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.”

I so want to see what this does to the people on Newsmax.

it's not do we know?

they're going to have to start having the UN come because the RIGHTIE will not believe this.
i cut the area between my thumb and index with a slightly serrated butter knife; it slipped when trying to open child proof extract and needed stitches. my choices were try to close it myself or RIGHTIE hospital. so i chose to do it myself; scar healed those butter knives; in retrospect it aimed right to the heart when it slipped, so i consider myself pretty lucky.

Sounds like you need a child proof butter knife. :mrgreen:
True. But I can't look at that pic without getting the tingles.

btw it is a pain in the ass right now to get an emergency plumber.

We are getting our foundation fixed and they busted a pipe.

my ex-husband had the main line break, you don't ever want that to happen.
Arizona Republicans to Release Findings of 2020 Election Audit
Arizona Republican senators who commissioned an audit of the 2020 presidential election will announce their findings on Friday, concluding an effort spurred by Donald Trump's claims of widespread electoral fraud.

The results of the "forensic audit" of the former president's performance at the polls in Maricopa, Arizona's most populous county, will be revealed in the state Senate at 1 p.m. local time (4 p.m. ET), five months after the Republican-led Senate launched it.

A wide array of election experts, Democrats, and some Republican officials have rejected the audit as a highly partisan boondoggle run by contractors without relevant expertise who are out to prove that Trump won last November.

According to an advisory for the event, the audit team will present the report to Senate President Karen Fann and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen, both Republicans who have spearheaded the election review. Media will not be allowed to ask questions at the hearing, which will be livestreamed, it said.

Already the non-republicans are trolling the MAGA bunch.