As Donald Trump’s Popularity Dwindles, Bernie Sanders’ Surges

You are very stupid. You got Trump elected.
Sanders didn't win the primary. So like a little bitch. You did everything in your power to get Trump elected.
You're a broken record and repetition still doesn't make you right. Yet you're a typical American; instead of taking responsibility for backing a bad play, you spend twice the effort running around trying to blame someone else.

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You're a broken record and repetition still doesn't make you right. Yet you're a typical American; instead of taking responsibility for baking a bad play, you spend twice the effort running around trying to blame someone else.


What's sad is it's true. Sanders supporters probably did swing the election to Trump.

Here's How Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Ultimately Voted For Trump

By this data, yes — there are enough of those Sanders-Trump voters who could have potentially swung the election toward Clinton and away from Trump.

Specifically, if the Sanders-Trump voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania had voted for Clinton, or even stayed home on Election Day, those states would have swung to Clinton, and she would have won 46 more electoral votes, putting her at 278 — enough to win, in other words.

I think many of those Sanders supporters that went for Trump were actually Republicans trying to weaken the Democratic Ticket. The Sanders supporters I hate are the ones who Kept attacking Clinton after the primary was over, OR told everyone to write in Sanders or vote 3rd Party OR told people to stay home.

Also include to the above 3 Kinds of Sandtards I abhor. Count Sandturd supporters Like Pad, Tty and Schuwhore who posted up 30 years of debunked Clinton scandals or any Russian propaganda they could find all the way up to the election.

These Bernshits even have gone so far as to say they prefer Trump over Clinton because WE deserve it.
Repetition doesn't make you right, but you have proven to be immune to the truth. Whoever brainwashed you did a great job!
Perfect delusion; you spout internally contradictory nonsense and expect an intelligent response.

Why did you implore everyone not to Vote for Clinton last year almost to the day before the election and not think that damaging the democratic nominee for President wouldn't lead to a Trump victory?

Why did you say you would prefer a Trump presidency over a Clinton presidency?

Who is the delusional fucking liar?
Repetition doesn't make you right, but you have proven to be immune to the truth. Whoever brainwashed you did a great job!
So you think Sanders supporters who went for Trump weren't Republicans to begin with?

Or are you saying Sander supporters who went for Trump are little bitches like you who didn't get their way and wanted to Hurt everyone who didn't support the lifetime politician from Vermont?
Why did you implore everyone not to Vote for Clinton last year almost to the day before the election and not think that damaging the democratic nominee for President wouldn't lead to a Trump victory?

Why did you say you would prefer a Trump presidency over a Clinton presidency?

Who is the delusional fucking liar?
Maybe because I don't believe that a Democratic Party President will do anything to help me, just like the last several of them didn't.

I'm not lying and I'm not deluded. If you don't believe anything I say, feel free to verify it yourself. You're the intolerant extremist in this conversation, as evidenced by your obsessive blaming of anyone who doesn't conform to your twisted, self limited (and therefore deluded) worldview.
So you think Sanders supporters who went for Trump weren't Republicans to begin with?

Or are you saying Sander supporters who went for Trump are little bitches like you who didn't get their way and wanted to Hurt everyone who didn't support the lifetime politician from Vermont?
I've said several things, all of which are verifiable facts; first, that fewer Sanders supporters went for Trump than Clinton supporters went for McCain in 2008. Second, that Mrs Clinton did not put forth a platform that was attractive or convincing for the middle class- so they stayed home in droves. Third, that people can vote for whomever they want and it's batshit crazy extremists like you who attempt to blame them for people they didn't vote for. You want to blame the Trump presidency on someone? Try his base, stupid.
I've said several things, all of which are verifiable facts; first, that fewer Sanders supporters went for Trump than Clinton supporters went for McCain in 2008. Second, that Mrs Clinton did not put forth a platform that was attractive or convincing for the middle class- so they stayed home in droves. Third, that people can vote for whomever they want and it's batshit crazy extremists like you who attempt to blame them for people they didn't vote for. You want to blame the Trump presidency on someone? Try his base, stupid.

it is impossible to believe a thing you say until you acknowledge that you are easily duped by blogs with conspiracies.
So you think Sanders supporters who went for Trump weren't Republicans to begin with?

Or are you saying Sander supporters who went for Trump are little bitches like you who didn't get their way and wanted to Hurt everyone who didn't support the lifetime politician from Vermont?
'little bitches', huh? No shaming framing there!

Maybe they were members of the largest political constituency in America; 'Independents', those who were voting for change they didn't see in anyone else in the ballot.
I've said several things, all of which are verifiable facts; first, that fewer Sanders supporters went for Trump than Clinton supporters went for McCain in 2008. Second, that Mrs Clinton did not put forth a platform that was attractive or convincing for the middle class- so they stayed home in droves. Third, that people can vote for whomever they want and it's batshit crazy extremists like you who attempt to blame them for people they didn't vote for. You want to blame the Trump presidency on someone? Try his base, stupid.
You were one of the assholes telling people to stay home.
Repetition doesn't make you right, but you have proven to be immune to the truth. Whoever brainwashed you did a great job!
There is nothing wrong with repeating the truth. There is plenty of information that backs up Chezus claim that Bernie supporters could have turned the election to Trump.

You and other Sanders supporters adopted right wing propaganda against Clinton and the Democratic Party as your own then endlessy repeated them. This is another truth that bears repeating.

"Corrupt Democratic Party"

"Crooked Hillary"
Good reference to what was said earlier.

What a big stinking pile of guilt trip baggage this is.

I have every right to vote my conscience.

I will not accept any responsibility for such a turn of events just because I didn't vote for Shillary.

So you go right ahead and vote for 'more of the same'. I'm not doing it. And I won't feel a damn bit guilty about it, either.

The following is as true today as it was then

The Racist Roots of Bernie’s Sexist Tree


A prime example of this entitlement is the “Bernie or Bust” movement to either a) not vote at all or b) vote for Trump if Hillary wins the nomination. “Bernie or Bust” is a stance based on privilege, since the sexist, racist policies of Trump will hardly affect their white male lives.Over 58,000 people have pledged to write-in Bernie’s name in the general election if he loses the Democratic nomination. They describe themselves as “Revolting against Plutocracy.” Ironically, in reality, their stance will (as Bill Maher said) “help elect a plutocrat (Trump) who is revolting.”

You're one of the assholes telling people that Democrats are any improvement.
Do we need to list Trump's and the Republican Congress's actions to prove you wrong again?

For one very small thing, you seem to forget which party drew up an adminstrative ruling that enabled CO to legalize what you love to do. Just because you can't count past 12 is no reason to deny the progress that ruling enabled.

I'm pretty much chafing about Rumps retrograde actions about fossil fuels.

There is a pretty long list of important differences between Democrats and Republicans, privileged white boy.
Neither are good, which is why I advocate for a Sanders Presidency.

You're a special kind of idiot. It's people like you that perpetuate the problems we're having.
You advocated for a Trump presidency when Sanders lost. You did that by telling people to stay home, write in Sanders ah Fuck it. You already know what you did. You are just as bad as Rob Roy.