Arizona Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
All you have to add is calcium and magnesium.....thats what the ro process strips out.......and Master s my water bill is not much 150 max but that is not from my plants water usage not even half........I replace the regular filters every 6 months which is 15 bucks and the membrane once a year or year and a half for 35$......the only thing I notice is you don't have a the pressure tank or turn your water supply off your waste keeps throwing water out even when not filtering water....that did make my bill go through the roof.....until I fixed it,cut my bill in half...
Actually it takes everything.... Cal, Mag, iron, silica, copper, zinc ....etc. Cal/mag is mostly N and only add 2 minerals. A lot more are needed for healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
Hence why adding tap water to R/O water is cheaper and takes care of that ^_^ People will do much better not trying to grow in 0ppm R/O water.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read the same thing . I also read most of the soil ppl use come with nutes in it. I flushed mine. I had it set to wait another week think I will still.
you should start feeding in soil at 1/4 strength when the cotyledon (small seedling leafs) yellow off and die. your soil does not have salt based fertilizer unless i thas time release. what is has instead is organic nutrients (wormcastings, guano etc.) these are broken down by the microb eweb in your soil which naturally grows in the rhizosphere (root zone). once the plant gets big enough then you should start feeding with a salt based nutrient. (sensi grow, botanicare problend veg, gh flora micro and grow, fox farm grow big, etc.). you can also supplement your rhizosphere by adding beneficial (bushdoctor microbe brew, great white, voodoo juice, botanicare zho etc.). if you have any soil specific questions feel free to ask me i have been growing in soil for quiet a bit.

I have to use like 30 gallons a week. I bought a R/O system from Home Depot hooked it up and what not but fuck that noise the stupid thing only does like 20 gallons a day and is slow. So I went back to buying jugs from the Water and Ice store. In a couple months I will get a 200 gallon per day R/O system deionized they are about 250-300. I only pay like 7 bucks at the water and ice store to get six 5 gallon water jugs filled up.
I wont ever use AZ tap water sitting out to evaporate chlorine or not. The water in Phoenix is wackness I wont drink it so I wont feed it to my home girls either.
i agree with you 100%. they are also adding chloramine to the water now which never evaporates and creates many problems.

Before buying an R/O system look at the water waste amount and your water bill. The cost of the machine and cost of filter replacement constantly with so much use.

I did. My 64 feet of ebb/flow trays cost me $18/month at the water dispenser that also has a double UV filtration.
The R/O machine ends up costing $200/year for a cheap model plus the huge water bill monthly.
ahh but have you added in the additional cost of transporting the water, the time it takes you, what you could be doing otherwise with that time. etc. not to mentiion the added attention of bringin in more water than one could consume on a daily basis. i always tell people i have a fish tank, but i dont think anyone really believes that.

lots of growers use trash barrels the PPM in the water is low nothing can live in it so it stays good for a lil while.
i like to throw an airstone in mine keeps the O2 up and prevents anything from growing. something about stagnant water puts me off.
I was planning on using distilled water, is this an ok option?
yes. a little over expensive though. your best bet would be RO like MasterS and beav among other have mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Hence why adding tap water to R/O water is cheaper and takes care of that ^_^ People will do much better not trying to grow in 0ppm R/O water.
What would your advice be for a first timer growing all organic in roots organic soil? Thanks in advance

Edit.. just saw the great post above me! Thank you. Glad this came up!


Well-Known Member
Actually it takes everything.... Cal, Mag, iron, silica, copper, zinc ....etc. Cal/mag is mostly N and only add 2 minerals. A lot more are needed for healthy plants.
Cal mag + has all the stuff you need....or dolomite lime and epsom salt and other stuff to get what your plants need and I of course I know all the other stuff is removed as well but that wasn't my point, it is easily supplemented....and a good option for growing plants if you have hard water....I know I have been using them for many years.....


Active Member
Thx irieie I had the MG 6 month time release had it under a utility sink over night and had the water running at about 1/4 strength to flush the nutes cause the same soil killed my first plant. You can find the thread on my started thread. Needless to say that has made me over cautious.


Well-Known Member
a mix of 70-30 distilled-R.O one of the best flush's i ever had !!! distilled rocks for flushing but its hella expensive if you don't distill it yourself witch most of us don't.


Well-Known Member
JUST POSTED MY ORDER ON HTGSUPPLY! I listed it in the bullsh*t thread if anyone cares to take a look! Can't wait for the fun to begin!


Well-Known Member
mesa water SUCKS BALLS! very alkaline, it stinks and tastes terrible. i noticed a huge difference coming from phoenix to mesa. i got a $75 water filter and attached it to the kitchen sink. it's all good now. i use this water for drinking, seedlings/clones. other than that i just use tap water and adjust the ph with some PH down as needed.

my first couple of grows i used bottled water, i got over that real quick! :lol:


Well-Known Member
mesa water SUCKS BALLS! very alkaline, it stinks and tastes terrible. i noticed a huge difference coming from phoenix to mesa. i got a $75 water filter and attached it to the kitchen sink. it's all good now. i use this water for drinking, seedlings/clones. other than that i just use tap water and adjust the ph with some PH down as needed.

my first couple of grows i used bottled water, i got over that real quick! :lol:
the tap water in Tucson is very drinkable...not GREAT, but you can make a mean iced tea with it...


Well-Known Member
Beaver is gonna make me go hydro:P i JUST know it:P

All my hippie Norml friends will be so sad too:)
i did one hydro grow. i flipped them into flower, fed them and went to work. when i came home they were all dead. i over ferted. hydro is 10 times LESS forgiving than soil! if you like to fuss over your plants and don't mind a little extra effort, try hydro if you want. i'm soil all the way. it's damned hard to kill a soil grown plant. it's certainly doable, but you have to really fuck up bad! not just make one fert mistake.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I like getting RO from the stores...then I get to show off all my muscles carrying the 30 gallons of water to my truck ha ha :) yeah right! Shit blows! I'm with beaver. Investing in at least a 200gpd RO system. As much as I love carrying 100lbs of's starting to get real old :(


Well-Known Member
I like getting RO from the stores...then I get to show off all my muscles carrying the 30 gallons of water to my truck ha ha :) yeah right! Shit blows! I'm with beaver. Investing in at least a 200gpd RO system. As much as I love carrying 100lbs of's starting to get real old :(
Just make sure you wear your extra small muscle tee while doing this haha!


Well-Known Member
My first hydro grow. 3 plants. W gallon pots, 3 weeks veg. 6 oz finished.
My first soil. 5 plants. 8 weeks veg. 3 gallon pots, 3.5oz finished.

Conclusion, hydro is easier for me. I will only do soil outdoors with the great light in the sky. My tomatos seem to be fine, my cannabis show me I'm soil retarded.

i did one hydro grow. i flipped them into flower, fed them and went to work. when i came home they were all dead. i over ferted. hydro is 10 times LESS forgiving than soil! if you like to fuss over your plants and don't mind a little extra effort, try hydro if you want. i'm soil all the way. it's damned hard to kill a soil grown plant. it's certainly doable, but you have to really fuck up bad! not just make one fert mistake.

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
Oh man, the images my mind is coming up with.. Grunting extra loud when walking by groups of ladies lmao
Yeah right I'm not an animal, IM A BEAST! I usually ask where the water machine is after my jugs are filled just so them ladies can see the muscles bulging out ha ha ha totally kidding just for laughs ha ha :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah right I'm not an animal, IM A BEAST! I usually ask where the water machine is after my jugs are filled just so them ladies can see the muscles bulging out ha ha ha totally kidding just for laughs ha ha :)
"do you know if the water machine is that way (awkwardly showing muscles while pointing)"