Strawman, which seems to be all you've got these days.I've been reading your posts lately and you bleat like rejected teenager. I merely reminded you that "give me Bernie or we'll give you Trump" is basically a talking point of yours. It's also one of an entitled white boy who isn't going to be affected by Trump's regime in the same way that others are and strikes out against others if he doesn't get what he wants.
So, yeah, that's a pretty shitty attitude you have, man.
the Buckwit ball washer contingent.
Make the Republicans impeach him.
Rabble rousing? Brutus never rose to prominence.the fact that i have the nazi right and the retard left both angry at me means i am doing something very right.
Better then hildog ever could ......Strawman, which seems to be all you've got these days.
I have the right to speak my mind and vote for whom I like.
As ever, the best you can manage is a lame personal attack, without substance.
A classic Hallmark of the Buckwit ball washer contingent.
Better then hildog ever could ......
Give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump.Strawman, which seems to be all you've got these days.
I have the right to speak my mind and vote for whom I like.
As ever, the best you can manage is a lame personal attack, without substance.
A classic Hallmark of the Buckwit ball washer contingent.
Bernie lost.
I guess it's possible for the faithful to believe that.but if bernie didn't lose then bernie would have won
go to hell
I've been reading your posts lately and you bleat like rejected teenager. I merely reminded you that "give me Bernie or we'll give you Trump" is basically a talking point of yours. It's also one of an entitled white boy who isn't going to be affected by Trump's regime in the same way that others are and strikes out against others if he doesn't get what he wants.
So, yeah, that's a pretty shitty attitude you have, man.
stupid man..the best part of ignore is them not knowing they're on it. you don't tell them, they continue to act the fool for no one.
Since you like my ignore list so much..back you go!
No you're still on ignore, Cheezy.
do you lie about everything ?@Harrekin
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February 1st
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Yeah, being intelligent and phrasing things properly is pompous...only to a dumb cuck though.what a pompous moron..'i merely reminded you'? no wonder you're alone..ben carson.
She got the stupid man part you lie about everything ?
Who the fuck is that last dude? Haven't seen them around?do you lie about everything ?
Give me Bernie or I'll give you Trump.
Bernie lost. Clinton beat him. Your threat is made to the majority of the Democratic Party who voted for Clinton. You are butthurt because you didn't win but Bernie didn't deserve to. Suck it up buttercup.
Oh just stfu, seriously.clinton cheated therefore is disqualified.