Arizona Growers Thread

No one will know how dispensary licenses will be handed out until the rules are written. It looks like the state is going to make t as hard as possible on patients, remember, we already voted in medical marijuana twice in Arizona and they figured out a way to screw us each time. Be sure to have everyone you know read and comment on the proposed rules.

No one will know how dispensary licenses will be handed out until the rules are written. It looks like the state is going to make t as hard as possible on patients, remember, we already voted in medical marijuana twice in Arizona and they figured out a way to screw us each time. Be sure to have everyone you know read and comment on the proposed rules.

I agree.. the more people are involved with commenting on the proposed rules the more likely the new law will be more beneficial to everyone. If no one gets involved the people that know nothing about marijuana will make it the way they want it to be made...
Check out the proposed rules and comment please....
He clones plants...
I know what he meant... But I wanted him to explain how he could help.... I have google and could have looked up the definition if I didn't know what it means... But thanks... I want to know what he knows....
Plant tissue culture? explain a little...

The ability to take a single cutting and, over the course of several weeks or months, generate tens to tens of thousands of plants, depending upon many factors. Rather than adding plants in a serial fashion (cutting -> rooted cutting -> plant), tissue culture can take a cutting and produce callus that in turn can be proliferated into many plants. This allows one to generate large numbers of plants with relative ease, and in a small area.

Given that there has been some discussion that it will be difficult for dispensaries to meet the initial demand for material- and that this horse race is going to need a giant kick-start if the bills are going to get paid- a tissue culture lab would be a valuable asset in this field.

It also has other benefits, including the ability to maintain male lines in perpetual subculture without throwing any pollen. Similarly, once plants are in sterile culture, they can be used to prepare polyploids: multiplying the chromosomes in order to develop more robust plants.

FWIW, the material I'm used to working with in axenic culture typically runs $100,000/kg, so high-value crops aren't exactly new to me.
The ability to take a single cutting and, over the course of several weeks or months, generate tens to tens of thousands of plants, depending upon many factors. Rather than adding plants in a serial fashion (cutting -> rooted cutting -> plant), tissue culture can take a cutting and produce callus that in turn can be proliferated into many plants. This allows one to generate large numbers of plants with relative ease, and in a small area.

Given that there has been some discussion that it will be difficult for dispensaries to meet the initial demand for material- and that this horse race is going to need a giant kick-start if the bills are going to get paid- a tissue culture lab would be a valuable asset in this field.

It also has other benefits, including the ability to maintain male lines in perpetual subculture without throwing any pollen. Similarly, once plants are in sterile culture, they can be used to prepare polyploids: multiplying the chromosomes in order to develop more robust plants.

FWIW, the material I'm used to working with in axenic culture typically runs $100,000/kg, so high-value crops aren't exactly new to me.
Wow... I have been thinking alot about getting into this field... I was thinking everyone and their brother wants to grow marijuana simple for the buds... So in my opinion there will be alot of dispensaries that are overwhelmed with growers.. But as far as having a good supply of clones, I really don't know... I imagine that there are not a lot of people that are producing clones in a large scale.. Correct me if I am wrong..
Wow... I have been thinking alot about getting into this field... I was thinking everyone and their brother wants to grow marijuana simple for the buds... So in my opinion there will be alot of dispensaries that are overwhelmed with growers.. But as far as having a good supply of clones, I really don't know... I imagine that there are not a lot of people that are producing clones in a large scale.. Correct me if I am wrong..

I agree- that's the correct assessment. Conventional practices (seeds and cuttings) have been used for many years, with great success. It would take a particularly large operation to demand a tissue culture facility, but TC is used even for ornamental crops, such as those found at the hardware store (Venus' flytraps), orchids at Trader Joe's, and the majority of poinsettias are tissue cultured. Of course, even a large poinsettia at the store costs less than a single, small rooted cutting of, say, AK-47 (as gauged by Craigslist ads in California, where there is a substantial trade in propagules).

So, if ornamentals can be produced for sale for under $1 on the wholesale market, one imagines what can be done with cannabis. However, due to scaling issues, it would be unlikely that cannabis would ever drop to such a low price.

However, I would like to avail my services in the event that a large-scale producer were to require such, or that a particularly determined grower would call for an effort to have polyploids produced, that sort of thing. Just another day at the office. :)
I agree- that's the correct assessment. Conventional practices (seeds and cuttings) have been used for many years, with great success. It would take a particularly large operation to demand a tissue culture facility, but TC is used even for ornamental crops, such as those found at the hardware store (Venus' flytraps), orchids at Trader Joe's, and the majority of poinsettias are tissue cultured. Of course, even a large poinsettia at the store costs less than a single, small rooted cutting of, say, AK-47 (as gauged by Craigslist ads in California, where there is a substantial trade in propagules).

So, if ornamentals can be produced for sale for under $1 on the wholesale market, one imagines what can be done with cannabis. However, due to scaling issues, it would be unlikely that cannabis would ever drop to such a low price.

However, I would like to avail my services in the event that a large-scale producer were to require such, or that a particularly determined grower would call for an effort to have polyploids produced, that sort of thing. Just another day at the office. :)
I imagine the demand will come soon my friend...
Im up in the Surprise area.. I been growing under the radar for awhile.. I am interested in joining forces with serious people. I want to be the "Infuser" or the guy that has the dispensary. Hit me up and lets see where we need to go from here.
Hey MX, I'm interested. How do we get together? Bob
Hey there AZ, just thought I would stop in and say Hi! there seems to be a lot of confusion around here lol. I thought this was a growers thread.
So how many people here plan on being a caregiver/patent combo and rocking out 72 plants?! I know I personally will be all over it! DWC tanks covering the floor...4000 watts per room and empty bottles of Dutch Master filling my trash cans!! Can't wait!
Hey Freak,
Hi back. I agree with you re: the confusion ...but I still would like to communicate with others in the Phoenix area who want to grow. I want to be a grower, but I am not a patient candidate. Maybe after the regulations are in place we can discuss if there is any synergy to be had with locals getting together.
All the best, Bob
howdy arizonans!

i wish you luck.

i've been growing in phoenix for a very long time. i'm not telling anybody anything. i would like to grow for those in need but i'm not having anybody up in my business and man is the state going to be peeping into everything when it comes to the growers. i know these clowns. the chances of them not complicating the hell out of this is zero.

i also keep in mind the very slim margin it passed by. it could be taken away with another election cycle! i'd rather the state not know that i have a gift for growing reefer! :)
I have noticed much hostility in the az thread. i know its hot down here and tends to make us all cranky, but we are all after the same goal here. i think we should put our heads together and stop bickering. imho. cbb